Chris Grinter, 14. marca, 2013% Milujem kopanie cez hlbinné jamy internete šialené, pretože som si nájsť skvosty, ako je tento: Mothman na Marse? Súvisí v "článku’ je NASA Curiosity Rover photo, Mastcam Pravá. SOL 194. Fotografie urobená na 21 Február 2013. Skala hovorí o ako “Mothman” is in the upper left . . . → Čítajte viac: Mothman navštívi Mars
Chris Grinter, on December 16th, 2012% Pred niekoľkými mesiacmi mnohí z vás pravdepodobne narazili na tento meme – the famous Poodle Moth! A skutočne, väčšinou boli správy napoly slušné. Áno, to je skutočné. Áno, je to nočný motýľ. Áno, je to pravdepodobne druh v Lasiocampidae (possibly the genus Artace) ako správne poukázal Dr. John Rawlins.
. . . → Čítajte viac: Pudel Moth a problém Cryptozoology
Chris Grinter, na 24.novembra, 2012%
Nechajte to na Denveri spojiť dve veci, ideálne pre tento blog – entomológia a skepsa! Ak ste ho ešte nevideli tieto klipy potom chvíľu sa pozerať na video. Prinajmenšom to vyzerá, že je skutočný fenomén, kamera posádky z spravodajskej stanici boli schopní . . . → Čítajte viac: UFO roja Over Denver
Chris Grinter, on April 26th, 2012%
The local news for most of the eastern US and Canada has been aflutter (má) recently with reports of the irruption of Vanessa atalanta – the Red Admiral butterfly. While this is a common occurrence every spring for these butterflies to migrate north from their overwintering grounds in the southern US, . . . → Čítajte viac: Invázia motýľov
Chris Grinter, on November 16th, 2011% I’ve just returned from the annual Entomological Society of America conference in Reno, Nevada! It’s the largest meeting of its kind in the world, with over 4,000 attendees from all walks of insect research life. My interests are in the systematics, evolution and biodiversity talks – and I’ll try to recap a few of the . . . → Čítajte viac: Chyby v Rene: TOTO 2011
Chris Grinter, on November 9th, 2011% We should all celebrate this day with an act of science or skepticism. Plant the seed of inquiry and critical thinking, or take a moment to broaden your own horizons. I was up before dawn this morning and watched the morning stars fade behind the light of the rising sun. It brought to mind my . . . → Čítajte viac: Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám, Carl Sagan.
Chris Grinter, 17. októbra, 2011% CNN has now jumped on the bandwagon of FOX-esque bashing of scientific funding. Reporter Erin Burnett “správy” on the federal funding of $5.7 million dollars to help fight the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys). Burnett’s sarcasm is nearly thick enough to break into SNL levels of ridiculousness, but she seems genuine in her . . . → Čítajte viac: Stink Bug Stink
Chris Grinter, on August 31st, 2011% There has been a continuing discussion over the last few years of why so few women remain in science. While I’m not going to dive into that topic here, you can find great discussions here, tu, here and here. I don’t however think anyone argues about why women don’t enter science in the first place, . . . → Čítajte viac: Women in Science
Chris Grinter, 10. augusta, 2011% Čerstvé mimo lisy, Miami Modrý motýľ (MBB) je teraz uvedený ako federálne ohrozený aktom núdzové rezervy. Huzzah! (právo?)
Miami Modrý motýľ z Butterflies of America
Moja prvá myšlienka bola “počkať, nebol to už ohrozená?”. Áno, Ukazuje sa, MBB bol state-ohrozená, pretože 2002 after a previous emergency . . . → Čítajte viac: Nabaa Slúži rýb a zveri do hlúpy Zombies
Chris Grinter, Na 22 júli, 2011% Od poslednej výzvy GOP ubehol nejaký čas, but this is a softball. Dúfam, že boli príliš leniví na to, aby našli vhodnejší obrázok…