It-Tajjeb, Carl Sagan.

Ilkoll għandna niċċelebraw dan il-jum b’att ta’ xjenza jew xettiċiżmu. Ħalla ż-żerriegħa tal-inkjesta u l-ħsieb kritiku, jew ħu mument biex twessa' l-orizzonti tiegħek. Dalgħodu kont qomt qabel is-sebħ u rajt l-istilel ta’ filgħodu jitlef wara d-dawl tax-xemx li qed togħla. It brought to mind my elementary school science classroom and the scratchy VHS recordings of Cosmos we frequently watched. I have since been rapt by the wonder of our universe and our place amongst the stars.


[youtube wupToqz1e2g 640 480]

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