Chris Grinter, on March 30th, 2011% Lasia klettii: Photos by April Nobile, CAS
For the most part flies are not an insect I get overly excited about. Vendar, the enigmatic family Acroceridae are the exception. I’ll start sharing some interesting genera from time to time – the morphology of the family is amazingly diverse. Most of my days . . . → Preberite več: Flies can be (res) cool
Chris Grinter, on March 22nd, 2011% Usually I come across horrible entomology articles regularly enough that I save a backlog for future series. This hasn’t been the case over the last few weeks, I haven’t come across the normal array of terrible media crud. Maybe I just get jaded and stop looking as carefully – but this week I even came . . . → Preberite več: Genius of the Press XVII
Chris Grinter, 8. marca, 2011% [cetsEmbedGmap src = / maps?ll = 33.393039, -118,416824&spn = 0.359452,0.715485&t = h&z = 11 width = 600 height = 330 marginwidth = 0 marginheight = 0 frameborder = 0 scrolling = auto]
Jutri zjutraj grem za 10 dan zbiranja potovanje navzdol na otoku Catalina. Bil sem srečo, da so povabljeni, da se pridružijo dr. Jerry Powell UC Berkeley na raziskavi moljev, in to bo moj prvič kateremkoli izmed otokov. . . . → Preberite več: Moth je off Catalina
Chris Grinter, dne 3. marca, 2011%
Apparently something in the Mazda 6 fuel line is warm and inviting for the yellow sac spider, enough so that they are building webs over the vent systems of the 4 cylinder vehicles (and not the 6!). The problem has been deemed a “spider infestation” by the car company, in . . . → Preberite več: Narava ugrizne nazaj
Chris Grinter, 1. marca, 2011%
Družina Nepticulidae imajo nekatere najmanjše moljev znanih, segajo od 3-8mm krilnih konico krilnih konico. Za primerjavo sem posnel dve vešče zgoraj: največja znana – Coscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 palcev, in eden najmanjših (yes that tiny little speck . . . → Preberite več: Najmanjših moljev
Chris Grinter, on February 17th, 2011% Shockingly, stunningly, amazingly; the monarchs are back (but not co-staring Julianne Moore). v redu, it’s not that amazing; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started in 1993). Actually I believe I said “I will . . . → Preberite več: Monarchse Are All Right
Chris Grinter, 10. februarja, 2011%
Softball te GOP izziv. Ta slika prihaja skrb za Victoria pravobranilca (TX papir) – with a poorly written article about butterflies. Ta slika flop je zelo enostavno, ampak za dodatne točke, ki mi lahko pove, kaj je napačna v besedilu?
. . . → Preberite več: Genius tiskovnega XVI
Chris Grinter, on January 24th, 2011% (Credit: David Cappaert,
If you happen to be living out in Yolo, Solano or Sacramento counties you should head out with a net. Dr.. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. If you are the very first person to catch a cabbage white (Pieris rapae . . . → Preberite več: Butterflies for Beer
Chris Grinter, dne 19. januar, 2011% Vedno sem znano, da je v številnih krajih po svetu, predvsem izven utrjenih poti, gosenice za molje in metuljev so na jedilniku. Od Afrike do Avstralije obstaja na desetine vrst, ki bi lahko okus dovolj dobro, da bi bilo smiselno užitno ali celo slasten. Ampak tukaj v žuželkah ZDA redko, če . . . → Preberite več: Entomofagija: Sovice za večerjo
Chris Grinter, on January 17th, 2011% Za to številko genija tiska, who can tell me what’s wrong with this article? Je precej subtilna, ampak očitna napaka, še posebej za LiveScience.