Fuq weekend twil I ser tkun fil-qasam. Soġġorn sintonizzat għall-istejjer inkredibbli (ebda hype hawn…).
Filwaqt li jien bogħod igawdu ġej minn bloggers oħra eċċellenti:
- Ted MacRae juri l- ilbies xieraq tal-qasam. Just dwar kif I ser tħares għall-jiem li ġejjin.
- Esplora l-Foresti tropikali Queensland ma David Rentz.
- Identifika din il-kamla għalija fuq Biobabbler.
- Ara jekk reġgħetx nilġ Il-Geek.
- Aqra dwar għaliex I għandu jkun mixi lejn Arizona fuq Myrmecos.
- Esplora tiegħek naħa liberali bla Alla u ħabta stħarriġ ma PZ fuq Pharyngula.
- Ipproteġi lilek innifsek kontra woo on Mediċina Xjenza Ibbażat.
- Jew, tesplora l-univers ma’ Phil Plait.
And if you’re looking to explore a world where facts don’t matter, check out these blogs:
- Monsters still live under your bed over at the Cryptozoology blog.
- I knew that lumberjack needed a shave (bigfoot).
- Show me where the alien touched you on this doll, timmy.
- Who knew your own breath in front of your camera could be a ghost?
- ok, that’s enough.
YOU are the MAN! =) 1,000 grazzi! Happy travels–psyched to see what you come up with!
Where you goin’? What you lookin’ għall? Can I go?
Xorti tajba! 🙂
I was over in western Arizona hunting for microleps. The trip was pretty successful, and I will have a few photos to share. Just have to find the time to process…
The eternal problem!
Ħej, can I use one of your posts for the upcoming issue of The Moth and Me? Any preference which one?
Dażgur! I actually just sent you a message about that…must be moving slowly through the “tubes and pipes”.