Iċ-ċkejkna tal-kamla


Il-familja Nepticulidae għandha xi wħud mill-iżgħar kamla magħrufa, li jvarjaw minn 3-8mm wing-tip sa wing-tip. Għal paragun għandi immaġini żewġ kamla hawn fuq: l-akbar magħruf – Coscinocera hercules li tpoġġi l-miżien kważi 9 pulzieri, u wieħed mill-iżgħar (iva dik it-tappa ċkejkna taħt il-kamla ta’ Hercules) – Ectoedemia rubifoliella, immaġni wkoll hawn taħt. In-Nepticulidae huma sorprendentement diversi, ma' fuq 800 speċi deskritti li x'aktarx jirrappreżentaw biss 10% tad-diversità attwali (Powell, 2009). Fl-Istati Uniti għandna biss 80 speċi, li minnhom 25 huma magħrufa mill-punent. Meta tqabbel dik id-diversità mal- 100 jew hekk speċi magħrufa mill-Gran Brittanja, huwa ċar li l-għarfien tal-Istati Uniti huwa nieqes ħafna. Attwalment, fuq 80% tad-diversità kollha tan-nepticulid hija magħrufa mill-Ewropa biss. Inverżjoni stramba meta tqis li n-neotropiċi huma l-aktar ekosistemi diversi fid-dinja li għad għandhom biss 74 speċi magħrufa ta’ Nepticulidae! (Puplesis, 2000). Għaliex dan hu hekk?

Ectoedemia rubifoliella 3.3mm

Stigmella ostryaefoliella 3.1mm

Id-diversità Ewropea tista 'faċilment tiġi spjegata bogħod minħabba konċentrazzjoni għolja ta' Lepidopterists bored. Il-fawna Holarctic mhix l-aktar diversa u għalhekk saret l-aħjar mifhuma fuq il-pjaneta, biex ma nsemmux li kellhom storja twila ta 'entomologi gentleman li tmur lura mijiet ta' snin. Iżda l-bqija tad-diversità Nepticulidae tibqa’ misteru għax huma tassew, verament żgħar, diffiċli biex tinfirex, u diffiċli biex jiġu identifikati bħala adulti! Fil-fatt kelli ftit prattika jew suċċess bl-immuntar ta' Nepticulidae, u l-kampjuni ta’ hawn fuq għandhom jiġu kkreditati lil Dr. Dave Wagner. Il-ftit li għandi fil-kollezzjoni tiegħi huma sempliċement ippinnjati u mhux mifruxa; u anke l-pinning juri iebes biżżejjed meta żlieq ta 'l-idejn jista' jħassar il-kampjun kollu. Jidher li l-aħjar metodu għall-immuntar huwa li twaqqahom fil-friża u tpinhom waqt li jkunu għadhom ħajjin.. Mhux l-aktar uman, iżda l-uniku mod biex iżżomm il-kamla milli tinxef quddiem għajnejk u ssir impossibbli li timmanipula. Diffiċli daqs kemm huma l-adulti biex jimmaniġġjaw, il-larva huma pjuttost karatteristiċi peress li l-biċċa l-kbira huma minaturi tal-weraq – jieklu fuq il-materjal bejn l-epidermi tal-weraq. Dan iwassal għall-isem komuni ta ' “minaturi blotch weraq” għax tista’ tara l-irqajja’ trasluċidi li l-kamli ‘imminaw’ barra minn ġewwa l-werqa. Mhux biss kull speċi hija pjuttost speċifika għall-ospitanti, iżda għandhom it-tendenza li jiffurmaw mudelli tal-mini karatteristiċi ħafna fil-weraq. Mela jekk issib minjiera tal-weraq u taf l-ispeċi tal-pjanti, ċansijiet huma inti tista 'ssir taf l-ispeċi ta' Nepticulid fi ħdanha (madankollu mhux il-minjieri tal-weraq kollha huma neptikulidi, hemm ħafna insetti oħra li jagħmlu dan ukoll). It-trobbija ta 'dawn il-kamla hija wkoll pjuttost sempliċi, kull ma trid tagħmel hu li tpoġġi l-werqa f'borża u tistenna li l-kamla tispiċċa tmigħ. Caterpillar wieħed jeħtieġ biss werqa waħda (jew sezzjoni ċkejkna tal-weraq) – iżda trid tingħata attenzjoni biex iżżomm il-werqa ħadra waqt li l-caterpillar jitma’. Jekk il-werqa tmut, hekk ukoll il-caterpillar. Minħabba din il-ħila paradossali li tidentifika l-minjieri u mhux l-adulti hemm ammont sorprendenti ta’ riċerka ekoloġika li saret fuqhom, speċjalment peress li ftit huma ta’ theddid għall-uċuħ tar-raba’ kummerċjali. L-ewwel immaġini hawn taħt turi biċ-ċar l-għalf tal-caterpillar fil-werqa – u t-traċċa ta’ ħmieġ li ħalliet warajha.

