Last update: February 2025
I am often asked for tips on collecting localities and more-so about whether or not a permit is required. I have broken down the rules for the US here, and started to add other countries as I dig up the details. All of this information will pertain to noncommercial (scientific) use only. Please comment if you notice any inaccuracies or have any additions or suggestions. I am attempting to consolidate this information, not provide an infallible resource. Do not rely solely on my advice because this information is subject to change, you should always call ahead and make contacts in that country before you swing a net.
Acquiring permission to legally collect is critical and should not be ignored. If you are building a collection in hopes of donating it to a museum one day, this is a detail you can not avoid. Most institutions require evidence that all of your specimens were obtained legally. Illegal collecting will also eventually put you on the radar of the USFWS and may result in fines, confiscations and possibly jail time if you really flaunt the law. Illegal (or sometimes even legal!) collecting in other countries can easily land you in jail – we have all heard the horror stories.
USA: Here is a list of federally protected species. Many states also have additional state protected species that are illegal to collect. I have not been able to find a comprehensive list, but each state’s wildlife department will have a list which you should check before collecting.
- Private Land: Permission granted by landowner.
- Public Lands/BLM: Permit usually not required. Most BLM property is governed by the Wilderness Act of 1964 which (with recent updates) has separated scientific from “casual” non-commercial collecting. Under Section 6302.15 “You may remove or disturb natural resources for non-commercial purposes in wilderness areas”. So, collecting is permitted as long as it remains non-commercial, maintains the wilderness environment and is not previously restricted. Insects are never mentioned but the regulation is vague. Areas designated as “Special Areas”, such as National Monuments, Research Natural Areas or Wilderness usually do require permits. It seems like there is a lot of leeway given to whomever is interpreting the law at the moment. If you are unsure, contact the local BLM (Bureau of Land Management) office and ask.
- National Forests: No permit required for recreational collecting. All forests and grasslands are completely free range for collectors. Keep in mind that rangers still do have the authority to close an area and ask you to leave, but this has never been my experience. You should always call ahead and ask if you are unfamiliar with the area. I also always carry a copy of the NFS letter to collectors just in case, download the new 2011 letter to collectors, and the original USFWS Collecting Letter here (.pdf). Wilderness areas within forests are often closed to collecting, but ask ahead. One strange rule that the NFS does have is that all scientific collecting requires a permit. I assume they want to know about official research being conducted in their parks, but this line can be really fuzzy in my opinion. I have gone on recreational collecting trips and discovered something that ends up in a publication. Since the majority of my collecting is personally funded, I go ahead and assume it is recreational.
- State Parks: Permit required in most states. The only current exceptions that I know of are listed below. Some states will allow recreational collecting at the discretion of the park ranger, and you just have to call ahead and ask or show up with cookies. More often than not a permit will be required. This process hasn’t been too difficult in my experiences in IL or CA, and there are no wacky rules about specimen ownership and getting state-wide access is possible. Having an institutional affiliation may be very helpful, but not required (each state is different I’m sure). Applying for state permits has been a fast process in my experience, usually taking only a few weeks for approval.
- Nature Preserves: Permit required. Many states have designated nature preserves or reserves and they are often governed by a separate entity from state parks. The Nature Preserve Commission in Illinois requires a separate permit for every site you want to work in. It also takes them 60-90+ days for approval, plan ahead accordingly!
- National Wildlife Refuge: Permit required. All refuges are strictly off-limits without a permit, and rules regulating your impact while on the refuge are strict. Having a specific research target and institutional affiliation is required, along with detailed reports and specific institutions for deposition of specimens. Any specimens collected on a NWR will remain property of the reserve system for perpetuity, and any future research on these specimens must be accompanied by written approval by the refuge. That being said, more often than not those details are a technicality and not strictly enforced. Every experience I have had with a NWR has been a great one; they are always run by well-educated biologists who understand the nature of research and are eager to learn about your discoveries. They also tend to turn around a permit very quickly, I have never waited more than a week for approval.
- National Parks: Permit required. Obtaining a permit for a park is extremely difficult and time-consuming. Having never done it myself I do not know the full details, but there are many similarities to wildlife refuges. In the case of a NP absolutely all specimens have to be deposited into an institution and identified by a unique reference code. The NPS retains ownership and the right to call-back specimens if needed. There are also long lists of rules that must be followed while within the park, including staying out of sight of tourists. Permit approval can take many months if you are lucky. Really does not seem worth the hassle.
- National Monuments and Recreation Areas: Permit required. Usually governed by the National Park Service and therefore obtaining a permit is difficult and mired in bureaucratic red tape. However, some monuments are operated by the National Forest Service, BLM or other state agency – which means they are semi-autonomous and much more efficient. Call ahead and ask, each one is different.
- Land Trusts/Private Reserves: There are countless private land trusts that act as independent preserves and all have their own process for permits. The Nature Conservancy and Audubon Society are a few larger ones – but local communities and private foundations can even have their own. While they are not governed by state agencies they are usually very cooperative and easy to work with regarding research permits. Some trusts may require a state collecting permit before applying for theirs.
California: As of 1 October 2018 terrestrial invertebrates have been excluded from California Department of Fish and Wildlife scientific collecting permit. There are exceptions for protected or threatened species that are specifically listed, or aquatic species (especially vernal pools), check the CDFW website for further details.
Colorado: Insects are not regulated wildlife and therefore no permits exist for state parks. However, each state park considers collecting a “special use” activity and a day-permit is required. They are easy to get and often don’t take more than 5 minutes to fill out.
Michigan: Permits are not required for state parks (thank you HDK below).
Oklahoma: Permits are required for state parks. Up until 2014 permits had not been required.
Wyoming: Casual collecting possible with permission. Alan Silverstein in a comment below has stated he has had lots of luck with just asking for permission on-site.
Collecting abroad requires a lot of planning in advance. I recommend collaborating with or even hiring someone (like a graduate student) in your destination country to file permit paperwork for you. A person who can go to the regional office on your behalf, speak the language, and iron out any problems ahead of time could help ensure your trip is a success.
ALBANIA: Permits are not required outside of protected areas, but there are protected species. Commercial collecting is specifically illegal.
ANGUILLA: Department of the Environment grants permits, information here.
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA: Contact the Forestry Department:
ARGENTINA: A collection permission is needed from each Province you want to collect in, as they hold the rights to their genetic resources. Most of the time you have to inform them about: species, location, date, number of specimens to be collected, all fieldworkers and your association to a scientific institute. Sometimes you are required to have a locla partner. In some provinces, you have to pay for permits. They will also provide you with an export permission from their side. Getting into contact is not always easy, the best is to call the listed institutions and ask them where to specifically send your application. You need a translator or speak Spanish, as most officials do not speak English and all documents are in Spanish. An overview with links to the Province-laws can be found here (scroll to the very bottom, download the second PDF, you get a list of all provinces and PDFs of the respective Resolutións).
Here you can find information on how to hand in your Province-permissions to the central government via a special system (TAD) to receive a Certificado de Cumplimiento. If you have questions concerning the TAD-system it is best to write to: (in Spanish!)They are very helpful. A application can be processed within 1-2 month by the province and 1 month by the central government. Provided you hand in all the needed paperwork. In my experience, it is better to plan with far more time, especially if you are not fluent in Spanish. You might need to get an apostille (notarization of your signature which is legal in Argentina) at the embassy for certain documents.
ARUBA: The Veterinary Service of Aruba handles permits (
AUSTRALIA: Complex permits required. See this page from the ANIC on requirements. Even with a permit, it’s possible that only a few representatives of each species you collect may leave the country.
AUSTRIA: Permits generally not required for non-protected species on private land (with permission of course), public lands outside of Parks and protected areas “Naturschutzgebiete”. Permits are required for automated trapping methods (malaise, UV). Permits are granted regionally and may be difficult depending on the local bureaucracy.
BAHAMAS: Current moratorium on all research and collection permits for 2019. Bahamas is re-writing permit legislation following the NAGOYA protocol. All permits need to go through the Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission (BEST). See this page for more information.
BARBADOS: The Natural Heritage Department is in charge of collecting permits:
BELGIUM: Illegal to collect any federally listed species. Private land: no permits needed. Nature Reserves: permission often granted if you are collecting less well-known species. If you promise a list of everything you collect and avoid things like butterflies then you will probably be granted permission. Several of the large forests in the south will allow some day collecting but night access is restricted without permission. Ask nicely and promise a list of species collected. Here are links for permits in Flanders (North) and Wallonia (South).
BELIZE: Permits required for insect collecting and can take approximately 3+ months to process and cost $100USD. If you are requesting to work in any conservation area, you must provide detailed contact information for your collaborators – they will be contacted (once), and if they don’t respond, your application does not move forward. Expect to call regularly to check on your permit, and plan on spending a day in Belmopan to finalize the permit (or arrange to have a local collaborator take care of last minute details and payment). Application for permits can be found here.
BOLIVIA: Apparently Bolivia has made it very difficult to conduct research within the last few years. The permitting process is very slow and can take 6 months or more, with no guarantee that the paperwork will come through in time. Additionally, submission of the export permit requires approval that usually requires that all of your insects be shipped out of the country after you depart. The export permit also requires all specimens to be identified to SPECIES, even if it’s Papilio sp. A, B, C… etc. An expedition by a large US Museum in 2007 ended with all collected specimens being left in Bolivia awaiting export permits. As of 2010, the specimens are still awaiting approval for shipment. But perhaps you could have better luck, try contacting the Museuo de Historia Natural.
BRAZIL: Forget it. OK – it is possible to obtain research permits for this notoriously difficult country. Although fairly difficult to achieve, Brazilian researchers who are in possession of IBAMA permits may be able to include foreign researchers on their permit to cover specific collaborative research projects that involve collecting and export of specimens. Expect to work closely with potential collaborators during the application process, and plan on at least 9 months (or more) to move the many forms though many government offices. Often it is only possible to get your specimens by leaving them with your Brazilian colleague and having them shipped to you as a loan. Recent updates to the Brazilian law make it even harder to collect (Science letters, 2014 .pdf).
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Department of Environment & Fisheries for permits.
BULGARIA: Collecting allowed outside protected areas for non-protected species. Commercial collecting is illegal. A list of protected species can be found here.
CAMBODIA: Collecting permits required, make contacts with the Cambodian Entomology Initiative for further information.
CANADA: Much like the USA, Canada limits collecting in Nature preserves, Federal, Regional and Provincial parks to permit only. Provincial forests should be open to collecting like the US National Forests. Exporting specimens may require that collected specimens are not on the protected species lists.
CARIBBEAN ISLANDS: The Caribbean Research Resources website was helpful, now defunct.
CAYMAN ISLANDS: Contact the Department of Environment for permits (Dr. Mat Cottam and the National Trust for help setting up your research (Paul Watler
CHINA: Permits are required and only granted if you have Chinese collaborators, which are often required to accompany you in the field.
COLOMBIA: Sounds like they are making permits all but impossible to obtain with contracts needed and fees reaching nearly $10,000. This article discusses this new legislation that went into effect 28 December 2011.
