Chris Grinter, on March 30th, 2011% Lasia klettii: Photos by April Nobile, CAS
For the most part flies are not an insect I get overly excited about. Ipak, the enigmatic family Acroceridae are the exception. I’ll start sharing some interesting genera from time to time – the morphology of the family is amazingly diverse. Most of my days . . . → Opširnije: Flies can be (Stvarno) cool
Chris Grinter, on March 22nd, 2011% Usually I come across horrible entomology articles regularly enough that I save a backlog for future series. This hasn’t been the case over the last few weeks, I haven’t come across the normal array of terrible media crud. Maybe I just get jaded and stop looking as carefully – but this week I even came . . . → Opširnije: Genius of the Press XVII
Chris Grinter, 8. ožujka, 2011% [cetsEmbedGmap src=,-118.416824&spn=0.359452,0.715485&t=h&z=11 width=600 height=330 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=auto]
Tomorrow morning I’m off for a 10 day collecting trip down to Catalina Island. I’ve been lucky enough to be invited to join Dr. Jerry Powell of UC Berkeley on a moth survey, and this will be my first time to any of the islands. . . . → Opširnije: The Moth is off to Catalina
Chris Grinter, 3. ožujka, 2011%
Očito je nešto u Mazda 6 Linija za gorivo je topla i ugodna za žute vreće pauka, toliko da su izgradnja mreže preko ventilacijske sustave 4 cilindar vozila (ne 6!). Problem je smatra “Spider zaraza” od automobila tvrtke, i . . . → Opširnije: Priroda ugrize nazad
Chris Grinter, 1. ožujka, 2011%
Obitelj Nepticulidae držite neke od najmanjih moljaca poznatih, u rasponu od 3-8mm krila vrha do vrha krila. Za usporedbu sam snimio dva moljce gore: najveći poznati – Coscinocera Hercules koji Savjeti vage na gotovo 9 inča, a jedan od najmanjih (Da da maleni malo mrlja . . . → Opširnije: Najsitnijih moljaca
Chris Grinter, on February 17th, 2011% Shockingly, stunningly, amazingly; the monarchs are back (but not co-staring Julianne Moore). u redu, it’s not that amazing; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started in 1993). Actually I believe I said “I will . . . → Opširnije: Monarsi su u redu
Chris Grinter, on February 10th, 2011%
Softball za ovaj GOP izazov. Za ovu sliku brine Victoria Advocate (TX papir) – with a poorly written article about butterflies. Ovaj promašaj slike je prilično jednostavan, ali za dodatne bodove tko mi može reći što je još netočno u tekstu?
. . . → Opširnije: Genius tiska XVI
Chris Grinter, 24. siječnja, 2011% (Kredit: David Cappaert,
Ako vam se dogoditi da se živi u YOLO, Solano ili Sacramento županije trebali krenuti s mrežom. Dr.. Art Shaprio je ponudio za 40. godini njegov kupus bijeli leptir natjecanja. Ako ste prva osoba uhvatiti kupus bijeli (Pieris out . . . → Opširnije: Leptiri za pivo
Chris Grinter, 19. siječnja, 2011% Uvijek sam znao da je u mnogim mjestima u svijetu, pogotovo izvan utabana staza, gusjenice za moljaca i leptira su na jelovniku. From Africa to Australia there are dozens of species that might taste good enough to be reasonably edible or even delicious. But here in the US insects rarely if . . . → Opširnije: Entomofagija: moljci za večeru
Chris Grinter, on January 17th, 2011% For this issue of the genius of the press, who can tell me what’s wrong with this article? It’s pretty subtle, but a clear mistake, especially for LiveScience.