Lycidae kakalardo handi eta interesgarri hauek (Lycus fernandezi) Arizona hego ekialdean ugariak izan ziren duela aste batzuk. Etengabe loreak eta harea heze erraza argazkilaritza helburuak ziren eginez artean hegan. Pentsatu nuen “Hemen aukera paregabea beetle bat harrapatzeko aireratzen da!”.
Itxaron ezazu…
Itxaron ezazu…
Izan ez balitz izan 105 degrees out and I didn’t have a cloud of flies clinging to my face I would have fixed my camera settings and waited for another chance. But this is all my patience could bear – after all it’s just a beetle!
Just a beetle? Blasphemer!
(Nice shot :))
I did gain some massive respect for those tiger beetle photos of yours – those same pools of water were surrounded by thousands of tiger beetles (all the same species it looked like). I couldn’t get close to one!