The first annual Националниот молец недела will be this summer, July 23-29, 2012! Ова е прв настан од ваков вид во САД (it has been popular in the UK for quite some time) и претставува обид да ги охрабри луѓето да главата надвор и истражуваат нивните често се занемаруваат молец фауна. The US has an impressive moth diversity with over 11,000 described species, most of which people can’t name two of. As a citizen science project there will be teams of people submitting their records (photographs or lists) of moths found in yards across the country. If you read this blog you probably have enough interest to participate! This map lists events that are currently registered – have one in your area? Contact that person and join in! There is also многу of room to set up your own event. I’ll register in a few months when I figure out where I’ll be, but you can count on it being BYOB (beer е a critical field supply).
Coincidentally the Moth Week corresponds with the Lepidopterists’ Society National Meeting being held this year in Denver, Колорадо. Природно, everyone will be headed out at night to look for moths. If you’re in Denver and want to see what it is we do, please get a hold of me, I will probably be attending the meeting this year.