COSTA RICA: Permits required. Costa Rica is a very environmentally conscious country and is very vigilant about its biological treasures. Because much of Latin America relies on hand-checked luggage your boxes of insects stand a high chance of being discovered, so do not risk it. Their rules are strict enough that they even confiscate tourist’s seashells. If you have a research project and institutional affiliation than obtaining a permit is easy. Plan your destinations ahead of time and figure out what provinces you will be focusing on. All permits are granted through the Ministerio de Ambiente, Energia y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET) in San Jose. A standard project proposal, CV and basic information form is required for submission. Once approved you are issued the paperwork on site when you arrive along with a “collecting passport”, which is literally a passport like book with your image that grants you access to your approved areas. In country you are required to pay a $35 fee into the account of the park service at Banco Nacional. The guy who issues you the permits will also help you fill out the export permit before you leave the country (pretty standard, list things as best you can to family if possible). All in all, a very well oiled system that operates very efficiently.
CROATIA: Collecting is banned but it is possible to get permit from The Croatian Natural History Museum (Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej). (according to Zdenek in the comments)
CUBA: Travel to Cuba for US Citizens is restricted but IS permitted for professionals conducting research. Recent changes in enforcement by the Obama administration make travel to Cuba for research much easier. Permits to travel there can be obtained via the Department of Treasure and this website. As far as collecting permits you should find a local scientist and contact them (and then bring me with you).
CYPRUS: Collecting permits are required per 2003 wildlife legislation. See this page from Cyprus Butterflies for more information.
CZECH REPUBLIC: No permits required for non-protected lands or protected species (as per Natura-2000 + a few others). Permits are issued by Departments for Environment, Agriculture and Forestry under Regional Bureaus (Krajsky urad, Odbor zivotniho prostredi, zemedelstvi a lesnictvi), if you need to collect in protected areas, you should ask relevant Nature Conservation Agency ( (thanks to commenter Zdenek)!
DENMARK: Collecting allowed outside of protected areas.
DOMINICA: Permits issued through the Forestry and Wildlife Division.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Collecting allowed only for scientific or educational purposes, permit required. There are standard application procedures, similar to Costa Rica. This is the page with application for research (PDF) in protected areas. Export permits are also required as per this page – but a specific “export” permit is not linked. This is the “import” paperwork, which may be the same. Permits can take a few months to obtain and you have to allow time before and after your trip to pick up the collecting and export paperwork in Santo Domingo.
ECUADOR: Another tricky Latin American country to collect. Permits are all issued through the Ministerio del Ambiente and can be written by the National Museum or Catolica University. Country-wide permits are issued, however to obtain an export permit separate “permiso de movilizacion” clearances are needed for each province you collect in. Contact the Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales or Universidad Catolica and it is likely that an Ecuadorian will have to collaborate with you and possibly join you in the field. Ecuador has large problems with drug smuggling and they are preoccupied with more serious crimes than insect collecting, so once a permit is obtained, you will not be hassled. A more detailed account of Ecuadorian permit issues here.
ETHIOPIA: Permits may exist but it is very likely an expensive process to obtain. Like many African countries the bureaucracy simply doesn’t function well enough to effectively permit collecting.
EUROPEAN UNION (in general): A number of species are protected across the EU per the habitats directive found here (.pdf).
FIJI: Permit is only required for collecting on the national preserves, but most of the island is privately owned and landowner permission is needed. Export permit is required to leave the country and your insects must be inspected at a local biosecurity office before the permit is issued (one at the airport in Nadi). They briefly check to make sure everything is dead and there is no plant or soil contamination. There are also no legally protected species. (Information directly from the Fijian Dept. of Environment, relayed through Hollie’s comment below, thanks!)
FINLAND: Collecting permits only required for protected species and nature reserves (Plenty of protected areas are not marked). Collecting with traps is prohibited on the Åland Islands. Export permits required. Make a contact at the Finnish Museum of Natural History or University of Helsinki and that person could help guide you through any permits required (permits issued through “ELY centers). Access to most private lands is not highly restricted, limited camping is permitted out of sight of homes – but permission is always good to obtain, especially when collecting. (See comment below from Juha & Jyrki).
FRANCE: No permits required, except within National Parks. France is very collector friendly, but as in many countries there are protected species to carefully avoid. (Thanks to Opequin for this info).
FRENCH GUIANA: Non-scientific collecting is now regulated as of 2019! There are strict limits on two species: Theraphosa blondi and Titanus giganteus at 1 each per person per year. General insects are limited to 1,000 specimens per person per year. You also must register your trip and report specimens for export. Violations of the new legislation can lead to a fine up to $832 per specimen! See this updated declaration for specifics (in french, PDF). There are at least many collecting friendly tourist lodges that regularly host entomologists. Scientific collecting likely now requires additional permits.
FRENCH POLYNESIA: Research permits required, but may be easy to obtain.
GERMANY: Collecting of all kinds is prohibited throughout the country without permit (except for seasonal harvests like mushrooms). Permits can be applied for by private or public entities, professional, or amateur. Permits need to be applied for at the regional level and differs between regions. Check the protected species list here.
GHANA: Collecting permit and export permit required, probably difficult to obtain.
GREECE: Generally collecting is banned. Permission granted by Ministry of Environment and a list of the species you are collecting along with dates and places are required.
GRENADA: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishes will issue permits. Contact Aden Forteau:
GUADELOUPE: Contact the Direction Départementale de lʼEnvironnement de la Guadeloupe (DIREN Guadeloupe). Two permits are needed – collecting and export.
HONG KONG: Rules are harmonized with those of China.
HUNGARY: Permits required for collecting on National Parks, Landscape Conservation Areas and simple Protected Natural Areas. Permits cost about 70 Euro. However, collecting outside of those areas is unregulated except for protected species (mainly butterflies), found here: PDF. (Thank you Koy Tóbiás)
INDIA: Forget it.
INDONESIA: Permits required and difficult to obtain. Permits go by the acronym “LIPI” are issued by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, but they have a great website for this entire process. I believe there is a strict quota per species, regardless of CITES status.
ISRAEL: Permit is required for collecting in nature reserves and national parks, or when collecting legally protected species (there are currently 14 species of protected butterflies, and several additional insect species being considered for legal protection). In privately owned lands, landowner permission is needed. Permits are issued by Israel Nature and Parks Authority (NPA), however their website is not exactly scientist-friendly, with most forms written in the Hebrew language. Contact the Supervision and Enforcement Division, or the Science and Conservation Division for details regarding how to obtain a collecting permit. Export permit is required to leave the country with the specimens and is obtained from either the NPA or the Plant Protection and Inspection Services (PPIS), depending on the species in question. (Thank you to Gil Wizen for this information)
ITALY: Very collector friendly, permits required only for national parks – and in general like much of Europe there is a list of protected species that are off limits. (does anyone have that list?)
JAMAICA: Permits required through the National Environment and Planning Agency and can take 6 weeks or up to 2 months. Here is the Jamaica Wildlife Research Application (.doc).
JAPAN: Collecting allowed outside of protected areas. Contact Japanese entomological society if you have specific questions.
KENYA: Permits required, likely very and/or expensive to obtain.
LATVIA: Regulations of protected areas here, and list of protected species here.
LUXEMBOURG: All trapping is prohibited (bait, light, etc.) Day collecting is allowed for Pieris, all other butterflies protected. Saturniidae, Sphingidae and Catocala species can not be collected. Permits can be obtained from the Ministry of the Environment, but are reserved for legitimate research projects. (Thanks to nomihoudai on the insectnet forums for this info.)
MACEDONIAN REPUBLIC: Collecting is banned without a permit, collaboration with a local scientist is required and could take several months to organize.
MADAGASCAR: Collecting permits required and difficult to obtain. Export can be exceedingly difficult and often requires leaving specimens for months while paperwork is processed.
MALAYSIA: Permits are issued through the Wildlife Department, and it looks like an extensive process. Give at least six months for approval.
MALTA: Collecting allowed outside of national parks and private land. List of protected species in this document. (.pdf)
MARTINIQUE: Direction Départementale de lʼEnvironnement de la Martinique (DIREN Martinique) (Can’t find valid website). Address: Immeuble Massal, 4 Boulevard de Verdun, 97200 Fort-de-France, Martinique, French West Indies. Phone: 05 96 71 30 05.
MEXICO: Very difficult. Permits are usually only granted to Mexican scientists and even collecting on private land without permit is illegal. Collecting in MX requires that you be added under a scientist who has a permit and will sponsor your research. Donating representatives of your collections back to that Mexican institution are also required, especially any primary types that come from your research. Further information is available here through the embassy. And more information through this UNAM website.
NETHERLAND ANTILLES: Info via CRR – North Islands and South. For North/St. Eustatius National Park contact Kate Walker, Director. +599 318 2884, For Curacao contact Dr. A.O. Debrot at the Carmabi Foundation. For Bonaire try Peter Montanus at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
NORWAY: Collecting permits required for protected land and permits usually issued only to researchers. There are 5 protected butterflies you must avoid, Parnassius apollo, P. mnemosyne, Plebejus argyrognomon, Scolitantides orion, and Coenonympha hero. Permits should be sent to the appropriate county governor for the region of your interest.
PANAMA: Information via the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Research permits are available through the National Research Institute for $41. Also checkout this non-profit research center that looks like a wealth of information.
PARAGUAY: Permit probably required but difficult to obtain.
PERU: Like most Latin American countries permits are difficult, but possible to obtain with effort. Permits need to be approved by government biologists and few are available (or charge expensive fees). Probably easiest to hire someone on the ground to expedite permits.
PHILIPPINES: Permits necessary and require a collaboration of a local scientist.
POLAND: Collecting permitted outside of protected areas. Protected species list can be found here.
PUERTO RICO: All permits for PR and outlaying islands of Isla Mona, Culebra, Vieques, and Isla de Caja de Muertos are handled through the Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Once a permit is issued travel to the islands of Mona and Caja de Muertos can be arranged for FREE – contact Wendy Bonetta for further information (
ROMANIA: Collecting permitted outside of protected areas. Protected species exist (need list?) and export permits are required but loosely enforced.
SAINT-BARTHELEMY: Permits issued through Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy and copies of permits sent to DIREN Guadeloupe (see above).
SERBIAN REPUBLIC: Collecting allowed outside of protected areas. Protected species include Sphingidae, Noctuidae, ~50 butterfly species and ~300 beetle species (need a list?).
SAINT KITTS & NEVIS: For Nevis (St. Christopher) contact the Department of Physical Planning for permits. Try getting a hold of Lillith Richards, or a “resident research guide” John Guilbert
SLOVAKIA: Permits required for all areas, especially parks and preserves. Start with the Ministry of Environment.
SLOVENIA: Permits required for protected areas (national parks, reserves, and Nature 2000 areas), and protected species. Collecting outside of these areas is allowed without permit. Start with the Ministry of Environment. Protected areas highlighted on the Conservation Atlas.
SOLOMON ISLANDS: As of 2003 there is a total ban on the export of all wildlife. Scientific research is supposed to be allowed, but I am unaware of any permits issued.
SOUTH AFRICA: Permits in conservation areas require a local collaborator. Permits are issued for each individual region. While collecting outside of protected areas seems legal, export permits are required and difficult to obtain, more information here.
