Over the next week and a half I’ll be driving up to Washington state for the annual Lepidopterists’ Հասարակության ժողով. It is located in the tourist-trap town of Leavenworth, which is a “Bavarian themed” diorama of postcard and clog shops. While I can never quite understand the appeal of themed towns, it is something Americans just love. Հեչ, I lived in Solvang for two years (Ստորեւ), so Leavenworth will be a nostalgic remembrance.
Now of course I’ll be camping and collecting along the way, so my posting will dip below the already slow norm. I’ll try to post some updates form the road, especially when incredible things happen*. Stay tuned, and enjoy the other spectacular bloggers from my blogroll.
* Which they undoubtedly will. Իհարկե, I know I promised this from my last road trip to Arizona and have yet to deliver. I’m working on it!
Stop by for a beer if you have a chance on your way back south!
Ugh I wish thats how the route worked! Բայց, I was just the passenger so I didn’t draw up the plans.
Սակայն,, the pacific slope Lepidopterists’ society meeting for next year will probably be in Corvallis!