Kontinwazzjoni tas-serje aquamoth, din id-darba ma filmat minn Science Friday! Iva, Għandi ngħaqqadha għax wordpress mhux se jinkorpora… Grazzi Ted, dehret!
Parti Aquamoth 3Kontinwazzjoni tas-serje aquamoth, din id-darba ma filmat minn Science Friday! Iva, Għandi ngħaqqadha għax wordpress mhux se jinkorpora… Grazzi Ted, dehret! 2 comments to Aquamoth part 3 |
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Did you try VodPod?
Ooh, THANK you for having that video (wanted that) which encouraged me to go get and embed it, my FIRST video in my blog. And all for Dan, so that’s extra fun.
I figured I’d like your blog when I saw the title. Gorgeous moths, btw. Ara naqra. Crazy antennae.