vay, Mən ilk 'blogoversary' buraxılmış kimi görünür! Bazar ertəsi 21 mənim blog üçün bir il dönüş nöqtəsi oldu; və mən sizin bütün mənim ramblings bəzi mübadiləsi ötən il sərf etmək olduqca xoşbəxtəm. I’ve somewhat lost track of how many hits I’ve had since I moved everything over to The Southern Fried Science Network, but it’s more than I ever could have ever imagined as a newbie blogger twelve months ago. When I look over the last year a few posts come to mind as my favorite:
Adela triqrafa (Napada güvənin dadına baxma)
Collecting in the Baboquivari Mountains, Arizona.
Spring butterflies along the north coast.
A yeni, and then not new, növ.
I even found a spider.
Thank you for reading and I look forward to another year (and more) to come!