Stigmella aceris (link għall-kreditu tal-immaġni)

Paradoss stigmella (link għall-kreditu tal-immaġni)

Jekk tħares lejn l-immaġini ta 'hawn fuq tal-minjieri mhux daqshekk diffiċli li wieħed jimmaġina strutturi bħal din fossilizing. U tal-għaġeb, għandhom! L-ewwel immaġini hawn taħt (Labandeira et al., 1994) juri varjetà ta 'minjieri tal-weraq Nepticulidae (u Gracillariidae) minn nofs il-Kretaċeju (97 miljun sena ilu). Il-ħaġa spettakolari dwar il-minjieri tal-weraq hija li tista 'tinżel għal-livell ta' ġeneru u kultant anke speċi. L-awturi setgħu jiddifferenzjaw bejn il-ġeneri nepticulid Stig Mella u Ektoedmija ibbażat fuq il-mudelli ppreservati fil-fossili; mudelli li għadna nużaw biex ngħinu ġeneri separati llum. L-illustrazzjoni tal-qiegħ hija minn minjiera skoperta fil-Ġappun li hija biss madwar 8 miljun sena (Kuroko, 1987).

(ħasil tal-ħwejjeġ, 1994)

(Kuroko, 1987)


Kuroko, H. (1987). Minjiera tal-Werqa Fossili ta' Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) mill-Ġappun. Bullettin Sugadaira Montane Res. Ċen., Nru.8, 119-121.

Labandeira, C. (1994). Sebgħa u Disgħin Miljun Sena ta 'Assoċjazzjoni Anġjosperma-Insetti: Intuwizzjonijiet Paleobijoloġiċi fit-Tifsira tal-Koevoluzzjoni Proċedimenti tal-Akkademja Nazzjonali tax-Xjenzi, 91 (25), 12278-12282 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.91.25.12278

PUPLESIS, R., DISKUS, A., ROBINSON, G., & UNUR, G. (2002). Reviżjoni u lista ta 'kontroll tan-Neotropical Nepticulidae.... (Lepidoptera) Bullettin tal-Mużew tal-Istorja Naturali. Serje Entomoloġija, 71 (01) DOI: 10.1017/S0968045402000032

Powell, J.A., Opler, P.A. (2010). Moths tal-Punent ta 'l-Amerika ta' Fuq – minn J. A. Powell u P. A. Opler Entomoloġija Sistematika, 35 (2), 347-347 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2010.00525.x

A lobopodian korazzati stramba mill-Cambrian

ResearchBlogging.org L-ibħra Cambrian kmieni (542-488 miljun sena ilu) kellu pletora ta ħlejjaq strambi u strambi kważi inkonċepibbli anke għall-aqwa ħolm tax-xjenza. Bħala possibilment wieħed mill-prekursuri għall-ARTHROPODA (ukoll Onychophora u Tardigrade), l-insla lobopodian jirrappreżentaw grupp stramba ta ' “dud saqajn” li darba kienu jduru l-qiegħ tal-baħar antiki. Eżattament kemm huma qrib l-artropodi veri huwa għad-dibattitu (siġra taħt), iżda dan il-ġeneru u l-ispeċi li għadhom kif ġew skoperti, Diania cactiformis (Kaktus mixi), jirrappreżenta l-aktar sklerotizzat tajjeb u simili għal artropodi minn kwalunkwe magħruf sal-lum.

