Genius of the Press V

So what is wrong with this illustration below? Sounds like a great show at the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. This news story made me look just a little closer

Vox Populi, volume I

I’ve come across a few e-mail transcripts of questions sent into our entomology department and I can not resist sharing them. I promise these messages are (and will be) 100% real and unedited. Names have been changed or removed to protect the innocent. Hopefully, I will come across these every once in a while, und . . . → Weiterlesen: Vox Populi, volume I

Schmetterling der Woche

I’ve been a bit remiss at posting regular challenges, so I’ll try to pick up the pace. Who can tell me anything about this butterfly? The most you’re getting is that it is from the Western half of the US. Credit for family, genus or species and ridiculous credit for subspecies and where it is . . . → Weiterlesen: Schmetterling der Woche

Get a Life, Discovery

I sat rapt in front of my TV on Sunday watching the latest installment of the BBC/Discovery seriesLife”. The first thing that comes to my mind… “WHY was Oprah chosen to narrate!?” Natürlich, Ich wartete auf die Insekten besondere an der Luft, bevor ich darüber gebloggt, aber mit, um für die Oprah hören . . . → Weiterlesen: Get a Life, Discovery

Moth tasting in Napa

It was a beautiful day today in the bay area, so I headed up to Napa and the Pope Valley. I was scouting some new territory for a small flower moth, Heliolonche celeris, that apparently is waiting for more contiguous nice weather to emerge. This season has been a bit tardy because of all of . . . → Weiterlesen: Moth tasting in Napa

Genie der Presse, v. IV

Another installment of Genius of the Press, and perhaps a bit of a softball. (Yikes these are easy to find) Who can tell me whats wrong with this article?

Ich fahre vielleicht zu viel

Die Wolken brachen heute Nachmittag in San Francisco auf und die Sonne begann zu scheinen. Das bevorstehende warme Wetter rief ein allzu vertrautes Gefühl hervor, eine, dass ich draußen Insekten sammeln und nicht drinnen sitzen sollte! Während ich diesen Frühling schon an einer Handvoll Orten war, I have a long season of collecting . . . → Weiterlesen: Ich fahre vielleicht zu viel

Aquamoth part 3

A continuation of the aquamoth series, this time with video from Science Friday! Ja, I have to link it because wordpress won’t embed… Dank Ted, figured it out!

Flüsse aus Gold

A few images from my weekend mothing trip down to Shell Creek, San Luis Obispo County. Early spring along the central coast is stunning, and the back roads were packed with flower watchers. There were dozens of cars occupied by families out for a weekend drive, many had packed lunches and sat to watch the . . . → Weiterlesen: Flüsse aus Gold

Zu viel Freizeit?

Dann falten Sie sich ein Insekt.

Diese Kunstwerke sind die Kreation von Robert J. Lang. Wenn Sie einige verrückte Origami gesehen haben, stehen die Chancen gut, dass sie seine Kreation waren. Ja, Diese sind tatsächlich aus einem einzigen Stück ungeschnittenem Papier hergestellt. Er liefert das Faltmuster für die meisten seiner Designs, aber tatsächlich falten . . . → Weiterlesen: Zu viel Freizeit?