iawn – ychydig o ymddiheuriadau am beidio â chael delweddau llawn * eto * o'r larfa dan sylw (Byddaf mewn ychydig ddyddiau!). Dros y penwythnos roeddwn allan gyda grŵp o fyfyrwyr Berkeley ar Mount Hamilton a chasglodd yr ymgeisydd PhD Meghan Culpepper ychydig o rywogaethau o Scaphinotus a rhai larfa! So the specimen from Monday was indeed the larvae of a Scaphinotus beetle feasting inside the shell of a native terrestrial snail. This challenge was a hard one since these predatory Scaphinotus larvae are rarely encountered and there are zero images of out there – and none of them feeding. Better luck next time!
For now, here is an undetermined Scaphinotus species. In the coming weeks I will have 4-5 species photographed and identified (by Meghan) – and the larvae will have to be sequenced for species ID. Arhoswch diwnio.
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