Chris Grinter By, 25 Mart, 2010% For those who saw the FOX interview with MSU entomologist Dr. Cognato (tamam, for those who didn’t, here it is), you will be interested to hear his side of the story.
Take the time to register (bağışlayın, it’s annoying but I couldn’t find it anywhere else) and read a response to the interview by . . . → Ətraflı: İndi siz hekayə qalan bilirik
Chris Grinter By, 25 Mart, 2010% Mən amfibi güvə məqalənin tam mətn PDF rast gəldi və amfibi əlamətlərin bu növ qrupun radiasiya və ehtimal təkamülü göstərən ağac hasil. Halda forma qeyd etmək maraqlı, və hər güvə Hawaiian arxipelaqı öz vulkan endemik.
This is a Bayesian analysis of . . . → Ətraflı: Aquamoth hissəsi 2
Chris Grinter By, 25 Mart, 2010% For all those who abstained from voting (I want to assume some readers must have known the identity of our mystery caterpillar, but were too lazy to comment), here is the answer (after the break).
. . . → Ətraflı: Mətbuat keçən həftəki Genius Cavab
Chris Grinter By, Mart 24, 2010%
Another amazing animal from Hawaii – a completely amphibious caterpillar (published in the March 22 PNAS). While there are a few aquatic Lepidoptera, all of them have gills that keep them restricted to the water (fikir verirem, we are talking only about the larval stage). If their stream dries up, so does the caterpillar. . . . → Ətraflı: Aquamoth!
Chris Grinter By, Mart 22, 2010%
Spring has come to northern California and moths are on the wing. I took a quick trip up to the Sierra foothills over the weekend and hiked up the steep slopes above the American River. Above is pictured Xanthothrix ranunculi f. albipuncta (Noctuidae: Stiriinae). It happens to be sitting on a beautiful california . . . → Ətraflı: California Spring
Chris Grinter By, Mart 19, 2010% Yet another installment of my favorite series, the genius of the press. This article comes from ABC news, who can identify this caterpillar? It is decidedly NOT a gypsy moth.
Fellow entomology blogger Myrmecos had a similar story last week.
Chris Grinter By, Mart 19, 2010% (photo credit)
The monarchs have started their spring migration north and you might even see one soon (not exciting if you live in FL or HI where there are year-round residents, or in CA where there are separate overwintering spots). Reports from their winter locations in Mexico however are dismal; with possibly the lowest . . . → Ətraflı: Off onların rəhbərləri ilə!
Chris Grinter By, 13 Mart günü, 2010% Santa Barbara News Press Nəşr, Qış 2009. Bu mövzu ilə yanlış nə mənə deyə bilərsiniz?
Page scan kredit: Stuart Wilson.
Chris Grinter By, on March 9th, 2010%
Not the typical butterfly – but this is the protein folding structure from a South American hemorrhagic fever – the Machupo virus. The article was found on Science Daily. A striking resemblance to a butterfly, maybe even a Hesperiidae (photo from Butterflies of America).
. . . → Ətraflı: Həftənin Butterfly
Chris Grinter By, martın 6-da, 2010% Çünki buna məruz qalacaqdım. Heyvanlara qarşı qəddarlıqdan danışın! tamam, sadəcə zarafat, amma bu hekayə bir az gülüncdür. Məqalədə deyilir ki, alimlər Limbaughun səsindən istifadə ediblər “asanlıqla mövcuddur”, ona nifrət etdikləri üçün yox. Yaxşı, bunun doğru olmadığı ortaya çıxır, Rush-u seçdilər . . . → Ətraflı: Sağ olsun, Mən böcək deyiləm