SPAIN: All collecting prohibited in all areas without permits. Permits can be obtained through the Ministry of Environment, but each autonomous area requires their own permits. Additional species are protected, such as Graellsia isabellae, but specific lists should be acquired from the permitting agency before collecting begins. (Gareth King below has offered to assist people for free for submitting permits in Spanish)
SWEDEN: Collection permitted outside protected areas that are clearly marked as such, as well as for some protected species. Specially pay attention to the strict protection of P. apollo and P. mnemosyne. The EU protection listing is also valid for Sweden. Private land is free to be used for collection outside fenced or cultivated areas. The same goes for walking, tenting (max two days) a.s.o. as long as damage to the nature is avoided. Hunting and fishing, however, requires permission everywhere except in the sea. (Thanks to Marcin in the comments below)
SWITZERLAND: Permits (autorisation exceptionnelle) required for protected areas and/or protected species, but these requirements vary by each Canton. A local branch of the “forest service” should be contacted before collecting (Service des Forets et du Paysage). Here is the form for collecting in Geneva and for Valais). In canton Vaud authorization is required even outside of the protected areas. An application should be sent to the DGE-BIODIV (Direction générale de l’environnement – Division biodiversité et paysage). The same applies for canton Tessin/Ticino. You can ask to the Ufficio della natura e del paesaggio. (Patrick F for updates)
TAIWAN: Collecting in unprotected areas allowed, but keep a safe distance from National Parks and be aware of protected species.
THAILAND: Collecting outside of protected areas allowed without permit. However, carefully avoid these protected species (and Actias rhodopneuma). Contact the Forest Protection Office for more details. This site also has some good tips.
TOBAGO: Department of Natural Resources and the Environment. 78 Wilson Road, Highmoor, Scarborough, Tobago. (868) 639-2273
TRINIDAD: The Wildlife Section, 29 Farm Road, St. Joseph, Trinidad (868) 662-5114.
TURKEY: Collecting permits required everywhere, see comments below from Geir Gogstad.
TURKS & CAICOS: Contact the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs. Try Brian Riggs ( at the National Environment Center for permits.
UGANDA: Permits necessary and require local collaborator.
UNITED KINGDOM: Similar to the USA, permits are required for land owned by the National Trust, Forestry Commission, National Parks, English Nature and local & national Nature Reserves. Public lands are free to collect on. And as in most countries, avoid protected species. (Thanks to Matt Smith for this info, see comments).
US VIRGIN ISLANDS: Permits required for the possession of “ANY indigenous island species”. However this website is vague and lists only birds, bats and fish as animals that require permits. As in a few US states insects may not legally count as animals and are not regulated. Try to contact the USFWS field offices or the Department of Planning & Natural Resources before visiting and collecting. Export permits however would still be required. There are 4 US endangered insects and 3 endangered arachnids on the island.
Safe Collecting!

Tvärminne Zoological Station, Finland
no State Park permit required in Michigan. never has been.
The Michigan state land laws state this, ae you sure it its ok to gather herbs on state lsnf in MI? (h) Destroy, damage, or remove a tree, including a dead and downed tree and woody
debris, shrub, wildflower, grass, or other vegetation. Except in a wildlife food plot, this
subdivision does not apply to picking and removing mushrooms, berries, and edible fruits
or nuts for personal use.
No permit needed in France, amateur entomologists are welcome.
Some species are protected :
You can collect everywhere except in National Parks
Hi Opequin. Is it only prohibited in National Parks? What about the parc naturel régional?
Looks like basically the entire Papilionidae and most of the other butterflies of Thailand are protected. The list does not include Actias rhodopneuma which is now also protected.
In the U.K. Permits are required for land owned by the National Trust, Forestry Commisssion, National Parks, English Nature and local & national Nature Reserves. These can be obtained from the relevant authorities but you need a very good reason to be collecting there. Apart from that, private land is as in other countries, with land owner’s permission. Common land can be collected any time but it is usually quite public so you could be in for grief from locals.
Oh, forgot to mention, there are several protected species of butterfly and moth here. A list can be gotten from Natural England, see their website, or Butterfly Conservation.
Very Interesting!
Thank You!
Nice site.
The list of UK species cited on the Wikipedia page is not the list of legally protected UK species. To see the correct list of all species including inverts go to
Note that when a species is only partly protected, the phrase “sale only” – – also includes collecting for the purpose of exchange. This means you can collect for your own collection but cannot collect sell or exchange the species without a licence.
Thank you for this correction and the note, I have edited the entry to reflect the correct list. Always appreciated!
I am planning a trip to Fiji in August and am very interested in collecting insects there for a university collection. This is my first time attempting to collect in a foreign country and I know only that I need collecting permits and export permits. Do you have any idea whom I might contact to obtain these permits for Fiji?
Any leads would be greatly appreciated
Hi Hollie- you could try contacting someone over at the Department of Environment:
Other than that, I’m not really sure what is required. Best of luck, and I’d love to find out what information you can track down.
Thanks Chris. I will do that and promise to get back to you when I figure out what is needed/who should be contacted to collect in Fiji.
Hi from Canada!
I am wondering about collecting permits in Panama? Anybody knows?
This is the best resource I could find for Panama:
Thank you …but I had found that source as well. I gather that they are taking about research collecting permit, but it doesn’t apply to us private citizen, making a private collection, or does it? Is my interpretation of the information on that site correct?
That still leave me with the question: do I need a permit to go, collect and leave without any problem?
I’m pretty sure you still need a permit. If you aren’t doing a research collection then you would be considered a “commercial” collector – even if it’s for yourself. This would involve many more complicated permits with lots of expensive fees (and/or bribes). I think the mindset of most permitting agencies is that either you’re a researcher or a seller, there is no middle ground for a private collector to just enjoy a hobby.
But I encourage you to contact Panamanian officials and ask. You never know! But it might get tricky – you’ll be required to have an export permit regardless of your activity, and it may take a collecting permit to get an export permit…
It’s possible to get scientific collecting and export permits for Panama through ANAM if you can get someone at the University of Panama to agree to “support” your research project, and you are affiliated with a University or Museum, even as a “research associate”, as I am with the McGuire Center at the Univ of Florida and the Mississippi Entomological Museum, and not an employee. You don’t have to go through the Smithsonian (STRI) if you can do this. I’ve obtained at least 10 permits since 2007, conducting 2 to 4 week collecting trips with various groups of “assistants” from all over the US, whether or not they are affiliated with a Univ or Museum or not. There’s several forms to be signed, and you have to have an agreement with someone at the Univ of Panama, and send them some identified specimens, but it’s possible if you make the effort, all documentation has to be in Spanish.
Hello from Québec City, Canada
I was asking myself if someone knows a prolific state in USA to collect coleopterae during the day and at night in the middle of may.
How about New Zealand? Are there any restrictions for insect collectors?
Hi Chris
Here’s what I’ve found out about collecting in Fiji after contacting the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji:
No collecting permits are required unless you are collecting on a national preserve. Most of the land in Fiji is privately owned, so of course you would need permission of the property owner. To get an export permit, you must take the collected and labelled insects to a Biosecurity office (there is one in the airport in Nadi). They will inspect to make sure that everything is dead, and that there are is no soil or plant material and then give the export permit. Currently there are no protected insect species in Fiji, so there is nothing you need to avoid when collecing.
Thank you for reporting back on your research! I’ll update the page to reflect this, and best of luck on your upcoming trip to Fiji!
Does anyone know about Peru?
I don’t know any specifics, but I do believe the collecting of big showy species like Morpho, Agrias, and some beetles is now protected to reduce exploitation. I would really appreciate any details you manage to dig up on permits!
I came back from a collecting trip to Peru in June…there is a fee per insect in lots of 100. Do not recall the exact amount. I just paid the guide and he obtained all the paperwork. Contact Manuel Miranda at for more information…
Peru, like most other Latin American countries is difficult, but probably the least difficult. Like Ecuador everything needs to signed off by a government affiliated biologist to the species. The problem is that there are only around 10 of these biologists and 4 of them are currently sanctioned for something or other and the others have high fixed prices on the services they offer (bastards). That’s why it’s not to your favor if you’re trying to export only a handful of these things. There’s red tape involved, it’s a pain, but your best bet is to hire someone that has experience in exporting butterflies (like me) and have them take care of all the paperwork. You’ll most likely have to wait about a month to get them, and there are duties involved per butterfly but the duties are minimal and go towards the region in which the butterflies were taken out of. I love Peru, been living here three years now, but dealing with the government agencies can take it’s toll in grey hairs. For more info contact the offices of INRENA here in Peru or shoot me an email.
One last thing, big showy species like morpho and agrias are still legal, there are even farms dedicated to raising morpho’s like didius and rhetenors. The only difference is there taxes are a little higher and you cannot export any butterflies during the rainy season, usually from December to March.
Thank you for this note Ben! So many countries are headed this way it’s sad, but Peru seems to take the cake with charging per specimen!
(NB: as a note to readers, I can not personally vouch for Ben’s service he offered above…)
I agree to an extent on the way many countries are headed this route, but the Peruvian taxes per specimen are very small, most species are just 1 sol, which is equivalent to $0.27. Granted, when your talking about about a thousand + specimens, this can amount to quite a bit. However, this tax they apply goes towards the CANON Regional tax, directly benefiting the the district in which the butterflies came out of. This also helps regulate the amount of butterflies leaving the area and allows for the regional INRENA offices to be self-sustained. This is one of the very few times I will defend a taxation system, but there really would be no other way to provide a checks and balance system for the export of flora and fauna for both commercial and research means.
Another thing I forgot to mention is that to export butterflies there’s even a license involved here in Peru, it’s a strenuous process that takes atleast a year, very costly and like getting a license at the DMV you have to pass a difficult Lepidoptera test, then present a plan to the government. After all that you get licensed and that’s another reason why there are only a few people out here that legally do this work. Then again, this is the country with the most species of butterflies in the world and I love my job, the hassle for me is definitely worth it. Not just anybody can do it, but it also protects the rainforest. If it wasn’t for these things it’s possible you have a “butterfly gold rush”. Anyways, this response turned out to be a lot longer than I anticipated.
Happy Catching…
Phew .27 each huh – are you sure this extends to NON-commercial collecting? A standard trip for me would cost over $1000 just to get my specimens out of the country!
And when it comes to export license I’m certain those do not apply to research permits but for commercial enterprises only. But I’m glad to hear they take things seriously when it comes to issuing these.
I should have clarified this, you still need a license to collect butterflies for research, but in these cases I believe that INRENA grants temporary butterfly catching licenses for foreigners for a fee. The process is no where near as grueling as if it’s for research. The problem is, however, justifying to INRENA that a thousand butterflies is for research. You could get help from the authority down here and across much of the globe, Gerardo Lamas, he hangs out and runs the lepidoptera section of the Natural History Museum and is one of the heads, if not the head of the biology department at the state university, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He’s definitely the go to guy if it’s research related.
About those $.27 per specimen, I had a friend from the States come down here back in May and we went out catching around the highlands near La Merced area of the Junin district, for his personal collection, nothing commercial. He tried to get around it, I tried to help him get around it, he ended up paying the tax which came out to just under $400. If there is a way around the tax, I am not aware of it.
In Switzerland rules related to collecting permits can be different depending on canton. In Valais a permit (autorisation exceptionnelle) is required for protected species, besides, collecting is not allowed in conservation areas. A permit can be obtained from the cantonal Office for nature and landscapes (Service des forets et du paysage).
Thanks for this update, I’ve added the info above!
No collecting permits are needed for Finland, so there is no need to contact Fin. Mus. Nat. Hist. Exception is collecting of protected species or nature reserves/parks. Permits for these should not be impossible to get if you have a serious research project. The museum does not give these permits, but the regional environmental agencies. As indicated collecting on privet land is your legal right (even as foreigner), as long as you do not disturb the owner near his home (eg. collecting in his garden is not allowed without permission). And yes, people might be territorial about their mushrooms, berries, etc., but it is still your legal right to pick these. Finns are also very territorial about the private roads (something you may encounter if you move around on the countryside). This is how it works: You are allowed to walk, ride a bike or horse on ALL roads. You are allowed to drive on all roads unless there is an official sign prohibiting this. The owner may have a different opinion… Here are the protected species and what you will have to pay if you get caught:
So if you were just visiting the National Park area do you need a permit then if you are trapping in say the hotel grounds or a B&B if that is in the National park? its for photography only NO collection of specimens
In the United States yes, you would still need a permit. Anything that disturbs wildlife like this would have to be a research proposal, even if you aren’t killing any specimens. If you find a moth in the wild then you can photograph away without permits.
