
通常我遇到可怕的昆虫的文章经常不够,我节省了积压的未来系列. 这还没有过去几周的情况下, 我还没有碰到过的可怕的媒体污物正常阵列. 也许我只是让疲惫望而止步的仔细 – 但这个星期我什至整个相关飞蛾来了 修正 从毛伊岛新闻. 他们固定到自己的错误, 但必须删除了原来的文章…

而本周,我发现 本文 与下面的图象. 应该很容易被发现的怪事 (他们 至少设法指出,蛾是 在LBAM (浅褐色苹果蛾)).


5 comments to Genius of the Press XVII

  • That is /not/ what a death’s head hawkmoth pronotum looks like! I think it’s a clipping from the Silence of the Lambs movie poster.


  • Movie posters aside, death’s heads aren’t found on this side of the world. 或, 他们是? I bet Jerry rues the day he reported his little LBAM find from his backyard. I know a couple organic farmer friends in Santa Cruz county who still curse his name, when they should be cursing Kawamura. For a couple months in 2008 we had airplanes spraying all night long, even though we’re supposedly within the boundaries of a national marine sanctuary. I love the title of the article.