Non estou moi seguro de se me venden neste tema. Estiven comprando un novo aspecto, e estou dando “vinte e dez” un intento. Faime saber a túa opinión – se pensas ou non que é mellor que o deseño anterior “brumoso”, ou se hai outro deseño que che guste. Sexa máis crítico (especialmente porque non tiña nada que ver con estes deseños prefabricados).
Ben – non lle gustou moito o tema novo, volveu á probada e verdadeira néboa. Sempre podo esperar un futuro que se adapte un pouco mellor a esta páxina.
Grazas pola entrada (especialmente para algúns recibidos fóra do blog).
I’ve been struggling with the theme thing as well. This choice of yours looks quite sharp and is easy to read. I like the header size and the navigation bar, but I find the bold post titles and the black frame around the header and navigation bar a bit heavy.
If you’re at all comfortable with fiddling with web code, you could always purchase the CSS upgrade and modify a theme to suit your particular ideals. It’s what I ended up doing for mine. In my case it was mostly just the header I wanted to modify, but if you want to go all out you can change pretty much everything from colour scheme to column widths to font styles.
I wouldn’t call myself comfortable, but maybe naively willing. It’s the same sentiment that made me think I could re-wire my collecting lights (only get shocked on occasion). But I do love what you did with your banner, and it’s a great idea to have a custom blog format!