In Thailand, you can indeed collect without a permit at a privately owned BnB within a National Park
I’m a collector & hobbyist. I’ve been collecting in Mexico, Brazil, Belize & other countries & only in national parks & wildlife sanctuaries have I even been turned away. The first time I came back to the US with butterflies I declared them at customs, I was told to go to the inspection line. I was asked what I was bringing in, I told them. They looked at me like I was from the moon & told me to get out of there & quit wasting their time. So I have never declared them again. I’ve never had a problem. Now I’m planning a trip to Costa Rica in February & I’m wondering if a independant collector can get a permit to collect insects. Thanks
Glad you haven’t had any problems, but I would strongly discourage anyone else from trying your strategy. In places like Mexico and Brazil it is specifically illegal to collect without permit, and while the government agencies may not catch on for quite a while you are running a risk of arrest or jail time (or paying heavy bribes).
You’re right that customs can be hit or miss, I’ve had agents look at me like I’m crazy too. But not declaring importations is illegal, and a customs officer should call Fish and Wildlife when you are telling them what you have. But, once you declare your items it’s out of your hands and in the discretion of the agent; if he says get lost then you’re off the hook. Submitting your 3-177 form is always a good idea too!
How the things turn for you in your trip to Costa Rica. I am also planning a trip to Costa Rica next February and any tips could be appreciated.
Hi, do you know about permit requirement in China?
I don’t have any specifics on China – I only know that it is possible, but you must have a Chinese collaborator. They will have to join you in the field everywhere you go (possibly with other students/collaborators of theirs) as a condition of the permit; but every experience I have heard about has been a positive one.
i want to collect in costa rica but i cant read the website -_- what would you think my chances of getting a permit is? i just want to add to my privet collection, i have no affiliation to a collage but i’ve studied insects since i was 3 and had a full collection of Tennessee species by the age of 10. that collection has grown to over 10,000 specimens, im 23 and im getting bored of the same old insects at my light trap but i still have a deep love for dynastes tityus and granti 🙂 i need new opportunities to collect because im addicted to learning about insects and the art of pinning specimens, its just something i need to do before i die
If you’re going for fun-collecting than a scientific permit is not what you need and you wouldn’t be granted one without a research goal. Collecting in reserves though is not allowed without one, so I fear those are off-limits to you. You might still be able to legally collect on unprotected land in Costa Rica…but you will still need an export permit. I have no idea how easy or hard that can be without a scientific permit first.
It seems like the best tropical American country to collect is French Guiana – safe, stable, and no permits needed!
I make jewelry out of butterfly wings in the US, and up until now have been using only US based sources for my bugs. But, I have recently stumbled across a supplier in Peru, who has offered to ship me “wings only” in laminated sheets. I.e. NOT the whole insects. I am wondering if sheets of wings, coated from both sides, no bodies, would therefore not need to be inspected, as they are really not the insects anymore? Any thoughts on this?
Thank you!
In short, yes, you would need a commercial importers license. USFWS classifies any whole or part of an animal as “wildlife”. See this site for more information.
I’ve never been a commercial importer so I have no clue about this – but it costs a bit of cash and can be a complicated process. I think the best way to do it is by sheer volume, have one giant import a year so your inspection fee is worth it.
You not only need a USFWS license, which is 100.00/year, but you will also need to fill out a 3-177 eDecs form, which, if you use an authorized port of entry is 93.00/shipment.
Without these, you risk your shipment being confiscated or you might even be fined, assuming these are all legal specimens. Anything CITES or illegal will land you possible jail time.
Hi, do you know about permit requirement in the philippines??
I believe obtaining permits for the Philippines is very difficult, and may require months of advanced planning. Unfortunately I do not have first had experience with this. When the California Academy embarked on their 2011 expedition permits were handled by a large multidisciplinary team of scientists working with Filipino colleagues – and probably with help from the embassy.
Thanks for the help this is good to know.
Hi there,
I was hoping to do some collecting in Turkey in the Dalaman region this September. It’s little more than just pure interest of what wasp and ant species there are, although I am ultimately going to be a Hymenopterist. Not after anything apart from genera and families which aren’t here for me to study in the UK. Any info on collecting here?
Thank you
Can’t say that I’ve heard of anything regarding Turkey. I would look into any sort of environmental ministry and possibly contact your countries consulate in Turkey. Good luck, would love to hear how you do!
Para Turquía hay que conseguir un visado de investigación, basado en un proyecto, avalado por alguna universidad o museo de allí. Hay zonas muy problemáticas con los militares, que te paran y revisan cada tanto. Mejor llevar contigo alguna persona de la entidad que expide el aval.
Does anyone happen to know, what about permissions for most african countries? I want to collect in Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, maybe some more
The place to get information for Papua New Guinea is from the National Research Institute:
I loved when you said, “Brazil: Forget it”. In fact that is the truth, especially with butterflies (ants, for instance, are much easier to abscond). I find the excessive protectionism in here ridiculous, as the government allows farmer to burn their lands at will. I have been recently to French Guyana and I strongly recommend it to any entomologists.
HUNGARY: collecting outside “protected natural areas” (there are 3 kinds: National Parks, Landscape Conservation Areas and simple Protected Natural Areas) is allowed by day or night, BUT you are prohibited to collect protected species determined by Hungarian law. The new updated law (including all plant and animal species, not just insects.)has just been published, see:
from page 20903.
Many diurnal butterflies have now become protected, like Gonepteryx rhamni or Argynnis paphia, but do not ask why! In the law after the scientific names you can also find the fine (theorethical value) you get for any specimen you catch without permit, in Hungarian currency (HUF). Good to know, that these species (or any part of them) are also banned to take in or out of the country, no matter where they were collected. This info may be especially important when you are coming from outside EU by car…
On the other hand, for collecting inside protected areas you need permits. The procedure costs about 70EUR and if you do not have a good reason what you’d like to study and why, most likely you will not get it.
Do you know, where you can try to acquire a permit for national parks etc.?
Thanks in advance!
For National Parks in the US there is a portal for applying and reporting on your permit. Note that the NPS retains ownership of the specimens no matter where they go
Thank you for the updates!
Hello, do you know if a permit is required for hobby collecting in South Korea?
Haven’t heard anything regarding permits here good or bad – nor do I know of anyone who has done work there. Please let us know if you come across any information!
Do you have any information about collecting or transporting insects from Japan?
I kinda got into the hobby of drying and displaying insects that were found in and around my home. I’m a military spouse who’s only just started a small collection, and now we’re getting ready to leave Japan, and I’m suddenly finding out how difficult it will be to get my collection to our new duty station in the states… I leave in about 8 weeks, so don’t know how I’ll get permits in time, so I have the bad feeling everything I have will just be thrown away… >_<;
In the Czech Republic you can collect everything except protected species (all species included in Natura2000 + some others) and everywhere except National Parks and National Reserves. If you need to collect protected species, the permits are issued by Departments for Environment, Agriculture and Forestry under Regional Bureaus (Krajsky urad, Odbor zivotniho prostredi, zemedelstvi a lesnictvi), if you need to collect in protected areas, you should ask relevant Nature Conservation Agency ( It strongly differs from Slovakia, where all collecting is prohibited and you can get permit for some protected areas but it is difficult to get it for another one… In Turkey, they banned anything, in Greece recently too. For Croatia, the collecting is banned but it is possible to get permit from The Croatian Natural History Museum (Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej), if you have a reason. In Slovenia you can collect unprotected species.
Hi Chris,
Very nice website, thx !!
Some precisions about France :
National list of protected species of insects (all orders)
Ile de France regional list of protected species of insects
La Réunion department list of protected species of insects (first article)
Moreover, Guadeloupe and Martinique are French departments, so, same rules than in the rest of France (idem for French Guyana). If no species from these places are mentioned in National list of protected species, there is no problem for collecting (Except in National parks, as mentioned by O. Pequin).
Hi Stéphane,
I have heard that obtaining permits for French departments has become more difficult in recent years. Is this true? I am looking to travel to Martinique and Guadeloupe next year to collect. Do you know who I should contact about this?
Some state parks and state forests now require liability insurance for research collection permits. NY, Mass and VT do. This makes the process really difficult or impossible if you are not affiliated with an organization that provides this.
On the other hand, the US National Parks system has an online permit application form that is very easy to use. I wish there were more national parks in the US, as this is now the most straightforward system to get a research permit for foreign researchers.
I am an amateur entomologist interested in “recreational” collecting in Africa and SE Asia. Particularly Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Ghana and Madagascar (Africa in general). Does anyone know whether permits are required, and if so, how to go about getting them ?
Hi Michael, it is very difficult to get permits in most of those countries you want to go to. Usually the “short cut” of bribing is the only way and this is how most local dealers get their parcels O.K.-ed for export. Papua New Guinea is a very dangerous place for an inexperienced visitor, with or without collecting permits. The danger is that there is no public security and you can be robbed or even killed by the locals. Every piece of land is owned by someone who can demand a price for entering. Collecting without the landowner’s permit is regarded as theft. Your best bet is to find a contact with the missionaries and get an invitation by them and then collect in their “territory”. But you still have to get permits from the government for collecting and exporting.A lot of hustle.
Dear Michael, in all the places you mentioned the permits are required. Frequently it consist of two permits, one for collecting and one for export. When I visited the Ghana, it was organised by a friend so I do not know how easy it was, but getting the export permit was then easy. I have no idea about the other countries but you can google it.
Thank you, Zdenek, for your reply. Unforunately, I have spent hours combing the internet looking for information on how and where to obtain permits in theses countries. Even the official Customs sites do not mention insects in particular, or have information on export permits for such. Collecting permits…impossible to find info on this on the internet. Even when I sent email to “officials” withiun the country with such inquiries, I do not get any reply. Furthermore, even if these collecting and export permits COULD be obtained, my concern is the cost would be prohibitive for just a sampling of species (1 or 2 specimens of any one species…maybe 100 insects or so). Very frustrating !
Hi Chris,great site, congrats! I just wonder if anyone can give me some advice about the following matter. I have a relatively large. life-time coleo. collection which I will donate to a major Aussie museum. But I also have a lot of packeged specimens, mainly from other continents and I would like to sell these online. These were collected in countries before the strict permit laws were invented. I wonder if it is legal for me to sell these and send them to other countries like the US, England, Germany etc.? Australian law would allow this, but what about the countries of origin and the the countries where I would like to send them to? I can see a lot of similar material on the Net. Any ideas?I would greatly appreciate the info.
Hi George-
I guess it depends. At least for the USA we’re not allowed to import commercial specimens without proper permits – this includes things legally collected with collecting permits from the country of origin. This process involves an expensive inspection fee required by Fish and Wildlife (in the order of hundreds of dollars), and if your specimens were old and collected before permits existed this would raise a major red flag. I would think even with the commercial import permit and inspection your specimens would stand a high chance of confiscation. Basically I would be skeptical of selling and sending specimens to anyone in the US, and if they choose to buy from you they are doing so at their own risk.
