Ponedjeljak Moljac

Chiricahua multidentata (grbice)

This Monday’s moth is a spectacular species from the mountains of ArizonaChiricahua multidentata, a Geometrid. The only known location for this species is at the very top of the Chiricahua mountains above 9,000 stopala (which was just bruned to a crisp). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → Opširnije: Ponedjeljak Moljac

Ponedjeljak Moljac

Ovaj ponedjeljak sam odstupio od ustaljene Arctiinae za nešto potpuno drugačije – microlep! To je Nepticulidae, Stigmella diffasciae, i to u mjeri u nevjerojatnih 6 mm. Ja ne mogu preuzeti zasluge za širenje ovog savijača – all of the nepticulids I have photographed are from the California Academy of Sciences and . . . → Opširnije: Ponedjeljak Moljac

Genij za tisak XIX

It’s been a little while since the last GOP challenge, but this is a softball. I’m hoping they were just too lazy to find a more suitable image



Ponedjeljak Moljac

I’ll keep the ball rolling with Arctiinae and post a photo today of Ctenucha brunnea. This moth can be common in tall grasses along beaches from San Francisco to LAalthough in recent decades the numbers of this moth have been declining with habitat destruction and the invasion of beach grass (Ammophila arenaria). Ali . . . → Opširnije: Ponedjeljak Moljac

Curators Astounded!

Well as you may have guessed the subject isn’t as shocking as my title suggests, but I couldn’t help but to spin from the Guardian article. I really find it hilarious when I come across anything that says scientists areastounded”, “baffled”, “shocked”, “puzzled”, – I guess that’s a topic for another timeNevertheless a . . . → Opširnije: Curators Astounded!

Ponedjeljak Moljac

Today’s moth is a beautiful and rare species from SE Arizona and Mexico: Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Like many other day flying species it is brilliantly colored and quite likely aposematic. After all, the host plant is a milkweed and the caterpillar is just as stunning (ispod).

Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae)


Ovaj . . . → Opširnije: Ponedjeljak Moljac

Sve novo, Napadni moljci!

Čini se kao da prevladavaju urbane legende koje uključuju kukce koji nam se uvlače u lice dok spavamo. Najpoznatiji mit je nešto nalik na “ti jedeš 8 pauci godišnje dok spavaju“. Zapravo kada proguglate taj broj se kreće od 4 do 8… up to . . . → Opširnije: Sve novo, Napadni moljci!

Nevjerojatno glasni svijet bug seksa

Micronecta scholtzi

The hills of the European countryside are alive in the chorus of amorous, screaming, male aquatic bugs. The little insect above, Micronecta scholtzi (Corixidae), measures in at a whopping 2.3mm and yet produces a clicking/buzzing sound easily audible to the human ear above the water surface. To put that in . . . → Opširnije: Nevjerojatno glasni svijet bug seksa

Ponedjeljak Moljac

Ja ću zadržati loptu valjanje u ovoj seriji i pokušati napraviti što više redovito. Također ću se usredotočiti na isticanje nove vrste svaki tjedan od golemih zbirki ovdje na California Academy of Sciences. To nam daje dovoljno materijala za… barem nekoliko stotina godina.

Grammia . . . → Opširnije: Ponedjeljak Moljac

Arizona u vatri

Karte / zatvorenost % ažurirana: 16 Lipanj

Kako se bliži srpanj, veselim se susretu lepidopterista na obali Pacifika’ Društvo. Ove godine održat će se u Prescott Arizoni, oko 2 sati sjeverno od Phoenixa. A od ovog trenutka to je jedno od rijetkih mjesta u Arizoni koje nije zapaljeno. . . . → Opširnije: Arizona u vatri