This one is just too easy. Karteldegia I-35 Burleson hegoaldean dago, Texas.
Ez dakit irudi honen benetako jatorria, baina Omar Bocanegratik etorri zitzaidan Mike Quinn-en bidez Texas Lepidoptera list-serv-en.
This one is just too easy. Karteldegia I-35 Burleson hegoaldean dago, Texas. Ez dakit irudi honen benetako jatorria, baina Omar Bocanegratik etorri zitzaidan Mike Quinn-en bidez Texas Lepidoptera list-serv-en. estropezu egin nuen (ez stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. Batez ere Calliphoridae larba baten irudi hau maite dut (Protoformia sp.) hori zientzia-fikziozko film bat baino gehiago dirudi. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Muppet Monsters Here is a hill-topping male Papilio zeliacon, edo Anise enara-buztana. Tximeleta hau Ozeano Bareko mendebaldeko estatuetan oso hedatuta dago eta ziurrenik lehen zena baino askoz ere ohikoagoa da. Mihilua sartu ondoren (Foeniculum vulgare), eta gero lorategitik ihes egitea, anis enara-buztanak Kaliforniako tximeleta arrunt gisa hartu zuen. Perhaps before this . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Tximeleta Pornografia Over on Myrmecos Alex Wild just brought to my attention a rather personal attack from a pair of republican senators (Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and John McCain, R-Ariz). Once again I started to comment, but given how close to home this hits, I felt a longer winded diatribe approaching… Apparently, my job is a giant waste . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Bai, Errepublikanoek ere Gorrotatu behar naute. Nature News-en mahaitik atera berria eltxorik gabeko mundu bat hausnartzen duen funtzio bat da (edo -behatzak). Nolakoa da albiste hau? Baliteke denok entzun behar dugun bektore-kontrol berriren bat! Beno, begiratu Nature aldizkariaren azken edizioko artikulua izenburupean “Eltxorik gabeko mundua“. I originally came . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Albiste alferrikakoa, oraingoan Naturatik Ados, agian ez. Baina apur bat jeloskor denean artikulu hau topatu nuen egin nuen non tokiko San Francisco artista batek Kargatzeko aurkitu dut $60 for pop bat “intsektuen klase zabaltzeko”. Zenbat benetan erakusteko sortu hileko klasea galdetzen dut? Hau besterik ez, Chris Grinter intsektu bat zabaltzen eskainiko du . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Kargatzen hasi behar dut Just about time for another volume of Genius of the Press. Who will be first to spot the error here? Onartua, the information section of the california flat rate moving website is not exactly a source of top notch journalism… Here are a few more images from my recent northern road trip, this time from western Idaho. Right outside the town of New Meadows were fields of flowers thick with life. It was some of the best day collecting I’ve done in years, and fellow road tripper Peter Jump and I discovered this . . . → Gehiago irakurri: This time, with a moth In eastern Lassen county, on the vast high juniper hills of the California-Nevada border, there are herds of “wild” horses, sheep and cattle. Par for the course, the only flowering plant around was horehound (Marrubium vulgare). Despite the non-native flora and (semi)mega-fauna, the insects were still at home. Being the only nectar source, the small . . . → Gehiago irakurri: The only bar in town A few months ago I was out collecting in western Arizona and failed to follow through with any images or updates on that trip. Beno, it was a success and well worth the miles to get there! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks . . . → Gehiago irakurri: Western Arizona |
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