Genius of the Press V

So what is wrong with this illustration below? Sounds like a great show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. This news story made me look just a little closer

Agosach, cyfaint Rwyf

I’ve come across a few e-mail transcripts of questions sent into our entomology department and I can not resist sharing them. I promise these messages are (and will be) 100% real and unedited. Names have been changed or removed to protect the innocent. Hopefully, I will come across these every once in a while, a . . . → Darllen Mwy: Agosach, cyfaint Rwyf

Butterfly o'r wythnos

Rydw i wedi bod ychydig yn esgeulus wrth bostio heriau rheolaidd, felly byddaf yn ceisio i godi'r cyflymder. Pwy all ddweud unrhyw beth am ieir bach yr haf hwn i mi? Y mwyaf rydych yn ei gael yw ei bod yn o hanner gorllewinol yr Unol Daleithiau. Credyd ar gyfer y teulu, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Darllen Mwy: Butterfly o'r wythnos

Cael Bywyd, Darganfod

I sat rapt in front of my TV on Sunday watching the latest installment of the BBC/Discovery seriesLife”. The first thing that comes to my mind… “WHY was Oprah chosen to narrate!?” Yn naturiol, I waited for the insects special to air before I blogged about this, but having to listen to Oprah for the . . . → Darllen Mwy: Cael Bywyd, Darganfod

Blasu gwyfynod yn Napa

Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod hyfryd heddiw yn ardal y bae, felly es i fyny i Napa a Dyffryn y Pab. Roeddwn yn sgowtio rhyw diriogaeth newydd ar gyfer gwyfyn blodau bach, Heliolonche celeris, mae'n debyg ei fod yn aros am fwy o dywydd braf cyfagos i ddod i'r amlwg. This season has been a bit tardy because of all of . . . → Darllen Mwy: Blasu gwyfynod yn Napa

Genius y Wasg, v. IV

Rhandaliad arall o Athrylith y Wasg, ac efallai dipyn o bêl feddal. (Yikes mae'r rhain yn hawdd i'w canfod) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?

Efallai y byddaf yn gyrru gormod

The clouds broke this afternoon in San Francisco and the sun began to shine. The upcoming warm weather induced an all too familiar feeling, one that I should be out collecting insects and not sitting indoors! While I have already been to a handful of places this spring, I have a long season of collecting . . . → Darllen Mwy: Efallai y byddaf yn gyrru gormod

Rhan Aquamoth 3

A continuation of the aquamoth series, this time with video from Science Friday! Oes, I have to link it because wordpress won’t embed… Diolch Ted, figured it out!

Afonydd o Aur

Ychydig o ddelweddau o fy nhaith gwyfyn penwythnos i lawr i Shell Creek, Sir San Luis Obispo. Mae'r gwanwyn cynnar ar hyd yr arfordir canolog yn syfrdanol, ac yr oedd y ffyrdd cefn yn orlawn o wylwyr blodau. Roedd yna ddwsinau o geir yn cael eu meddiannu gan deuluoedd allan ar benwythnos mewn car, roedd llawer wedi pecyn bwyd ac eistedd i wylio'r . . . → Darllen Mwy: Afonydd o Aur

Gormod o amser rhydd?

Than fold yourself an insect.

These pieces of art are the creation of Robert J. Lang. Chances are if you’ve seen some insane origami than they were his creation. Oes, those are actually made from one single piece of uncut paper. He provides the crease pattern for most of his designs, but actually folding . . . → Darllen Mwy: Gormod o amser rhydd?