Rivers Cuomo wrote me a song. Not bad, but now I think I want that mantis costume for Halloween. And of course I am obliged to point out that earthworms are not insects…
Rivers Cuomo wrote me a song. Not bad, but now I think I want that mantis costume for Halloween. And of course I am obliged to point out that earthworms are not insects… [vimeo=14822451] Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what those “flowers” actually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctly… or maybe some awesome prize? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHdKEhFM7mY&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0] This is something I’ve never seen before. Growing up I have always had someone give me some kitsch object with insects on them, even playing cards. Well even last year I got another insect themed tie. (I don’t have the whimsey of PZ Myers and his awesome tie.) Tačiau, they were all printed images of . . . → Skaityti daugiau: I’ll give you my Ken Griffey Jr. dėl… I came across this article today and it put a smile on my face. A traveling malaria researcher came across an “electronic mosquito repeller” for sale in his in-flight catalog. Being an intelligent man, he realized this was total and utter BS. He also realized this product probably sells best while in-route to malaria ridden . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Sekmadienio vakaro šėlsmas: kaip viskas turėtų veikti.
Know this butterfly? It’s OK, no one really does. It is in the genus Apodemia (Riodinidae), but the taxonomy of this group is a disaster… and don’t even get me started on the subspecies. This specimen was photographed in September, meaning it is most likely to be Apodemia mormo (mormo) based . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Kvailas savaitės drugelis Vienas yra entomologija privilegijos keliauja ir rinkti. Aš įdėti keletą tūkstančių mylių automobiliu kiekvieną vasarą ir tai yra du iš geriausių vietų, Arizona rinkti. Top vaizdą iš Baboquivari kalnai (Baboquivari Peak viduryje), Rudas Kanion tyrimų stotis. . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Srityje Nepaisant to, kad gana nesavanaudiškas drugeliai, jie yra gana pažvelgti. Čia yra tikrai puiki vaizdo pagal vaikinas, aš žinau, nustatytų Pietų CA. Jo laiko-nebetaikyti filmai apie Lepidoptera gyvenimo ciklų yra gana įspūdingas, ir tai vienas ypač gražus. Jeigu įsipjovėte maždaug 3:00 į, pamatysite dešimtys . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Laikas-Lapse drugeliai Tai senas mano vaizdas, taigi jis nėra tobulas. Jei galite man pasakyti šį drugelį rūšiai, gausite penkis. Jei žinote porūšį, Atsiųsiu jums naują pakuotę #3 nerūdijančio plieno kaiščiai! Tik užuomina: Tai iš vakarų JAV. . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Gerai drugelis žmonės, kas aš esu? Taip, how do I begin a new blog? Tough question, but perhaps this is a good time to show off a fun new species. This moth was collected last year outside of Santa Barbara, CA. The massive wingspan, at 15mm, makes it pretty large for a Gelechiid moth. The genus, Gnorimoschema (pronounced nor-a-mosh-ma), . . . → Skaityti daugiau: Inaugural post |
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