Minulý týždeň Jim Hayden uhádol, že můra, ktorú som zverejnil, je austrálsky Oecophoridae. Bol to dobrý odhad, pretože v tejto rodine z Austrálie je toľko veľkých a ohromujúcich molí. Jeden z najlepších musí byť tento, Wingia lambertella (Oecophoridae), zajatý na Čiernej hore v Canberre v októbri 23, 1955 (Zbierky CAS). The larvae feed on Eucalyptus – and I for one wish this was an introduced species here. We have these pesky invasive trees everywhere, why not the moth to go with?
Áno, a spectacular moth and large for an Oecophorid. Have not found this one yet on my aussie holidays, but have collected W. aurata, which is equally large and almost as spectactular (http://www1.ala.org.au/gallery2/v/Oecophoridae/Oecophorinae/Wingiaaurata/).