If you donated these specimens for research shipping to the USA is possible, and not a big deal – but don’t be talked into labeling your package as something for “scientific research” if it’s not. In the end the more people busted for faking these shipments (there are plenty out there who do) will just make sending real scientific parcels impossible.
I’m not really sure about other countries – most don’t seem to be as strict as us (our regulations are pretty ridiculous).
Hi George, as I know, in majority of European countries there are no such regulations for import of dead insects with the exception of CITES. I get frequently material from various parts of the world and I the only troubles were with custom officers as they generally expect that when a custom value is not written on the package, then the value should be incredible high and they want to tax it. Unfortunately they do not distinguish if it is for commerce or for scientific research. I do not understand the over-regulations in some countries. The black market does not care about law, whereas research is affected by plenty of paperwork. It is quite silly when some species are missing in large phylogeny studies only because of listing them in CITES (and the species are farmed in large parts of Asia and offered for few dollars on eBay).
Hi Zdenek,I agree with you about the black market. I am sure that most of the material offered on eBay or other similar online sites have no legal provenance.But who is going to investigate them all, and why? Entomologists collect a lot of insects, it is true, but this is absolutely nothing compared with the masses of insects (and other wildlife) killed by urbanisation, deforestation, agriculture and light-pollution all over the world.Even commercial collecting (harvesting)and farming should be condoned in most cases because in many tropical areas this could be the only “cash crop” to a struggling population. Anyway, this still leaves my original question without an answer… :-))
Hi George, I thought that I answered at least some parts of your question – there are no such regulations in majority of European countries and therefore sending your non-cites specimens to Europe is legal. You do not need to show any documents about origin for the non-protected species.
Hi Zdenek, thank you for your advice! I am new to selling, actually I have never sold a beetle during my 64 yrs of entomology and now I don’t want to create problems for myself. Reading the Insect Trading posts of this website makes me somewhat nervous. I posted a very small parcel with some tiny beetles to a German friend as a gift and two weeks later, it didn’t arrive yet.I just wonder if the Germans started to practice those Drakonian measures which are mentioned in the Insect Trading section?Anyway, thanks for your help!
Hi Chris, thank you for your reply. I suspected that this is the situation, at least on the official level. But practice must prove different as there are huge numbers of specimens offered for sale by international dealers and amateurs and there are lots of US buyers.But my concern is not only the US import. I would be very much interested of hearing from others, did anyone experienced such difficulties with any of the European countries? I understand the CITES regulations, but I wonder about dealing with non-CITES species? Any info on this topic?
Thanks for the reply. Since I sent that email, I decided maybe Africa would be a better place to go. In the Cameroons, they have entire villages that collect Goliath Beetles and export them. Do you know anything about going there to collect Goliaths and other insects ? I understand there are no laws prohibiting collecting or requiring permits for export. I guess the problem is finding a village that would allow collecting on their “turf” ??? Any ideas, experience or thoughts ?
Hi Michael, if I were you, I would make it sure to be very well informed about collecting and export regulations in Cameroon. It is true that Cameroonian dealers send out prcels without any permits but you as a foreigner may well be more strictly judged. I would also be somewhat doubtfull about whole villages occupied by Goliath collecting. But if it is true, I can’t imagine that the people of such village would receive you with open arms!Why don’t you go to French Guyana where things are a bit more relaxed? Or contact Dr. Maes in Nicaragua and get his advice. You find him via Google.
Very useful pages. I have looked for such compilated information on legislation for quite a long time. Turkey may be added to your list: License required everywhere, and may be quite difficult to obtain. Turkish law claim that even photographing insects is forbidden. However, outside the national parks no one seem to know. But be careful: a Dutch couple where arrested collecting in a national park and where presented to a fine of about 75 000 Euros each…..
Very informative page here, thanks for all the great info on collecting, and exporting.
I was interested in Nicaragua, I didn’t see it posted or in the comments, but apologize if I missed it.
I am planning on taking a trip there with my family from the US. I am a private collector of mosses, ferns, and various plants. I was wondering what the process is there on collecting plants and exporting them to the US, and whether or not you can do this as a private citizen or if you need sponsored by a scientific project.
Hi , Congratulations for this website .Be able to share informations is so cool ! Brazil , Colombia, Bolivia ok 😉 … What about Argentina , Uruguay and Paraguay ? thank you
Does anyone know about permits for collecting in the Philippines and China. I will be traveling to both countries later this year and would like to do a little collecting if possible.
The information about Finland was not quite accurate.
First, all collecting with traps is prohbited on the Åland Islands. You need a permit from the local administration – the region is an autonomous part of Finland with own internal system.
In the mainland collecting in all protected areas is prohibited and you need permits from the so called ELY-centers AND the landowner. What makes this tricky is the fact that there are numerous small protected areas on privately owned land and these are frequently not marked. There is a free web-site from which you can see them all. Remember that not having known this is not an acceptable excuse.
Collecting on private land cannot be compared with picking berries and mushrooms. It is certainly recommended one obtains the permit to collect on private land, simply good manners require this. Trapping is certainly not part of an “everyman’s right”.
As to roads, private roads can be used, but not on a permanent base as the owner has to pay for their keep. Again only a very rude person would do this without permission.
Jyrki Muona
Thank you for correcting the Finland information!
Thank you for this complete list. May someone knows about the legislation in Poland ?
Thanks !
I have recently been adviced that collection is generally allowed in Poland, except in protected areas and for some protected species. Unfortunately I have no link providing more exact information on this. If you consider collection on private land, you shall (as always) get allowance from the land owner.
For list of species protected by law in Poland see:
The website is in Polish but Latin names should be understandable.
Good luck
Thank you for updating the information on permits in the US. For your information I have contacted a number of European entomology organisations to obtain info on the respective legislation in their countries. A list as to details accordingly will be provided within short.
Geir G
Wonderful! Thank you for looking into this, I look forward to expanding the list!
Do anybody know about legislation in Vietnam and Myanmar ?
I have the same question. I could not find anything about legislation in Vietnam.
Situation is diffcult in Vietnam. For National parks you need a permit which is very difficult to obtain. Only when working together with a Vietnames scientific institute.
For vietnamese citizen collecting outside protected areas is allowed. Exporting specimen needs an export permit and a certification that the material is not carying any germs other or hazards. Vietnamese burocracy is slooow and you need local support.
I will be travelling to TURKEY…do I need a permit if I will collect just around the hotel where I will be staying for 2 days ? If so, who and where do I contact.
Will also be in the Sinai near the Red Sea in EGYPT. Anyone know about collecting there ? Who to contact if necessary ?
Finally, in ABU DHABI/DUBAI in UAR for 2 days…
Just going on vacation with the wife, mother-in-law and two children, and wanted to get some “specimens” to bring back as long as I was there.
I have tried to formalize collection permits in Turkey without any success. I have learned it is also notourisly difficult without collaboration with turkish scientists. The punishment for illegal collection is said to be rough, and turkish police can be rather unprecitable if they decide to react. On the other hand, few of them seem to know about these rules if you are not close to a national park. But be careful……
I am preparing an entomological trip to Greece, and I have read here that collecting is now forbidden in this country (cf. Zdenek Faltynek Fric / February 8, 2013 at 3:14 am ).
I cannot find recent information about this interdiction, and the way to get a permit.
Many thanks for your help.
I have finally obtained a reply from Greece related to insect collection. As assumed, it is now restricted. You have to apply to the Ministry of Environment. You have to specify the names of species you want to collect, the exact places and dates of collection, the scientific work you are working for this collection and the names of collectors. If allowed, the results of your work shall be reported to the Ministry of the Environment.
You can use also (for fast delivery) also the following email:
Brgds G_:_
Many thanks for the information. Unfortunately, one more country where all begin to be difficult for amateur entomologists !
Best regards,
I was planning to do an entomological trip to Puket (Thailand) in August, do you know if collecting is allowed?
Thank you,
Marco Selis
Dear Marco,
Thailand has, as one of the last tropical countries currently no general need for permission to collect insects, but of course you must keep clear of all nature preserves, as anywhere in the world. Beyond this, there is a number of protected species. The current list is not clear to me yet, but if you search for the entomological societies in Thailand, they will surely assist you.
Hi everybody!
Does anyone know about regulations for collecting (and exporting) beetles and scorpions in Namibia?
I am planning a trip to Namibia in late May/June
Dear Joachim,
The entire Africa is notoriously difficult when it comes to collection and export allowances of anything from the wild. I dont know exactly about Namibia, but it will surpise me if this state is different from most other African countries. In theory you may obtain research permissions if you have an approved project in collaboration with local scientists. The practical part of this is that it often requires months to come through – if ever. After having followed Chris’ tracks and investigated the legislations over a number of countries, my conclusion is that the more southern and the more tropical, the more restricted. The more colourful and cute, the more protected. The more scarcely insect-species-populated northern Europe is almost open – except for some protected species. But unfortunately, we can not offer any scorpions for you.
Dear Geir,
thanks for your comment abour collecting in Africa. Your answer is about what I expected. I suppose the National History Museum in Pretoria in South Africa might be a good place to ask about detailed regulations. Thay may also know the conditions in Namibia. I’ll try my luck and see what happens. Thanks again for your answer.
This website summarize some of the legislation in African countries, and may be useful. At least South Africa seems to be available for collectors if you keep clear of conservation areas and protected species. But of course, there is a lot of fuzz with export licenses.
I need some information about collecting regulations in Albania, and unfortunately I don’t find anything on the web.
Many thanks for your help
According to the information I have picked up, collection is allowed outside protected areas, and for a limited number and specimen not intended for commercial sale. There are, however, also protected species, but I have no listing valid for Albania. If you keep away from the species protected in the EU-system (apollo, mnemosyne, argyrogonom, hero, quadripunctata etc.), you are probably safe. If you send me your e-mail, I can provide you with a list on regulations that I have extended from Chris Ginter’s list.
Many thanks, Geir.
My e-mail : pirtrid [at]
It looks like the very helpful CRR (caribbeanresearchresources) wikispot will be shut down on April 1, 2015 — it would be worth replicating that information here!
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll have to get to work on this ASAP.
Have you some information about permits for collecting in Armenia and Georgia?
Collegaues have collected in these areas and did not found any restrictions. As always: stay clare of protected areas and be aware of allowances at private land.
I went twice to Armenia, in the North in 2012 and in the South in 2013.
As Geir says, you must avoid protected areas (National Parks or Reserves), and they are many in Armenia. In the South, in the Arevik’s Park, I met Czech entomologists, probably scientists, who had got a permit in Yerevan, but I don’t know exactly where and how.
The problem is that it is difficult to find official maps of the National Parks. Once in the park region, most often nothing tells you if you are in a national park or not.
Here is a list of protected insects in Poland – or
Does anybody know anything about continental Netherland?
Protected species are listed in the first table on http://www.swiatmakrodotcom…..the second table shows species which are excluded from protected list since 2014. So far, such list is constantly changing so you need to be updated. Besides, there is a ban on admission into the State Forests by car.
Many thanks for your answer, Geir.
“MALAYSIA: Permits are issued through the Wildlife Department, and it looks like an extensive process. Give at least six moths for approval.”
Poor moths 😛
I am curious about collecting permits in Chile. Do you have any information on that country?
Thank you very much, Dominoque, for your information.
Hello George,
I am a seasoned collector and have enjoyed your discoveries!! I have been invited to Guatemala next Christmas and I need to obtain a collecting permit and an export permit. Who do I contact. The person inviting us is a family friend who owns a hotel.
