Perhosia oluelle

(Luotto: David Cappaert,


Jos satut asumaan Yolossa, Solanon tai Sacramenton läänissä sinun kannattaa lähteä verkkoon. Tohtori. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. Jos olet ensimmäinen, joka saa kaalivalkoisen (Koko San Franciscossa luku oli ennätys invasive) before Dr. Shapiro he will buy you a pitcher of beer! You have to deliver the specimen alive to the receptionist in the Department of Evolution and Ecology to confirm the identification (I assume to prove you didn’t just save last year’s dead butterfly and cheat).

Over the last 30 years the butterflies have been emerging earliertwo weeks on average now. You better hurry, the first cabbage white of 2010 was collected on January 27th.

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