Ma este, ha te vagy a San Francisco, meg kell tenni az utat a Showdogs bar (közel a Soma) A szkeptikusok a kocsmában a tiszteletre méltó James Randi! Én leszek a részvétel, és néhány fickó rovartudós barátok. Try this facebook link – de ha ez nem sikerül, A rendezvény 21:00-kor kezdődik.
If you’re not in SF, enjoy some Randi videos instead!
Good one. But there will always be the believers. Never Give A Sucker An Even Break!
Szomorúan, the believers will always believe in the crazy. But they are pretty much a lost cause – it’s the larger mass of people that sit on the fence or are just ignorant that can be educated! (remélhetőleg)
Good one. But there will always be the believers. Never Give A Sucker An Even Break!
Szomorúan, the believers will always believe in the crazy. But they are pretty much a lost cause – it’s the larger mass of people that sit on the fence or are just ignorant that can be educated! (remélhetőleg)
wow. That Johnny Carson episode is TENSE. =) Great work.
wow. That Johnny Carson episode is TENSE. =) Great work.