Vsi moji prijatelji so žuželke

Rivers Cuomo mi je napisal pesem. Ni slabo, zdaj pa mislim, da hočem tisti kostum bogomolke za noč čarovnic. In seveda sem dolžan poudariti, da deževniki niso žuželke…


Genij tiska

Came across this article today care of Doug Yanega at UC Riverside, which spurred the search for further information. Who can tell me what thoseflowersactually are? 10 points to the first to guess correctlyor maybe some awesome prize?

Malo jutro glasba


I’ll give you my Ken Griffey Jr. za…

This is something I’ve never seen before. Growing up I have always had someone give me some kitsch object with insects on them, even playing cards. Well even last year I got another insect themed tie. (I don’t have the whimsey of PZ Myers and his awesome tie.) Vendar, they were all printed images of . . . → Preberite več: I’ll give you my Ken Griffey Jr. za…

V nedeljo zvečer rant: kako stvari morajo delovati.

Sem prišel čez ta članek danes in dal nasmeh na obrazu. Potujejo malarija raziskovalec naletel “Elektronska repeller komarjev” za prodajo v svojem katalogu med letom. Biti inteligenten človek, je spoznal, da je to skupna in izreči BS. Spoznal je tudi ta izdelek verjetno prodaja najboljšega časa na poti na malarijo jahalno . . . → Preberite več: V nedeljo zvečer rant: kako stvari morajo delovati.

Stupid buttefly of the week

Know this butterfly? It’s OK, no one really does. It is in the genus Apodemia (Riodinidae), but the taxonomy of this group is a disasterand don’t even get me started on the subspecies. This specimen was photographed in September, meaning it is most likely to be Apodemia mormo (mormo) based . . . → Preberite več: Stupid buttefly of the week

In the field

One of the perks of being an entomologist is traveling and collecting. I put a few thousand miles on the car every summer and these are two of the best places in Arizona to collect. The top image is from the Baboquivari Mountains (Baboquivari Peak in the middle), Brown Canyon Research Station. . . . → Preberite več: In the field

Časovni metulji

Kljub temu, da je precej brezbrižna metuljev, so precej pogledati. Tukaj je res super video s fantom, ki ga poznam dol v južni CA. Njegov čas-lapse video posnetke metuljev življenjskih ciklov so precej impresivna, in to je zlasti oči. Če ste zmanjšati na približno 3:00 v, boste videli na desetine . . . → Preberite več: Časovni metulji

OK metulj ljudi, Kdo sem jaz?

To je stara slika rudnika, tako da to ni popoln. Če mi lahko poveste tegale metulja na vrsti boste dobili visoko pet. Če poznate podvrste, Jaz vam bomo poslali nov paket #3 nerjavnega jekla žebljički! Samo namig: To je iz zahodne ZDA.

. . . → Preberite več: OK metulj ljudi, Kdo sem jaz?

Inaugural post

Tako, how do I begin a new blog? Tough question, but perhaps this is a good time to show off a fun new species. This moth was collected last year outside of Santa Barbara, CA. The massive wingspan, at 15mm, makes it pretty large for a Gelechiid moth. The genus, Gnorimoschema (pronounced nor-a-mosh-ma), . . . → Preberite več: Inaugural post