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Gelechiidae صغيرة


هذه العثة هو مثال جيد لما الكثير من العث بلادي هي في الوقت الراهن – مجهولون! هذا هو بالتأكيد Gelechiidae, تستطيع أن ترى في الملامس مقلوبة كبير على الجزء الأمامي من الرأس, والإسقاط على شكل الاصبع على نصائح من hindwings. مجرد واحدة من أسهل أسر microleps لتحديد. ومن الجشطالت العام وربما هذا هو في Gnorimoschemini? إذا يعترف شخص هذا الرجل قليلا واسمحوا لي أن أعرف, خلاف ذلك سوف تهاجم الأدب في محاولة لتعقب اسم. هذه العثة الجميلة من الجبال خارج بريسكوت, THE – يوليو 2010. بدلا بمتعة, هناك الكثير microlepidoptera التي لم يتم التعرف عليها بسهولة.

5 تعليقات حتى يوم الاثنين العثة

  • نجاح باهر. How often are you looking to id one of your tinsy (my technical term) moths and you discover it’s not yet been described?

    I know that in the plant world, the very tiny species are frequently overlooked (لا يقصد التوريه), so someone I met who studied them got published really easily. Just curious if this also applies to you/your expertise.


    • Certainly does! There are roughly 11,000 species of moths described in the US right nowwe probably have 3-4,000 left to discover if not more. I have a few dozen specimens that seem to be undescribed but haven’t been verified yet, and I’m revising a genus and will get to describe about 5 أنواع جديدة. And that’s nothinga colleague is revising a family and is up over 100 new moths already. Once you get into microleps you start finding new ones all over the place!

  • I understand the attraction of the small and hard to identifythe jewel beetle genus Agrilus fills that role for me. One of the most popular families of beetles among collectors, yet I found an undescribed species right here in Missouri. Difficult taxonomy is a repellent to some and an attractant to others.

  • جاستن

    I didn’t realise there were so may undescribed in the US. Have all the macro moths now be described? And are there any good guide books? Coming from the UK that has only a couple of thousand moths in total.

    • Hi Justin- رقم, we’re a long ways off from saying all the marcos are even described. I know of a few dozen new species of medium to large Noctuidae that are awaiting description. Each year there are just as many publishedone of the larger and more impressive was Lithophane leeae described in 2009.

      A great book for western moths is “عث غرب أمريكا الشمالية, Jerry Powell and Paul Opler.It’s a text-book sized volume that attempts to cover most representative genera of western moth species (including micros). For eastern moths there is the olderEastern Mothsby Charlie Covell.