Dėl Pagyvėja 37 laipsnis rytą Šiaurės Ilinojaus aš nusprendžiau dulkes nuo savo fotoaparatą ir ištirti pažangą “pavasaris”. I hit Rollins Savanna miško draustinis pagal 6:30ne, tik laiko pirmasis šviesos tirpti nesubalansuota šalčio. Per savaitę prieš temps pusė buvo stumia viršutinis 80-ųjų ir vasarą jaučiausi įkarštyje. Be tipiškų Čikagos mados dalykų neilgai, oras grįžo į savo nepastovus pavasario formos su audros ir (kas dabar atrodė) šalta.
Nepaisant 3 valandų žygis aš tik atėjau visoje vienos drugelis – raudona admirolas, raudona Admirolas, ir apie pustuzinį šunų erkes (Dermacentor sp.). Elgetos negali tenka rinktis, there was hardly a single insect out. I might as well take photos of birds…
The very first and most abundant birds were the Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor. These two were just greeting the dawn and stretching out their little legs. They seemed to be rather patient subjects, a good first-bird-to-ever-photograph!
A prairie isn’t complete without a chorus of Redwinged-Blackbirds.
Despite my best efforts this is one of the better Sandhill Crane images I could get. If you click through my Flickr set you’ll find one more, but sneaking up on them in the marsh was rather difficult. I don’t get birds yet…
This Coyote let me get pretty close, looks like they are fed well in suburbia.
All of the birds seen on March 29, 2012:
(at least the ones I can ID)
American Robin
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Black-capped Chickadee
Eastern Meadowlark
American Woodcock
Sandhill Crane
Tree Swallow
Eastern Bluebird
Song Sparrow
Blue-winged Teal
Mallard Duck
Mute Swan
Canada Goose
(and other ducks…)