Arizona Followup

Kartta /% päivitetty kesäkuussa 20, 6pm.

Päivityksiä karttoihin ja suojarakennuksen prosentit on tehty minun aiemmin postitse. Tässä on kartta 4. tulta SE Arizona, the Monument fire. Tämä on vain 10% 17% 15% 27% contained and is burning in the southern end of the Huachuca Mountains into Mexico. I also just received the sad news that the home of Noel McFarland has been claimed by the fire. Noel is a well known and respected entomologist who has made a massive impact in the moth field. While I don’t have the full details (and I don’t believe anyone has been injured by this blaze); it is likely that his landmark collection of hundreds of thousands of Lepidoptera has been lost. I wish Noel the best of luck, and can only hope the loss was not total.



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