Thank you for youe help.
what a great website !
Do you know any thing about permits from Vietnam for collecting bugs ??????? are they easy to obtain or its more or less impossible like in Malaysia/Borneo ???
I recently visited Vietnam and contacted the entomology institute in Hanoi for information. All insect collection requires a license that can only be obtained in projects where Vietnamese scientists collaborate. Collected species may temporarily be taken out of the country, but must be returned after registration etc. in your own institution. Actually this reads: blocked for all amateurs. Its a pity, and seems too restricted taken into accounts the thousands of butterflies of the same species I observed during my trip. But I had many good photgraphs—–
Yes, that is the official reply for foreigners if you ask. I heard the same.
But it is not restricted for vietnamese citizen.
Hi all,
Does anyone know if the regulations on collecting insects in national forests in the USA have changed since the 2011 letter? I am hoping to collect bees (Bombus) during my visit this summer. Any other suggestions for ideal bumble bee collection locations that do not require a permit in San Francisco area?
US National Forest policy has not changed in recent years. If you’re conducting Bombus for a scientific project you will need to contact the ranger district in which you will be collecting to acquire a collecting permit (free, not too complicated). Here in IL I’ve been granted one fairly quickly. If your work is for your own personal interest no permits are required.
California does require an additional permit to collect or posses wildlife (including insects) on all property within the state. The application fees are $420 and the permit lasts for three years. I’ve covered this topic lightly – so I’ll write a post discussing it further today!
I always loved collecting up around Lake Berryessa and the Pope Valley (Pope Cyn Rd). The land is public/state/private unfenced and in the spring the flowers are fantastic.
At least as of two years ago, the Scientific Collecting Permit requirement for California was not being enforced for casual collection of invertebrates–spiders, at least:
The above site is the official blog of Cal Fish and Wildlife and the answers given are the authoritative (current) interpretations of the Cal Fish and Game Code. Assuming this interpretation is still in effect, we appear to be fairly safe as long as we are not collecting protected things or in protected areas.
There is some debate among the entomological community as to whether the SCP really applies to all insects, for average people (I mean, taken to its logical conclusion, wouldn’t that prohibit us from flea control or stepping on an ant?) or is merely yet another tax to add to the backs of hardworking scientists trying to earn a living. I have talked to people who hold both opinions.
The SCP requirement is actually a couple of decades old, going back to at least 1996. If indeed it really is being enforced for recreational collecting now, that’s fairly new. It is definitely being enforced for people doing professional entomology (i.e. Quino survey work and the like) and has been for about five years if not longer. However, back when I got started seriously collecting circa ten years ago, I was told in an email from (the then) Cal Fish and Game that although a fishing license was technically required to collect, it was not enforced.
I just wanted to put this in. If you know for a fact that the official opinion expressed in my link (for March 14, 2013) is no longer valid, then disregard this.
Hi Brian-
Thanks for this info, I hadn’t been aware of the lack of enforcement for amateur collectors (and it’s good to hear!). The response on that blog is a bit confusing though because according to fish and game code you can’t take spiders (=arthropods) and it doesn’t allow any exceptions for non-commercial/non-scientific work. However at least for anyone doing research it seems clear that these extra, and crazy expensive, permits are required. I should try and ask for an official clarification on these regulations because it should would be good to know!
FGC is not entirely clear. In Sec. 1002 it says “any other animal or plant” but in Sec. 650 it only states vertebrates are included. The SCP process in CA itself is very old, going back to 1957, and the current laws go back mostly to 1996 with a revision in 2012. I can’t believe citizen collectors have been required, even just technically, to get this permit for all of that time, and also, taken extremely literally the process would completely prohibit backyard pest and weed control.
In any event, the tarantulas response is the authoritative answer for hunting and breeding inverts (at least arachnids) as of March 2013. Then again, the CalFW site contains a powerpoint file explaining a proposal to update the scientific collecting permit process whose cover sheet includes a photo of the Chalcedon Checkerspot:
Washington State and possibly others also have SCP policies that are supposedly for all species, but are not enforced for insects (so I am told). Honestly, I’m not entirely sure that it’s wise to poke around for an official clarification because if there really is some ambiguity, it might give the powers-that-be “ideas”. In any event, I have read the application for the California SCP and it is very detailed and strict. It seems to totally exclude any casual or recreational collecting, even with the fee.
Supposedly, as of about two years ago there was an “official” letter sent out explaining that citizen-science for entomology was exempt from the SCP, according to a colleague. I will try to get on him for that. One final note is that insects are specifically precluded from being considered Endangered by the State of California, a policy that AFAIK is unique to here, so take that for what it’s worth.
I have a question. A lady has some dead cicada specimens from Australia for my son. Would there be any possible way for her to mail him one? We’re talking about just ONE bug and he wants it in his private collection. Since you said a permit from Oz is very difficult, what kind of regulations on cicadas are there, if you know? Thank you in advance.
It is possible to receive “gift” specimens. If the shipment is not for an exchange of goods, service, money, or specimens then it is a true gift (like in this instance). There is a soft rule that any series of anything over 8 is considered commercial. So as long as it is one specimen then you should be fine. Be sure to fill out a USFWS 3-177 form and indicate this is a gift, non-commercial, item.
The shipper in Australia however may have significant problems. I am not familiar with AU laws governing exports, but I do know they are extremely laborious to maneuver. If your friend is confident in his legally shipping the specimen then you can legally receive it in the US.
Anyone knows about rules on collecting insects in Portugal? Thank you.
My entomology colleagues say it is open and collector friendly, except for protected species (see European overview) and protected areas.
Thank you! It is good to know. I was afraid because it seems that in Spain collecting is not allowed.
All the best,
Collection in the Solomon Islands is not entirely impossible now. At least, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology with an ICBG grant have acquired permission to collect sponges, seaweeds, and live microbial samples (sea sediment) from shallow areas offshore from the Solomon Islands.
I understand that National Forest areas are generally ok for collecting, but what about places designated as State Forests. I have an interest in collecting in Florida, where there are several State Forest areas (Example – Picayune Strand State Forest). Florida is out of state for me, so my interest is in collecting moths at UV light/sheet setup, and building a photo collection using cooled-down live specimens next morning at nearby motel room.
Hi all.
Wasn’t able to find any information on Sri Lanka. Is there any way to get a permit there or is it pretty much the same as in India? Thanks for your advise.
Can anyone tell me how/where to obtain permit for butterflies in Dominican Republic. Is it possible to permit collection of few non-endangered species there for display and lectures?
It should be possible to obtain permission, and it has been stated that it is easy to obtain. In Chris’ overview it is stated as follows (you may have read it): There are standard application procedures, similar to Costa Rica. This is the page with application for research in protected areas (SAP-005 Form). Here is a very detailed guide for obtaining permits in the DR. It sounds like you will be able to hire Kelvin as a “consultant” who will help assure the permit process is completed. (This is not a paid endorsement, I have never used Kelvin’s services and can not vouch for him personally)”.
Two years ago I visited the Dominicanian republic, and tried to obtain a permit. I asked my country’s consul down there to assist, and she actually made som attempts to approach the local authorities, but did not succeed. They never answered. So how easy it really is, I dont know.
Can anyone please tell me which UK export permit I would need to take non-protected species of moths collected in the UK to the USA.
No permit required in Norway except for the protected species that are listed above. Mammals and birds are generally protected in national parks, but invertebrates are not protected, so basically you can collect everywhere except for a few military sites which are off limit to the public.
What about Netherlands?
Thank you,
After some research, I received the following response from “Naturalis Biodiversity center” (
In the Netherlands you are allowed to collect insects with TWO big exceptions. ONE exception are all the protected areas in the Netherlands; if you wish to collect in a protected area you have to obtain a written permission from the landowner/landmanager prior to your visit. So outside these areas you are free to collect insects with exception TWO: species listed in the Dutch law regarding Flora and Fauna are protected and it is prohibited to collect these anywhere in the Netherlands. A list of species concerned is presented on this website:
Hi evrybudy
I am going to cuba on honnymon
And wont to cach some butterflyes do you know if its alout to cach anny
I am from denmark
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has any information for Curacao? I didn’t see any on the page or the comments. I’m a postdoctoral researcher and want to collect bivalves. Thank you!
Hi, my name is Bo Wikstrom and I am from Finland. My main interest is on Microlepidoptera. I have been collection all around Europe. I have not been able to find any information regarding possible collection restrictions in Portugal?? Can you help me with this??
Looking forward to your kind reply.
In Portugal you can freely collected not protected species outside protected areas. Permits are required for National Parks and other protected areas. Otherwise very entomo-friendly country :). Lukas
Hi, does anyone have any information on Morocco?
High Atlas mountains look like a promising location, quite aside from the Moroccan endemic species.
INDIA: FORGET IT ! Hahaha.. I’m from India btw.
This is a great site! Thank you collecting this information in one place. I was wondering is it was possible to add to the information the date the permit laws came into affect? This would be very useful to museums dealing with older collections and communicating with federal and state agencies about what materials are housed at a collection that they might be interesting in. Thanks.
That’s a great idea, and would be fantastic! But also hugely time consuming… I’m currently working on a “new” version of this site which might add the possibility of crowdsourcing some of these data. I guess stay tuned for the next generation.
Does Florida have any statewide collecting permit requirement like California? I guess a lot of people heading for the ESA-ICE meetings later this month would be interested to know.
Hi Al- sorry for the too-late reply! I currently have permits for a few state parks in Florida and I was not required to do any state-wide permitting to obtain these.
I have seen most of the countries but I have not seen for Mauritius. I think there is some law but I really do not know what it is all about. If somebody knows, I would appreciates for them to share. Thanks.
Does anyone know if Hawaii has any special regulations?
Harmonizes with US, but the native species are off limits
Wow. This is VERY useful information. Thanks for posting all of this!
Hi Chris/anyone else who can help.
I am a British amateur entomologist, with a trip planned to Guatemala in late February this year (i’m particulalriy interested in Mantidoe and Orthoptera). I have never been to your side of the Atlantic and have found it difficult to find any information on collecting over there. This webpage is really useful but it doesn’t include Guatemala. Does anyone have experience of bug hunting in this country? If so please could you give me any advice on the following:
1) do I need a permit to collect (mainly for photographic purposes?
2) do I need a permit to export? A friend of mine is really into hemiptera and is begging me to bring back a couple of specimens of Fulgoromorpha (which I understand Guatemala has a few interesting species).
3) I keep and breed a few exotic (to Britain) insects. There is a chance I would like to bring a couple of live specimens back (probably mantid oothecae), is this possible or would it be very difficult?
4) I have connecting flights in the States (3 or 4 hours) each way. Do I need a USDA permit if the specimens are in my hold luggage?
Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks Ian
Although I have no specific information on collection in Guatemala, I would assume that it is the same as in all the Latin-American countries: you wil need a permit, and it is probably difficult to obtain. Photographing (catch and release)may be allowed, but be careful. If someone see you they may assume you have the intension to collect. Wherever collection permits are needed, export permissions are probably also needed. Import of live species to Britain is a matter for British authorities. Live species in transit in USA may be a problem. Chris should know more about that. I will assume that you need a permission from US authorities.
Does anyone know if one is allowed to collect insects in Sweden? I may move there in the near future and was wondering if i can bring my rather large insect collection with me (i am currently living in another European country that is rather collector-friendly)?
