यीशु, गलियारा 4

वह कुछ खाली समय था अगर यीशु क्या करोगे – हो सकता है एक बीमारी का इलाज, एक युद्ध समाप्त, या भूख से मर फ़ीड – लेकिन नाह, हर कोई आ रहा है कि देखता है. क्यों कोर करने के लिए उन्हें सदमा नहीं – एक वॉलमार्ट रसीद पर अपना चेहरा जला! कम से कम, that’s what a couple in South Carolina believe to have found, ए Walmart receipt with Jesus’s face on it. This isn’t exactly new or exciting, humans have a wonderful ability to recognize a face in just about anything. Jesus and other charactersappearon random things all the time, and even in 2005 a shrine was built to the Virgin Mary around a water stain in a Chicago underpass.

Pareidolia anyone? वास्तव में, that face looks pretty convincing, I’m not too sure this wasn’t just faked orenhanced”. The closeups even look like there are fingerprints all over it. Since I don’t have a walmart anywhere near me or a walmart receipt on hand I can’t determine how sensitive the paper is and how easy it would have been to dobut how long do you think before it shows up on ebay? किसी भी हाल में, it looks much more like James Randi to me than Jesus (at least we actually know what Randi looks like!).


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from CNN


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