On the road again

Au cours de la semaine prochaine et demi, je vais conduire jusqu'à l'État de Washington pour les Lepidopterists annuels’ réunion de la société. Il est situé dans la ville touristique piège de Leavenworth, qui est un “Thème bavaroises” diorama de boutiques de cartes postales et de boucher. Bien que je ne peux jamais tout à fait comprendre l'attrait des villes à thème, ce est quelque chose . . . → En savoir plus: On the road again

Vox Populi, volume II

And now for the even more infrequently reoccurring series, vox populi! For those without scarring high school memories of latin class (through no fault of my teacher) I’ll bring you up to speedthe title roughly translates tovoice of the people”. Here is another old e-mail that I’ve been saving. It is a . . . → En savoir plus: Vox Populi, volume II

Genius of the Press VIII

Welcome to volume eight of the inconsistently reoccurring series, Génie de la presse. I came across this article recently regarding an endemic Puerto Rican butterfly. Who can tell me exactly why this report is misleading? It may be a little trickier than the standard GOP (I suggest discarding any previously associated acronyms with those letters). . . . → En savoir plus: Genius of the Press VIII

The Moth et moi #12

Bienvenue à The Moth and Me #12, et mon blog premier carnaval. Malgré les blogs pendant quelques mois, je ne ai pas encore de jeter un regard en arrière et réfléchir sur exactement comment je suis devenu amoureux de lépidoptères en premier lieu. En souvenir d'un temps ou endroit où cela se est passé est impossible, and like . . . → En savoir plus: The Moth et moi #12

Biologie of a Ghost

This moth is just about as rare as its paranormal namesake (except that it’s real) – it’s a Gazoryctra sp. in the family Hepialidae. They represent a basal lineage of the Lepidoptera and are commonly known as ghost moths or swift moths. Ghostbecause males of some species are known to fly in . . . → En savoir plus: Biologie of a Ghost

Genius of the Press VII

Who can see what’s wrong with this article?

Estimations de la diversité mondiale des espèces

This recent article in the American Naturalist has taken a second look at some of the famously inflated species estimates, some going high as 100 million (Erwin, 1988). Estimates conducted by the authors indicate that projections above 30 million have probabilities of <0.00001. Their estimated range is more likely to be between 2.5 et . . . → En savoir plus: Estimations de la diversité mondiale des espèces

Papillons de mai (et un papillon)

Quelques images de leps communs de Californie, prise le long de la côte près de Santa Cruz il y a quelques semaines. Je commence à me frayer un chemin à travers un arriéré de photos…

Euphydryas chalcedona

Plébéjus acmon

Plébéjus acmon

. . . → En savoir plus: Papillons de mai (et un papillon)

Quizz du dimanche

For the rarely reoccurring quiz series, here is a new image. Who is this moth?

Avez-vous me voir?

For those Californians reading, especially those in the south, keep an eye out for this beautiful little spider, Latrodectus geometricusthe brown widow. Arachnologists at UC Riverside are monitoring the spread of this invasive species. Ironically it turns out to not be as dangerous as our native black widow. Nonetheless, it is not . . . → En savoir plus: Avez-vous me voir?