Dydd Llun Gwyfynod

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Schinia filosa


This Monday’s moth is a duo of Schinia filosa (Noctuidae) gan ymorphwys ar yr hyn yr wyf yn ei dybied yw eu planigyn gwesteiwr (Erigeron sp.). Tynnais yr ergyd hon o gwmpas 9,000 traed i fyny ar lwyfandir Kaibab yng Ngogledd Arizona fis diwethaf. A fire must have burned the area a few years ago because the wildflowers were thick amongst charred remains of ponderosa pines and these moths were everywhere.

1 sylwadau at ddydd Llun Gwyfynod

  • Waw, what a great shot. I love that there’s two, and that it looks like the one of the left put the petal on the head of the one on the right, moth-flirt. I thought earlier last week about the very local fire we’ve had (Motor Fire) and how I’m SUPER curious re: what it’ll mean for wildflowers next year. Our last big fire in the area combined with perfect rain patterns for a CRAZY best in 30 years Ca poppy bloom. Spectacular. Fire does SUCH cool stuff to landscapes. =) Diolch!!