Pole haruldane ööliblikas, kuid silmapaistva välimusega. See on Ilia catocala (Erebidae) ((varem Noctuidae)), ja see toidab käputäis tamme. Minu päevavalgele tuli see nädalavahetusel Lõuna-Illinoisis, all Pisarate riigimetsa rajal. Nagu nii paljude teiste koide puhul, on ka sellel laialt levinud liigil mitmeid variatsioone, mis võivad osutuda erinevateks – ootel liigi monograafia…
Olen nüüd pannud käputäie toredaid koidepilte, nii et oodake rohkem esmaspäevaseid koid! (kuigi see on reede koi).
How can I resist a post title such as yours? A monograph? Whom, pray-tell, might be publishing such a useful work? =)
Ignoring the otherwise very moth-y appearance of your highlighted moth, in isolation, it’s antennae would certainly have me scratching my head when going through my VERY crude “moth-or-butterfly” examination. Nii, are the tips of the antennae the same width as the rest, generally, no bulb or some such? And feel free to edify if I’m off base. =) I know if I see feathered I think moth, and if I see a bulb or other larger-then-rest-of-antennae blob at the terminus, I think butterfly. Can you clarify/correct/confirm that and apply to this individual?
Tänan, and looking forward to subsequent posts.
ugh, WHO, not whom. pardon. =)