Самая маленькая из мотыльков


The family Nepticulidae hold some of the smallest moths known, ranging from 3-8mm wing-tip to wing-tip. For a comparison I have imaged two moths above: the largest knownCoscinocera hercules that tips the scales at nearly 9 дюймы, and one of the smallest (yes that tiny little speck below the Hercules moth) – Ectoedemia rubifoliella, also imaged below. The Nepticulidae are surprisingly diverse, с более 800 species described that likely represent only 10% of the actual diversity (Powell, 2009). In the United States we have only 80 вид, из которых 25 are known from the west. When you compare that diversity to the 100 or so species known from Great Britain, it’s clear that the US knowledge is vastly lacking. На самом деле, over 80% of all nepticulid diversity is known from Europe alone. A strange inversion when you consider that the neotropics are the world’s most diverse ecosystems yet have only 74 known Nepticulidae species! (Puplesis, 2000). Why is this so?

Ectoedemia rubifoliella 3.3мм

Stigmella ostryaefoliella 3.1мм

The European diversity can easily be explained away due to a high concentration of bored Lepidopterists. The Holarctic fauna is not the most diverse and it therefore has become the best understood on the planet, not to mention they have had a long history of gentleman entomologists dating back hundreds of years. But the rest of the Nepticulidae diversity remains a mystery because they are really, что правда небольшой, hard to spread, and difficult to identify as adults! I have actually had little practice or success with mounting Nepticulidae, and the above specimens should be credited to Dr. Дэйв Вагнер. The very few that I do have in my collection are simply pinned and un-spread; and even the pinning proves hard enough when a slip of the hand can obliterate the entire specimen. Apparently the best method for mounting is to knock them down in the freezer and pin them while they are still alive. Not the most humane, but the only way to keep the moth from drying before your eyes and becoming impossible to manipulate. As hard as the adults are to manage, the larvae are rather characteristic in that most are leaf minersthey feed on the material между the leaf epidermises. This lends to the common name ofleaf blotch minersbecause you can see the translucent patches the moths have ‘minedout from inside the leaf. Not only is each species rather host-specific, but they tend to form very characteristic mine patterns within the leaf. So if you find a leaf mine and you know the species of plant, chances are you can find out the species of Nepticulid within it (however not all leaf mines are nepticulids, there are lots of other insects that do this as well). Rearing these moths are also rather simple, all you have to do is pop the leaf in a bag and wait for the moth to finish feeding. One caterpillar only needs one leaf (or tiny section of leaf) – but care has to be taken to keep the leaf green while the caterpillar feeds. If the leaf dies, so will the caterpillar. Because of this paradoxical ability to identify the mines and not the adults there is a surprising amount of ecological research done on them, especially since a few pose threats to commercial crops. The first image below clearly illustrates the caterpillar feeding within the leafand the trail of frass it has left behind.

Stigmella aceris (link to image credit)

Stigmella paradoxa (link to image credit)

If you look at the above images of mines it’s not all that difficult to imagine structures like this fossilizing. And amazingly, they have! The first image below (Labandeira et al., 1994) shows a variety of leaf mining Nepticulidae mines (and a Gracillariidae) from the mid-Cretaceous (97 миллион лет назад). The spectacular thing about leaf mines is that you can get down to genus level and sometimes even species. The authors were able to differentiate between the nepticulid genera Стиг Мельи и Ectoedemia based on the patterns preserved in the fossils; patterns we still use to help separate genera today. The bottom illustration is from a mine discovered in Japan that is only around 8 million years old (Kuroko, 1987).

(Labanderia, 1994)

(Kuroko, 1987)


Kuroko, H. (1987). A Fossil Leaf Mine of Nepticulidae (чешуекрылых) from Japan. Bulletin Sugadaira Montane Res. Cen., No.8, 119-121.

Labandeira, С. (1994). Ninety-Seven Million Years of Angiosperm-Insect Association: Paleobiological Insights into the Meaning of Coevolution Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 91 (25), 12278-12282 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.91.25.12278

PUPLESIS, R., DIŠKUS, A., ROBINSON, G., & ONORE, г. (2002). A review and checklist of the Neotropical Nepticulidae (чешуекрылых) Bulletin of The Natural History Museum. Entomology Series, 71 (01) DOI: 10.1017/S0968045402000032

Powell, J.A., Opler, P.A. (2010). Бабочки западной части Северной Америки – by J. A. Powell and P. A. Opler Systematic Entomology, 35 (2), 347-347 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2010.00525.x

Странная бронированная lobopodian от кембрия

ResearchBlogging.org Ранние кембрийские моря (542-488 миллион лет назад) было множество странные и причудливые существа почти невообразимо даже для лучшего фантаста-фантаста. Возможно, один из предшественников членистоногих. (также Онихофора и Тихоходка), линии передачи лобоподий представляют собой странную группу “черви с ногами” что когда-то бродили по древнему морскому дну. Насколько они близки к настоящим членистоногим, остается предметом споров. (дерево ниже), но этот недавно открытый род и вид, Diania cactiformis (ходячий кактус), представляет собой наиболее хорошо склеротизированный и похожий на членистоногих из всех известных на сегодняшний день.

