This one is just too easy. The billboard is on I-35 south of Burleson, Texas.
I don’t know the true provenance of this image, but it came my way from Omar Bocanegra via Mike Quinn on the Texas Lepidoptera list-serv.
This one is just too easy. The billboard is on I-35 south of Burleson, Texas. I don’t know the true provenance of this image, but it came my way from Omar Bocanegra via Mike Quinn on the Texas Lepidoptera list-serv. I stumbled upon (not on stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. I especially love this image of a Calliphoridae larva (Protophormia sp.) that seems more out of a C-rated science fiction movie than nature. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same . . . → Preberite več: Muppet Monsters Here is a hill-topping male Papilio zeliacon, ali janežev lastov rep. Ta metulj je zelo razširjen v državah zahodnega Pacifika in je verjetno veliko bolj pogost kot nekoč. Po uvedbi komarčka (Foeniculum vulgare), in kasnejši pobeg iz vrtnarstva, janeževa lastovka se je uveljavila kot navaden kalifornijski metulj. Perhaps before this . . . → Preberite več: Pornografija z metulji Več o Myrmecos Alex Wild pravkar prinesel mojo pozornost precej osebni napad par republikanskih senatorjev (Tom Coburn, R-okla., in John McCain, R-Ariz). Spet sem začel komentar, vendar glede kako blizu doma, to zadene, Počutil sem se več daha DiATRiBE približuje… Očitno, Moja naloga je velikan z odpadki . . . → Preberite več: Da, Republikanci Must Hate Me Too. Sveže off mizi v Nature News je funkcija razmišljal svet brez komarji (ali prsti). Kako je ta novica? Morda je nekaj novega vektorska regulacija vsi moramo slišati o! Dobro, oglejte članek iz zadnje izdaje narave z naslovom “World Without komarji“. Sprva sem prišel . . . → Preberite več: Nesmiselno novice, tokrat iz narave v redu, maybe not. But I did get a little jealous when I came across this article where I discovered a local San Francisco artist who is charging $60 a pop for “insect spreading classes”. I wonder how many really show up to the monthly class? This just in, Chris Grinter is offering an insect spreading . . . → Preberite več: Moral bi začeti polniti Just about time for another volume of Genius of the Press. Who will be first to spot the error here? Ki, the information section of the california flat rate moving website is not exactly a source of top notch journalism… Here are a few more images from my recent northern road trip, this time from western Idaho. Right outside the town of New Meadows were fields of flowers thick with life. It was some of the best day collecting I’ve done in years, and fellow road tripper Peter Jump and I discovered this . . . → Preberite več: Tokrat, z molj V vzhodni Lassen občine, na prostrane visoke brinovimi hribih meji California, Nevada, obstajajo črede “wild” konji, ovce in govedo. Par za tečaj, le cvetoče rastline okoli bil lahkotnico (Marrubium vulgare). Kljub tujerodnih rastlinskih in (semi)mega-favna, žuželke so bile še vedno doma. Ker je edini vir nektarja, the small . . . → Preberite več: Samo bar v mestu A few months ago I was out collecting in western Arizona and failed to follow through with any images or updates on that trip. Dobro, it was a success and well worth the miles to get there! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks . . . → Preberite več: Western Arizona |
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