რამდენიმე თვის წინ ვიყავი შეგროვება დასავლეთ Arizona და ვერ შეასრულა ნებისმიერი გამოსახულება ან განახლებები რომ მოგზაურობა. კარგად, ეს იყო წარმატება და კარგად ღირს მილის იქ! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks to the Kofa staff for quickly approving my permits). While I’m still sorting through moths from that trip, the timing couldn’t have been better weather wise. It was mild out (mid 90’s is almost cool for that region!) and still wet. As you can see below, there were plenty of moths that night. Here are a few images from the trip… now to catch up with my latest photos!
This is as close to the Big Horn Sheep as I could get…
Holy moly! Quite the haul!
No offense, but it looks like those moths are on a bbq grill! What is that thing?
Haha it’s the bed-liner of the tailgate on a pickup… and the metal handled thing is a sorting screen that comes out of my moth trap!