Thanks in advance! Marius
Sweden seems to have dropped out of Chris’ lists. Sweden has the same rules as in Norway: Collection permitted outside protected areas that are clearly marked as such, as well as for some protected species. Specially pay attention to the strict protection of P.apollo and P.mnemosyne. The EU protection listing is also valid for Sweden. Private land is free to be used for collection outside fenced or cultivated areas. The same goes for walking, tenting (max two days) a.s.o. as long as damage to the nature is avoided. Hunting and fishing, however, requires permission everywhere except in the sea.
Update from Poland (link is not working):
I would like to know how it looks like on the borders (Greece-Macedonia, Macedonia-Kossowo/Serbia, Serbia-Hungary)- how it’s look like when you got dead insects from other country and the border guards find it? Is it illegal if in the “jar” are insects not from the country which the inspection takes place in
Thanks for the updated link! I don’t have any information regarding border crossing, but a reader here probably does.
Since all catching of insects in Greece has been forbidden for the last couple of years, crossing the border from there to neighbouring countries bringing caught insects will certainly be banned. Some of the other countries mentioned have also introduced restrictions, but surprisingly not on any night-flying species. But I am sorry to say that these restrictions looks more protectistic on behalf of local entomologists than a real protection of endangered species or natural resources. However, national law should be respected, but may perhaps, willingly interpreted, also be weighted towards the risk for an amateur taking one or two specimen back home, safely hidden in a neutral plastic box inside a shoe…….or some dirty underwears. Well, —– actually I never wrote this…..
THAILAND protected Coleoptera
For Thailand, the two links proposed above give contradictory information. The first document is something like a poster, with pictures of insects (butterflies and beetles), the second is a list of protected species.
The two documents come from the Department of National Parks of Thailand, maybe there is a problem of translation ot Thai language in the “poster” ? However, there are in the list four protected species of beetles (Cheirotonus parryi, Cladagnathus giraffa, Mouhotia batesi, Mormolyce phyllodes) which dont appear in the poster.
Where is the truth ?
They are different things, in Thailand there are protected species which are banned from being collected at all and there are species which are banned from import/export (these species can still be collected but cannot leave the country)
Here is a link to a pdf, at the end you have a nice infography with all protected species and all species banned from import/export, it is in thai but you can use image/pdf translation tools.
I am interested in importing a butterfly, moth and insect collection (collected in early 20th century) from the Netherlands. Are there any licenses, permits or certificate that I will need to ship to U.S.?
Hi Richard- Fish and Wildlife would probably treat this as a regular import of wildlife, which would require an import with a 3-177 form. There is a personal use exception to this policy, but usually the number of specimens is fairly tiny. Perhaps you can get them to approve this as personal use and have a letter from them that can be sent with the package? I think the best strategy would be to call and speak to an agent at your local port, I usually find them very willing to talk about how to do things legally. Most importantly I would explain that the collection is historic and for your personal collection and is non commercial (you usually can’t stress that enough). If you plan to sell any specimens then you get into commercial importing and you need to have the shipment inspected and pay fees for this.
And here is a list of contacts
I’ll be traveling to Nepal, and am interested in collecting a few butterflies for my collection back at home.
Your list left out Nepal, though. What are the procedures for getting a permit from Nepal? Or is it like India? …
Can someone (Chris) suggest a good collecting route through southern USA. Coming out of UK – Visiting Nevada, Utah, Colarado, Wyoming and Idaho. Good areas, bad areas, good states bad states. Can alter route according to good/bad areas. Very experienced recreational collector. Do you need any export papers?
Hi Andrew- The collecting options in the west are vast, basically any area in any National Forest or unmarked public land is open for you to swing a net or set a trap. None of the western state are any better or worse for collecting, just avoid State and National Parks, and beware of Bears and Lions and private property. I’ve often planned road trips through the west by just looking at a map and finding a piece of interesting topography and driving up to it.
US Fish and Wildlife has an export form that can be completed online. I recommend printing out the form and filling it out to accompany your export. You do not need to list each species you collect, but you can simply put “500 Lepidoptera”, etc. Be sure to list the purpose code as Scientific or Personal.
Hi Chris, thanks for that. can this form be completed at the point of exit of the US i.e at the airport once you know qty etc. and if so is it completed online and only handed over at the airport if requested by someone? or do you advocate declaring it to someone at point of exit.
Hello. What do laws say about catching and exporting insects in Morocco?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the great site. We met years ago when you were with DMNS. I am going to Thailand for an extended trip and would like to bring back some moths for Todd. G. and Paul O. I downloaded the link to the Thai site that is explicit in what you cannot collect, 98% butterflies, but just the Actias moths excluded. Will I have a problem coming back into the U.S. with some moths in glassine envelopes? Any other advice?
Thanks, Pam
I’m not certain of the export regulations for Thailand, many countries have export permits even if you don’t need a collecting permit (and sometimes they are impossible to figure it out…). But I’ve seen lots of material from that country so perhaps it wouldn’t be a big deal. And if Fish and Wildlife asks you can say these are for personal use, non commercial.
Actually, no one seems to care about catching and taking out insects from Thailand, but of course we should all respect regulations about protected species. I have been catching there some years ago, without other interference than curious people. If your luggage is searched when you arrive home, it is up to the authorities in your country. I have never been searched in such a way that there has been any problems, so I can’t tell.
Noah Kim. Nepal treats Leps like big game and they used to require a lsit of species to be collected beforehand with gender and number of each one to be caught. So like Thomas says ‘Forget it.’
How come none of the Northern Central American countries like Guatemala and El Salvador made the list?
I don’t have any first hand knowledge of these countries or haven’t had anyone submit information about them. Have you been collecting there? I’d love to fill in their data!
I want ask about Slovenia- you need permits for whole country or just for the protected areas?
I was wondering about casual collecting, e.g. salvaging here in the US (CA), and places like Costa Rica and Ecuador. In Costa Rica I found a large spider exuvia that would have been interesting to have, but I didn’t collect it. Or already dead insects or spiders or pieces of them, like butterfly wings left from a predation.
Salvaging is the same as collecting since there is no way to “prove” that you found it dead. Unscrupulous people could kill an animal to remove its wings and pretend they found it that way – so unfortunately the same permit requirements would apply wherever you are.
How about Russia? Any info on whom to contact?
Hello Julia,
As I`m Russian citizen, I can say. According to Russia, you need permits for collecting in nature resrves etc., also it`s restricted to collect protected species without permits. Export permits not required if your “items” are not “botany or zoology collection” (there is no clear explanation, if insects on cotton layers considered as a collection or not, my opinion – NOT COLLECTION), otherwise you need to get veterinary or phytosanitary certificate, also you need to permits for CITES species.
within the UK the law in Scotland is different from England & Wales – we are a lot more open regarding access to private land & there is no presumption against trapping in National Parks (not that we have many). Even though usually strictly not necessary it is, however, always best to get landowners on side – after all a light trap may well attract attention …
Nature Reserves probably will have policies against without permission but most will be delighted to allow access in return for records although they will probably also expect you to release the catch rather than collect.
There are still protected invertebrate species
Who do I contact in the USA to import ova or pupae of Lepidoptera from other countries?
Ive been collecting in Greece both by myself and with international colleagues. We have never encountered any issues. I know noone who has ever required a collecting permit. So to say that collecting is banned and requires a permit is wrong.
The government regulations of most countries require you to have a permit of some sort to collect anything. The fact that you’ve been illegally collecting there and have not been caught yet is what’s wrong. If you don’t know the laws of the country where you are collecting you could end up in prison and/or being fined thousands of dollars. Ignorance of the law can cost you. I think French Guiana may be the only country in the WORLD that doesn’t require a permit. You should do some research before making such a mis-informed comment.
If you have not faced problems in Greece, this does not mean that insect collection is allowed. It may be that the official Greece is not aware of the newly issued legislation, but in fact: All insect Collection in Greece requires a permit according to regulations due 2016.
I’ve collected primarily in national parks, after contacting forestry officials, also after 2016. They simply don’t care,they told me “collect whatever bugs you want”, which is very good for scientific research. Same thing at the airport, I got inspected once or twice – I simply showed them my academic info, I explained that the insects are for scientific research which will help our country, and they let me go. And this type of anecdotal information IS important for colleagues who are considering collecting in Greece.
And in response to Albert’s comment. I thank you for specifying the dangers of illegally collecting in certain countries – trust me, I am familiar with them. But in many countries like Greece, things work differently, for better or worse. Take the smoking ban for example – its been in effect for many years, yet no one respects it, and the authorities do not care. The ban on collecting is a similar case.
Now about how ethically wrong it is for me to collect and enrich my country’s entomological knowledge and how ashamed I should be. I think that the organisations making these legislations (e.g. the Nagoya Protocol), are a bunch of crooks who only care about bureaucracy and their pocket. And all reviews of these policies show that they hamper scientific research. So as a scientist, I feel it is my duty to disrespect the Nagoya Protocol and face the consequences.
Most scientists despise the Nagoya Protocol, yet they still comply. And changing the status quo can never take place via compliance. The next generations are going to hate us for how we allowed our biodiversity to be destroyed…
I hope this comment does not get deleted.
I think I follow your logics here. Most of the countries having introduced sharp restrictions on butterfly collection are doing this without a reasonable jugdement why. As you write about Greece, most police, custom officers, guards in parks etc simply dont care. But be careful. Some countries are very alerted on these matters. Dont even think about collecting in India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Costa Rica and most African countries. They are after your money as well and the fines for being caught in insect collection may be extremely high. After some communications with professional entomology scientists in Asian countries, my conclusion is that the whole thing about protection is to protect the scientists research material, not nature in itself. Certainly, we should respect legislation on endangered species, but what about the others? Why is insect collection free in the scarcely butterfly-populated Nordic countries and not in India? We should have an international set of rules on this.
Hello there! Does anyone know the laws and legislations around collecting insects in Cambodia? Do I need any sort of permit?
Permits are required. Best is to contact Sophany Phauk who is running the Cambodian Entomology Initiative at the Royal University of Phnom Penh.
update about Slovenia, I write to the ministry of environment and they told me that permits are required for protected species, national parks and reserves and Nature 2000 areas. Beside these you are able to collect insects
Thanks! I’ve updated the info above.
Believe it or not, there are a few areas in Australia where even Australian research scientists are not legally allowed to collect anything. I’ll have to double check this, but I’m fairly certain that there’s an ongoing situation in southern QLD where sections of land (previously or currently National Parks) for which Native Title claims are currently being assessed. Because of the uncertainties surrounding who will have future agency (no idea what legal term is used?) of these sections of land, the State Government will not enter into any negotiations regarding use of this land by any third parties (including scientists).
The link to the Dominican Republic pages are dead.
Thanks! I’ve updated the website with links to the Ministry forms (the export permit was a bit nebulous). The links to the guy who did the work for you is seemingly all offline now, so I’ve removed it.
My experience with Wyoming state parks is that casual surface collecting IS legal, with permission from the superintendent; and most of them really don’t care. Seminoe and Glendo in particular. Guernsey, contacted once, a bit more sensitive, but not much of interest there anyway.
Thanks for the tips! Yes, many park managers will allow casual collection if you ask (did a lot of that in IL growing up). I’ll make note of this above.
You don’t mention Portugal. I’ve been visiting this country regularly since 1998, mainly to collect and record Coleoptera and in my experience there is not a problem, in vact reserve managers are keen to know what species are present. Permits are requires for National Nature Reserves but these are obtainable by giving advance notice and completing application forms, preferably in Portuguese, and offering to send a list of species recorded.