Dan il-mostru enormi ta’ żewġ pulzieri u nofs jgħinna nifhmu t-tranżizzjoni minn dudu b’ġisem artab bħal kreatura għal artropodu b’qoxra iebsa; tagħti wkoll impressjoni aħjar ta 'kemm dawn l-appendiċi lobopodian setgħu kienu diversi. Hija mistoqsija affaxxinanti minħabba l-vantaġġ ta 'joint, sklerotizzat, riġlejn kien wieħed li sploda u diversifikat fost il-ħlejjaq li nafu llum. Eżattament kif ġara dan mhuwiex eqreb li jiġi solvut, imma jidher bħallikieku r-riġlejn ta’ dan l-annimal kienu sklerotizzati qabel il-ġisem (artropodizzazzjoni vs. artrodizzazzjoni). Fossili żgħir wieħed skopert u ħarsa żgħira oħra fl-istorja evoluzzjonarja.



Liu, J., Steiner, M., Dunlop, J., Ixtri, H., Shu, D., Or, Q., Għandhom, J., Zhang, MA., & Zhang, X. (2011). Lobopodjan Cambrian korazzat miċ-Ċina b'appendiċi bħal artropodi Natura, 470 (7335), 526-530 DOI: 10.1038/natura09704

Aktar qari: Blog tal-kollegi dwar il-lobopodian bl-Ungeriż.

A Sena fl-Reviżjoni

Oops, qisu I qbiżt ewwel tiegħi "blogoversary"! It-tnejn l-21 kien il-punt kruċjali ta 'sena għall-blog tiegħi; u jien oerhört kuntenti li jkunu qattgħu l-aħħar sena qsim ta 'xi ramblings tiegħi mal kollha inti. Stajt kemmxejn mitlufa rekord ta 'kif ħafna hits I kellna peress I mċaqalqa kollox trasferiti għas-Fried Netwerk Xjenza Southern, iżda huwa aktar minn I jista 'qatt qatt immaġina bħala blogger newbie tnax-il xahar ilu. Meta nħares matul l-aħħar sena ftit impjiegi jiġu f'moħħna bħala favorit tiegħi:

Trigrapha Adela (Moth Ttiegħem fil Napa)

Continue reading A Year in Review

Il-rejiet huma Kollha Dritt

Xukkanti, stunningly, amazingly; l- monarchs are back (iżda mhux ko-tluq Julianne Moore). kollox sew, mhuwiex li aqwa; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started fil 1993). Actually I nemmen I qal “Jien se nagħmel imħatri fuq xi ħaġa li l-popolazzjoni tagħmel irkupru fis-snin li ġejjin…”. Allura, how about anything = beer, and who’s buying?

Perhaps I am celebrating a bit early. Maybe the news isn’t so good that I can run a victory lap quite yet, but preliminary surveys look like the overwintering populations have doubled this year. That’s a pretty good start, but we still haven’t hit the 18 year average (not an impressive statistic). But don’t misread my intentionsI’m not claiming this one year somehow has proven the decline insignificant. It may or may not be, all we can really say is that it’s just another data point. The fact is that our dataset is very weak and there are factors such as local weather that create massive margins of error. It’s also nearly impossible to extrapolate from what little data we do have. So is the monarch a very goodcanary in the coal mine”?

I would say poor at best. How is one insect species that roosts in massive singular colonies a good indicator of our ecosystem? Iva, they migrate from all reaches of North America, but their recent high mortality rates have nothing to do with the lives they lived outside of Mexico. Perhaps if millions of butterflies died of some strange toxin we could heed the warning, but such was not the case. Those poor monarchs are at the mercy of winter storms that are likely to become more frequent with a warming climate. So can we say that climate change is negatively impacting these animals? Turns out we can’t, at least not yet. If this were to be so then our data is telling us that the 1996-1997 season was a really healthy one where clouds of pollution parted and nature rejoiced. Did the 2010 season then become a post apocalyptic blade-runner-esque world where acid rain melted the orange off of butterfly wings? Clearly not. Neither climate nor pollution were drastically different in those years. The monarchs just had a really good year followed by some really bad ones. Maybe we should just find a better canary if we’re trying to blow the whistle on global warming or deforestation.

As a last thought here is a video from the above story. Just as you’d expect, it’s over dramatized and a bit hilarious.


Genius of the Press XVI

A softball for this GOP challenge. This image comes care of the Victoria Advocate (TX paper) – bi a poorly written article about butterflies. This image flop is pretty easy, but for extra points who can tell me what else is incorrect in the text?


