Luni Moth

Chiricahua multidentata (Geometridae)

Molie Aceasta luni este o specie spectaculoase din munții din Arizona – Chiricahua multidentata, un Geometrid. Locația doar cunoscut pentru această specie este la foarte de sus a munților Chiricahua de mai sus 9,000 picioare (care tocmai a fost bruned la un clare). Hopefully the fire was not . . . → Citeste mai mult: Luni Moth

Luni Moth

This Monday I am departing from the usual Arctiinae for something completely differenta microlep! This is a Nepticulidae, Stigmella diffasciae, and it measures in at a whopping 6 mm. I can’t take credit for spreading this mothall of the nepticulids I have photographed are from the California Academy of Sciences and . . . → Citeste mai mult: Luni Moth

Genius of the Press XIX

It’s been a little while since the last GOP challenge, but this is a softball. Sper că au fost prea leneși să găsească o imagine mai potrivită…



Luni Moth

I’ll keep the ball rolling with Arctiinae and post a photo today of Ctenucha brunnea. This moth can be common in tall grasses along beaches from San Francisco to LAalthough in recent decades the numbers of this moth have been declining with habitat destruction and the invasion of beach grass (Ammophila arenaria). Dar . . . → Citeste mai mult: Luni Moth

Curators Astounded!

Well as you may have guessed the subject isn’t as shocking as my title suggests, but I couldn’t help but to spin from the Guardian article. I really find it hilarious when I come across anything that says scientists areastounded”, “baffled”, “shocked”, “puzzled”, – I guess that’s a topic for another timeNevertheless a . . . → Citeste mai mult: Curators Astounded!

Luni Moth

Today’s moth is a beautiful and rare species from SE Arizona and Mexico: Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae). Like many other day flying species it is brilliantly colored and quite likely aposematic. After all, the host plant is a milkweed and the caterpillar is just as stunning (de mai jos).

Lerina incarnata (Erebidae: Arctiinae)


Acest . . . → Citeste mai mult: Luni Moth

Toate New, Moliile atac!

Se pare ca exista o preponderenta de legende urbane care implică insecte târăște fețele noastre în timp ce noi dormim. Cel mai faimos mit este ceva de-a lungul liniilor de “tu mananci 8 păianjeni un an în timp ce doarme“. De fapt, atunci când Google că numărul variază de la 4 la 8… up to . . . → Citeste mai mult: Toate New, Moliile atac!

Lumea incredibil de tare de sex bug

Micronecta scholtzi

Dealurile din mediul rural european sunt în viață în corul amoros, tipand, bug-uri acvatice de sex masculin. Micul insecta de mai sus, Micronecta scholtzi (Corixidae), measures in at a whopping 2.3mm and yet produces a clicking/buzzing sound easily audible to the human ear above the water surface. To put that in . . . → Citeste mai mult: Lumea incredibil de tare de sex bug

Luni Moth

I’m going to keep the ball rolling with this series and try to make it more regular. I will also focus on highlighting a new species each week from the massive collections here at the California Academy of Sciences. This should give me enough material forat least a few hundred years.

Grammia . . . → Citeste mai mult: Luni Moth

Arizona on Fire

Maps/containment % updated: 16 Iunie

As July approaches I being to look forward to the Pacific Coast meeting of the Lepidopterists’ Societate. This year it will take place in Prescott Arizona, despre 2 hours north of Phoenix. And as of this moment it is one of the few places in Arizona not on fire. . . . → Citeste mai mult: Arizona on Fire