Obtaining permission to study insects in Gibraltar should not be a problem providing a researcher agrees to provide a list of species recorded. Probably the best way to make contact is via the Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society’s web site where there is a “Contact Us” form.
Thank you for your interesting list.
I think that, on the top of the list, you could also add these universal advices which will help very much all present and also futures researchers in one country.
If no information are available for the permits process (as several countries in Africa):
EITHER: apply to your own embassy in the country concerned, to be directed to the local administration of reference, with the name of the person in charge of this administration, then to contact this person in charge of the attaché of embassy who has provided the information.
EITHER: apply to the embassy of the country concerned, etc.
Perform file filings before traveling to the country, and follow the procedures and documents (as administration could be slow). Once on site, meet with your interlocutors and respect the rules.
Important note to broadcast:
Many countries, and I am talking about those who grant permits, have become suspicious of license applicants because they are too often not returned (report, list of species, publications on the material harvested, posters didactics, etc.), including, unfortunately, from structures (universities or NGOs). The indelicates thus make things more difficult for those who do their work seriously and provide the feedback (reports, co-authoring, etc). A research permit must be understood in a win-win relationship, especially in emerging or developing countries. Thus, especially when the applicant is a structure, is it requested a collaboration with a local University and the support of a student or a researcher during the period of the expedition, which ensures a transfer of knowledge to the country granting the permits.
Playing the game helps build long-term trust relationships.
Moreover don’t forget that several countries have signed the Nagoya protocol. Which implies, among other, an equitable sharing of profits of a research.
PS: pay attention to the real-fake permits that are sometimes obtained on the spot at a hurry with unscrupulous officials, with bakshich disguised as taxes! It is believed to be in order and the backlash can be unpleasant, like seizure of specimens when leaving the country, even “ban to return to the country”.
Gabon: Les autorisations de recherche sont délivrées par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CENAREST). Les entrées dans les parcs nationaux sont délivrées par l’Agence National des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN). L’exportation des espèces est conditionnée par l’autorisation du Ministère des Eaux et forêts. Pour plus d’information, contactez le Centre National des Autorisations de Recherche (CNAR):
Gabon: Research permits are delivered by the Scientific and Technologic National Research Center. The authorization of the National Parks National Agency is required to enter in national parks. The exportation of species is required through the authorization of the Ministery of Water and Forests. For further information, may contact the National Research Permits Board:
Gabon: C’est plutôt la “Commission” Nationale d’Autorisation de Recherche et non le “Centre”. Merci.
Hello everyone, if i wanted to catch insects in the Netherlands, would I need any permits to take them back to Italy? Thank you.
If you’re interested in collecting in Mississippi State Parks and other areas, the permit to request a collecting permit is found here It is free to apply for those with an institutional affiliation but costs $1 for private collectors.
Hello all,
I am planning a trip to Malaysia next spring and hoping to do some insect collecting. This would be non-commercial and mostly for personal collecting. I have received mixed information on whether permits for general collecting are required and heard that shipping specimens (rather than flying) is the best way to transport them. Does anyone have any information (or especially contacts) regarding collecting in Malaysia? The link above regarding Malaysian permits requires some sort of password and I was unable to look into it. Any information is appreciated!
Hi, the Greek subject one more time 😉 what is the real chance to get the legal permission for non-professional entomologist? And how long does it take to get the permission?
Does anyone have info on permits required to collect and/or export from Morocco?
I can add some info for Germany, particularly on the country Sacony-Anhalt. Official permits can be obtained from the Obere Naturschutzbehörde, but its tedious as they as ask in advance when and where you will collect how many specimens of which species. The good thing is that, as far as i know, collecting is not prohibited outside protected areas with the exception of species listed as protected by law or in red lists.
I also can add something about Argentina: With a local collaborator its possible to obtain permit for National Parks. Since their administration is federal, this is easier than getting permits for anything anywhere else. We wantwd to get per.its to collect fireants (considered pest) for research from like next to the road. For each state separately a collection permit is required in advance, then a permit to move it across that states border, and finally a federal export permit. Many provinces never answered, or got stuck along the process (2 provinces did not move forward since 4 years!). However for 2 provinces our local collaborator managed to get all the permits after ca 2 years.
Have you some information about permits for collecting in Kyrgyzstan?
Thank you very much.
We (Norwegian entomologists) have been collecting in Kirgizstan over several years and have not experienced any problems. Permits are not necessary, and we have not been able to identify any protection of certain species. We have not seen any national parks in this country, but if there is you must certainly avoid from catching. There are many interesting species in Kirgizstan, and the country is well Worth to pay a visit. We hired a robust car and a driver. The roads may be challenging here and there.
Thanks for the info, are there also no permits required for the export of collected specimen from kirgizstan?
Hi, any informations about collecting in Ouzbékistan ?
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to provide this very helpful info.
What can you tell us about Nepal and Bhutan? Besides that altitude sickness can be fatal.
Thanks again!
At least Nepal has adopted the same, strict rules as in India: Forget it. Bhutan has most likely done the same.
What is the situation concerning collecting Lepidoptera in Portugal and Madeira Today?? I really would appreciate some information on this topic?? Best regards Bo
I am also interested in this, is it the same as Portugal or are there special restrictions?
Anybody knows if a friend from Costa Rica could send me insects from her garden to Spain? or will it require permits and licenses?
Thank you,
Costa Rica has very strict laws on export of wildlife products – even tourists can not collect shells on the beach. I do not think it would be legal without an export permit, but your friend may be able to get one by asking her regional wildlife office. If she explains the insects are from her yard they may give her a permit (or they will explain the laws, which I’m not 100% on for 2020).
In Denmark the Nature Agency has banned collection of red-listed butterflies (Papilionoidea) on their lands. They can be explored here:
A national ban of 33 species is also under way. Scientific collecting is still allowed and has to be approved by either Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus or Statens Naturhistoriske Museum (Copenhagen).
Obviously any EU-wide species bans also apply to Denmark.
Hello, any experience with Mauritius island please?
For Australia, far more complicated!
Thank you for the link! I’ve updated this above.
You write for Bolivia: “An expedition by a large US Museum in 2007 ended with all collected specimens being left in Bolivia awaiting export permits.” I live in Bolivia, La Paz and I want to find this collection. Which big US Museum is it? Do you have more information? Who did the information with the US Museum come from?
From which Museuo? de Historia National you write. The link doesn’t work.
Thank you, Dr. Gottfried Siebel
The expedition was by the Field Museum in Chicago, perhaps around 2008-2009? You could reach out to the department there and see if they can put you in touch with anyone, but it’s been so long I doubt the samples have survived.
Hello, any experience with Egypt?
I am curious how this applies for malacology and other invertebrate fields. I have struggled to find a concise rundown online for this, and I am only worried about collecting in the United States.
There is one state that explicitly bans collecting dead shells of freshwater mussels (Tennessee) but many others are not this clear.
I appreciate your effort providing this information very much! I can give you a little information on the Situation in Argentina:
A collection permission is needed from each Province you want to collect in, as they hold the rights to their genetic resources. Most of the time you have to inform them about: species, location, date, number of specimens to be collected, all fieldworkers and your association to a scientific institute. Sometimes you are required to have a locla partner. In some provinces, you have to pay for permits. They will also provide you with an export permission from their side. Getting into contact is not always easy, the best is to call the listed institutions and ask them where to specifically send your application. You need a translator or speak Spanish, as most officials do not speak English and all documents are in Spanish.
An overview with links to the Province-laws can be found here: (scroll to the very bottom, download the second PDF, you get a list of all provinces and PDFs of the respective Resolutións)
On this website: you find information on how to hand in your Province-permissions to the central government via a special system (TAD) to receive a Certificado de Cumplimiento. If you have questions concerning the TAD-system it is best to write to: (in Spanish!)They are very helpful.
A application can be processed within 1-2 month by the province and 1 month by the central government. Provided you hand in all the needed paperwork. In my experience, it is better to plan with far more time, especially if you are not fluent in Spanish. You might need to get an apostille (notarisation of your signature which is legal in Argentina) at the embassy for certain documents. I hope this information helps.
I would very much appreciate any information on the current situation in Greece, as I am preparing a collection trip. I would greatly appreciate if someone could provide me an up-to-date mail address to the correct person within the Ministry of Environment or any other useful, direct contact. How do they handle the Nagoya-Protokoll?
All the best.
Hallo, ich suche nach Informationen zur Beantragung einer Sammel- und Exportgenehmigung für Insekten (Käfer) und Skorpione in Georgien.
Wurde bisher leider nicht fündig, welche gesetzlichen Regelungen es dazu in Georgien gibt.
danke für jede Art von Hinweisen dazu!
It is not legal to collect in El Salvador without the usual permit given only to those in affiliation with a university. You also have to have a very specific project specified with a list of species to be taken and all.
What about Seychelles? Is it possible to collect something there?
Dear Chris,
collecting in Austria does not generally require a permit. Admittedly, the situation is a bit confusing, but outside of protected areas and especially National Parks and “Naturschutzgebiete” it is not illegal to collect non-protected species by non-automated methods like traps. Also, in theory the consent of the landowners would be necessary, but is in practice of course hard to obtain beforehand.
Does anyone know if the collecting ban in French national parks include the ‘parc naturel régional’?
It is generally ok to collect in a parc naturel regional but there might be local bans on collecting insects, mushrooms etc., you can ask the local entity managing the specific parc for information. Collecting insects is strictly forbidden in Parcs nationals and reserves naturelles without a permit.
In Costa Rica and Panama, do I need a permit to collect insects outside of national parks and reserves (private property or hotel grounds)?
I would like to temporarily collect and photograph insects (catch and release) on land owned by a friend of mine who lives in Costa Rica.
I have found no evidence on government websites that permits are required on private land.
Y a t’il une législation en Albanie ?
Permis ?
Hello All,
I am from the UK and I will be travelling to the US soon (Wisconsin) to visit some friends. I would like to collect some insect specimens whilst I am there and I was wondering if an export permit was required for dead specimens?
Does anyone have some experience of collecting in the US? Thank you.
I can give some infos for Germany and Spain:
In Germany, catching and collecting is not allowed anywhere without a permit. You get permits at the main environmental administration of each region (Bundesland). The regions differ a lot: For example, Berlin is very strict, Brandenburg is rather relaxed if you give them the data with coordinated etc.
In Spain, you can get permits for each region by becoming a member of the Spanish butterfly society SHILAP. You pay 70 Euros yearly for the membership and can apply for permits. In my case, it took around 2 months to get one. In Spain, there is a list of around 10 species that are off limits.
Hello! As a long-term resident in Spain of 30 years I appreciate the hassles but also the necessity of getting hold of a ‘permiso’ from the local ‘comunidad autónoma’-there are 16 in Spain (I think?). Without it not only will you be unable to collect (whichever order) you could be in a position of being fined 3,000 euros! Also, and this is where I come in, the request sent in to take specimens must be written in Spanish! and even that won’t guarantee either a reply or the permit itself! But the law is the law. I have had very good experiences in Chile too, this Latin American country can be regarded as being the most entomology-friendly on the whole continent. So, if you need to apply do feel free to ask that I write it in Spanish (free offer!). Good luck!
Just an addition for Switzerland.
1) In canton Vaud autorisation is requiered even outside of the protected areas. A formular should be sent to the DGE-BIODIV (Direction générale de l’environnement – Division biodiversité et paysage). Link to the form:
2) That the same for canton Tessin/Ticino. You can ask to the Ufficio della natura e del paesaggio. Here is their website :
Hi, what is the process in Chile? Are permits required?