Ну, как вы уже догадались предметом не так шокирует, как мой титул предполагает, но я не мог помочь, но вращаться из статьи Гардиан. Я действительно нахожу это веселым, когда я сталкивался ни с чем, что говорит ученые “изумлен”, “сбит с толку”, “шокирован”, “озадачен”, – Я предполагаю, что это тема для другого времени… Тем не менее что правда cool butterfly has emerged at the “Sensational Butterflies” exhibit at the British Museum in London – двусторонний gynandromorph! The Guardian reports today that this specimen of Papilio memnon just emerged and is beginning to draw small crowds of visitors. I know I’d love to see one of these alive again – although the zoo situation would take away quite a bit of the excitement. I think the only thing more exciting than seeing one of these live in the field would be to net one myself!
One little thing tripped my skeptical sensors and that is the quote at the end of the article taken from the curator of butterflies, Blanca Huertas. “The gynandromorph butterfly is a fascinating scientific phenomenon, and is the product of complex evolutionary processes. It is fantastic to have discovered one hatching on museum grounds, particularly as they are so rare.”
Хорошо, I don’t specifically see how these are a “product of … evolutionary processes” inasmuch as все life in все forms is a product of evolution. These are sterile “glitches” that are cool, but not anything that has been specifically evolved for or against. Perhaps it would be more adept to call this a fascinating process of genetics (which the article actually describes with accuracy). Также – butterflies emerge as adults and hatch as caterpillars – but that’s just me being picky.
Exclusive interview of this story here: http://www.themortonreport.com/discoveries/cool-science/hermaphrodite-butterfly-hatches-in-london-museum-plans-to-take-up-acting/
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