Díreach cúpla íomhánna de leps California coitianta, a glacadh ar feadh an raon chósta in aice le Santa Cruz cúpla seachtain ó shin. Ag tosú ag obair ar mo bhealach a dhéanamh tríd roinnt riaráiste grianghraf…
Euphydryas chalcedona
acmon Plebeian
acmon Plebeian
Ethmia arctostaphylella ar Eriodictyon sp.
One interesting note on Ethmia arctostaphylella – the name is a misnomer, it does not actually feed on Arctostaphylos (Manzanita). At the time of description in 1880 Walsingham had found larvae pupating on leaves of manzinata and assumed it was their host plant. In Jerry Powell’s stunning monograph of the group he indicates this moth was reared from Eriodictyon – which happens to be the flower the moth is perched on. The two plants grow side by side, and it’s pretty easy to see how a wandering caterpillar finds its way onto a neighbor.
Wonderful nostalgia for me living 12,00 km away.
Good one.
Those are some great shots of the Lycaenid.
Nice shots Chris.
Thanks for the feedback! Don’t hesitate to offer constructive criticisms either, still pretty new to insect photography.
Oh, Golly! Pardon linguistic trip back to 1945 but WOW those are great pics. Biobabbler is speechless except for THANKS for sharing those amazing shots.