
通常我遇到可怕的昆蟲學文章經常不夠,我節省了積壓的未來系列. 這還沒有過去幾週的情況下, 我還沒有碰到過的可怕的媒體污物正常陣列. 也許我只是得到厭倦望而止步一樣仔細 – but this week I even came across a moth related correction from the Maui News. They fixed their error, but must have deleted the original article

And for this week I found 本文 with the image below. Should be pretty easy to spot the weirdness (他們 do at least manage to point out that the moth is the LBAM (light brown apple moth)).


5 comments to Genius of the Press XVII

  • That is /not/ what a death’s head hawkmoth pronotum looks like! I think it’s a clipping from the Silence of the Lambs movie poster.


  • Movie posters aside, death’s heads aren’t found on this side of the world. 要么, 他們是? I bet Jerry rues the day he reported his little LBAM find from his backyard. I know a couple organic farmer friends in Santa Cruz county who still curse his name, when they should be cursing Kawamura. For a couple months in 2008 we had airplanes spraying all night long, even though we’re supposedly within the boundaries of a national marine sanctuary. I love the title of the article.