Этот огромный двух с половиной дюймов монстр помогает нам понять переход от червеобразного существа с мягким телом к ​​членистоногому с твердым панцирем.; это также дает лучшее представление о том, насколько разнообразными могли быть придатки лобоподиев.. Это интересный вопрос, потому что преимущества соединения, склеротизированный, конечности были одними из тех, которые взорвались и разнообразились среди существ, которых мы знаем сегодня. Как именно это произошло, еще не решено, но похоже, что ноги этого животного были склеротизированы до того, как тело (членистоногие vs. артродизация). Обнаружена одна небольшая окаменелость и еще одно небольшое представление об эволюционной истории.



Лю, Дж., Штайнер, М., Данлоп, Дж., купить, ЧАС., Шу, Д., Или, В., Есть, Дж., Чжан, С УЧАСТИЕМ., & Чжан, Икс. (2011). Бронированный кембрийский лобопод из Китая с придатками, похожими на членистоногих. Природа, 470 (7335), 526-530 DOI: 10.1038/природа09704

дальнейшее чтение: Блог коллег о лобоподии на венгерском языке.

Обзор года

Ой, Похоже, я пропустил свой первый 'blogoversary'! Понедельник 21-го был один год переломным для моего блога; и я невероятно счастлив, что провел в прошлом году совместного использования некоторых из моих бред со всеми вами. Я несколько потерял сколько хитов у меня было так как я переехал все к The Southern Fried научной сети, но это больше, чем я мог себе представить, как новичка блоггер двенадцать месяцев назад. Когда я смотрю за последний год несколько сообщений приходят на ум, как мой любимый:

Адела trigrapha (Моль Дегустация в Напа)

Continue reading A Year in Review

Монархи Are All Right

Shockingly, stunningly, amazingly; the monarchs are back (but not co-staring Julianne Moore). Хорошо, it’s not that amazing; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started в 1993). Actually I believe I saidI will bet anything on the population making a recovery in the years to come…”. Так, how about anything = beer, and who’s buying?

Perhaps I am celebrating a bit early. Maybe the news isn’t so good that I can run a victory lap quite yet, but preliminary surveys look like the overwintering populations have doubled this year. That’s a pretty good start, but we still haven’t hit the 18 year average (not an impressive statistic). But don’t misread my intentionsI’m not claiming this one year somehow has proven the decline insignificant. It may or may not be, all we can really say is that it’s just another data point. The fact is that our dataset is very weak and there are factors such as local weather that create massive margins of error. It’s also nearly impossible to extrapolate from what little data we do have. So is the monarch a very goodcanary in the coal mine”?

I would say poor at best. How is one insect species that roosts in massive singular colonies a good indicator of our ecosystem? Да, they migrate from all reaches of North America, but their recent high mortality rates have nothing to do with the lives they lived outside of Mexico. Perhaps if millions of butterflies died of some strange toxin we could heed the warning, but such was not the case. Those poor monarchs are at the mercy of winter storms that are likely to become more frequent with a warming climate. So can we say that climate change is negatively impacting these animals? Turns out we can’t, at least not yet. If this were to be so then our data is telling us that the 1996-1997 season was a really healthy one where clouds of pollution parted and nature rejoiced. Did the 2010 season then become a post apocalyptic blade-runner-esque world where acid rain melted the orange off of butterfly wings? Clearly not. Neither climate nor pollution were drastically different in those years. The monarchs just had a really good year followed by some really bad ones. Maybe we should just find a better canary if we’re trying to blow the whistle on global warming or deforestation.

As a last thought here is a video from the above story. Just as you’d expect, it’s over dramatized and a bit hilarious.


Genius пресс-XVI

A softball for this GOP challenge. This image comes care of the Victoria Advocate (TX paper) – с poorly written article about butterflies. This image flop is pretty easy, but for extra points who can tell me what else is incorrect in the text?