New Header

I’ve uploaded a new header as you can seehow does it look? I’m playing around with the settings, but please let me know if the moth on the right gets cropped awkwardly, and what your screen resolution is if that is the case.


Butterflies for Beer

(Credit: David Cappaert, Insectimages.org)


If you happen to be living out in Yolo, Solano or Sacramento counties you should head out with a net. dr. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. If you are the very first person to catch a cabbage white (Rapa Pieris invasive) before Dr. Shapiro he will buy you a pitcher of beer! You have to deliver the specimen alive to the receptionist in the Department of Evolution and Ecology to confirm the identification (I assume to prove you didn’t just save last year’s dead butterfly and cheat).

Over the last 30 years the butterflies have been emerging earliertwo weeks on average now. You better hurry, the first cabbage white of 2010 was collected on January 27th.

Iċċekkja horoscope tiegħek illum?

Jien għamilt, u ħsejjes bhalu ġie miktub minn Sarah Palin. Attwalment, I sab dan meta-analiżi ta 'aktar minn 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. Huwa spettakolari – imma jien ser jinżlu ftit punti hawn:

Minn dawn 22,000 horoscopes daħal chart tal-kliem l-aktar komuni (qiegħ), 90% of which happen to be exactly the same regardless of your sign. David McCandless also generated a meta prediction using these most common words. It goes something like this.

Ready? Żgur? Whatever the situation or secret moment enjoy everything a lot. Feel able to absolutely care. Expect nothing else. Keep making love. Family and friends matter. The world is life, fun and energy. Maybe hard. Or easy. Taking exactly enough is best. Help and talk to others. Change your mind and a better mood comes along

Everyone, hopefully, should know that horoscopes and astrology have always been steaming piles. Seeing the data like this just makes it that much easier to laugh in the face of wackiness. I also love McCandless’s interpretation of star traits. I’m agemini” (or at least was), and the most common words for me areparty, stay, issues and listen certainly”. Interpreted asemotionally disturbed party animal who never says no”. Love it.

You might have also heard recently about the scandalous story of wrong star assignments. As it turns out our earth wobbles slightly in orbit; meaning the stars are not exactly where they are in the night sky tonight as they were a few millennia ago when the zodiac was first derived. So if the stars mold who you are at birth then they do so based on where they are now and not 2,000 years ago. Surprisemany people should now be assigned to a new sign! Ooooh scandal! The science of astrology didn’t even come close to predicting this (it greatly pained me to even mockingly call astrology science). But that’s OK it won’t perturb them, they are well adapt at dodging hard science and spinning BS, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. Back in 1781 astronomers threw a wrench at the heads of astrologers with the discovery of Uranusand a generation later Neptune appeared on the scene. Oh don’t worry! Astrologers fudged their own numbers, whined about differentcharts and systemsand snuck in two extra star signs to agree with the world as science understood it. oh, and never mind the rest of the billion, billion stars and planets

Yet, I can still hear a faint cry down the street here in Berkeleysomeone slaps hand to head and exclaimsoh now it makes sense, I was a Taurus kollha along!”

You should go explore his blog and take a closer look at the analysis. Aħjar għadhom, if you have a friend who loves their astrology, you should forward this in their direction.




Entomophagy: moths for dinner

This post was chosen as an Editor's Selection for ResearchBlogging.org I have always known that in many places of the world, especially off the beaten track, caterpillars of moths and butterflies are on the menu. From Africa li Awstralja there are dozens of species that might taste good enough to be reasonably edible or even delicious. But here in the US insects rarely if ever make it onto our tables (at least not to our knowledge) – but occasionally into our bottles. I’m sure that many of you have seen the worm at the bottom of the tequila bottle: which is actually the caterpillar of the Cossid moth Hypotpa agavis. I have even heard reports that migrant Mexican workers dig up native plants on their lunch break to snack on the large pink larvae of a related moth; probably in the genus Comadia. Despite my previous knowledge, I was a bit surprised by a recent article discussing the massive diversity of Lepidoptera used as staple food sources throughout Mexico.


Continue reading Entomophagy: moths for dinner

Ġenju tal-Istampa XV

Għal din il-ħarġa tal-ġenju tal-istampa, who can tell me what’s wrong with dan l-artikolu? Huwa pjuttost sottili, iżda żball ċar, speċjalment għal LiveScience.