Новый заголовок

Я загрузил новый заголовок, как вы можете видеть, – как это выглядит? Я играл с настройками, но, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если моли справа получает обрезается неловко, и то, что разрешение экрана, если это дело.


Бабочки для пива

(Credit: David Cappaert, Insectimages.org)


If you happen to be living out in Yolo, Solano or Sacramento counties you should head out with a net. Доктор. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. If you are the very first person to catch a cabbage white (Пиерис рапэ invasive) before Dr. Shapiro he will buy you a pitcher of beer! You have to deliver the specimen alive to the receptionist in the Department of Evolution and Ecology to confirm the identification (I assume to prove you didn’t just save last year’s dead butterfly and cheat).

Over the last 30 years the butterflies have been emerging earliertwo weeks on average now. You better hurry, the first cabbage white of 2010 was collected on January 27th.

Проверьте свой гороскоп сегодня?

Я сделал, и это звучит как она была написана Сара Пэйлин. На самом деле, Я наткнулся на этот мета анализ более 22,000 гороскопы закончились Информация прекрасна. Это впечатляющий – но я сбегаю вниз и несколько пунктов здесь:

Из них 22,000 Гороскопы пришли диаграмму из самых распространенных слов (дно), 90% из которых оказались одинаковыми независимо от вашего знака. Дэвид МакКэндлесс также создал метапрогноз, используя эти наиболее распространенные слова.. Это выглядит примерно так.

Готовый? Конечно? Какой бы ни была ситуация или секретный момент, наслаждайтесь всем. Чувствовать себя в состоянии абсолютно заботиться. Не ожидайте ничего другого. Продолжай заниматься любовью. Семья и друзья имеют значение. Мир это жизнь, веселье и энергия. Может быть, трудно. Или легко. Лучше взять ровно столько, сколько нужно. Помогайте и общайтесь с другими. Передумай, и настроение улучшится…

Каждый, с надеждой, должен знать, что гороскопы и астрология всегда были дымящимися грудами. Глядя на такие данные, становится намного легче смеяться над дурацкостью.. Мне также нравится интерпретация звездных качеств МакКэндлессом.. я “Близнецы” (или по крайней мере был), and the most common words for me areparty, stay, issues and listen certainly”. Interpreted asemotionally disturbed party animal who never says no”. Love it.

You might have also heard recently about the scandalous story of wrong star assignments. As it turns out our earth wobbles slightly in orbit; meaning the stars are not exactly where they are in the night sky tonight as they were a few millennia ago when the zodiac was first derived. So if the stars mold who you are at birth then they do so based on where they are now and not 2,000 years ago. Surprisemany people should now be assigned to a new sign! Ooooh scandal! The science of astrology didn’t even come close to predicting this (it greatly pained me to even mockingly call astrology science). But that’s OK it won’t perturb them, they are well adapt at dodging hard science and spinning BS, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. Back in 1781 astronomers threw a wrench at the heads of astrologers with the discovery of Uranusand a generation later Neptune appeared on the scene. Oh don’t worry! Astrologers fudged their own numbers, whined about differentcharts and systemsand snuck in two extra star signs to agree with the world as science understood it. Ой, and never mind the rest of the billion, billion stars and planets

Все же, I can still hear a faint cry down the street here in Berkeleysomeone slaps hand to head and exclaimsoh now it makes sense, I was a Taurus все along!”

You should go explore his blog and take a closer look at the analysis. А еще лучше, if you have a friend who loves their astrology, you should forward this in their direction.




Энтомофагия: моли на ужин

This post was chosen as an Editor's Selection for ResearchBlogging.org Я всегда знал, что во многих местах мира, особенно в глуши, Гусеницы моли и бабочек на меню. From Africa для Австралия there are dozens of species that might taste good enough to be reasonably edible or even delicious. But here in the US insects rarely if ever make it onto our tables (at least not to our knowledge) – but occasionally into our bottles. I’m sure that many of you have seen the worm at the bottom of the tequila bottle: which is actually the caterpillar of the Cossid moth Hypotpa agavis. I have even heard reports that migrant Mexican workers dig up native plants on their lunch break to snack on the large pink larvae of a related moth; probably in the genus Comadia. Despite my previous knowledge, I was a bit surprised by a recent article discussing the massive diversity of Lepidoptera used as staple food sources throughout Mexico.

(из Википедии)

Continue reading Entomophagy: моли на ужин

Гений прессы XV

За этот номер гения прессы, who can tell me what’s wrong with эта статья? Это довольно тонко, но явная ошибка, специально для LiveScience.