

家庭Nepticulidae持有一些已知最小的飞蛾, 从3-8MM翼尖到翼尖. 为了比较我已经拍摄上述两种蛾: 名气最大的 – Coscinocera大力神 这提示秤近 9 英寸, 和最小的一个 (下面是大力士蛾是小小的斑点) – 红叶外水肿, 下面还成像. 该Nepticulidae是出奇的多样化, 有超过 800 描述的物种可能只是代表 10% 的实际多样性 (鲍威尔, 2009). 在美国,我们只有 80 种类, 其中 25 从西方被称为. 当这种多样性比作 100 种左右来自英国著名, 很显然,美国的知识是远远不足. 其实, 以上 80% 所有nepticulid多样性来自欧洲知名孤独. 当你考虑一个奇怪的倒置的热带地区是世界上最多样化的生态系统还只有 74 众所周知Nepticulidae种! (中风, 2000). 为什么会这样?

红叶外水肿 3.3毫米

牡丹 3.1毫米

欧洲多样性可以很容易地被解释,由于高浓度的无聊Lepidopterists的. 全北区动物是不是最多样化的,因此它已经成为这个星球上最好的理解, 更何况他们有绅士昆虫学家的悠久历史可以追溯到几百年前. 但对Nepticulidae多样性其余仍是一个谜,因为他们是真正的, 小, 难普及, 且难以确定为成人! 其实我也没有什么实践或成功安装Nepticulidae, 和上面的标本应记入医生. 戴夫·瓦格纳. 我确实在我的收藏中很少只是寄托和未扩散; 甚至钉扎证明够硬时手的滑动可以抹杀了整个样品. 显然,安装最好的方法是敲下来在冷冻和引脚他们,而他们仍然活着. 没有最人性化, 但只有这样,才能保持蛾在你眼前干燥,成为不可能操纵. 硬如大人是管理, 幼虫在多数,而特色是叶矿工 – 它们以材料 叶epidermises. 这借给的通用名称 “叶斑病矿工” 因为你可以看到半透明的斑块飞蛾已经“开采’ 出从叶内. 不仅是每一个物种,而主机专用, 但他们往往会形成叶内非常有特点矿模式. 所以,如果你找到一个叶雷,你知道的植物物种, 机会是你可以在其中找到Nepticulid物种 (然而,并非所有的叶子地雷nepticulids, 还有很多其他昆虫也这么做). 饲养这些飞蛾也相当简单, 所有你需要做的是流行的叶子在一个袋子里,等待蛾完成送料. 一个毛毛虫只需要一片叶子 (或叶的微小部分) – 但要注意,必须采取以保持叶绿,而毛毛虫饲料. 若叶片死亡, 所以将毛毛虫. 由于这种矛盾的能力来确定地雷,而不是成年人有生态研究对他们做了数量惊人, 尤其是因为一些会对经济作物的威胁. 下面清楚的第一个图像显示了叶内的毛虫喂养 – 和虫粪的踪迹已经留下.

针叶树 (链接图片来源)

Stigmella悖论 (链接图片来源)

如果你看一下矿井上面的图像是不是所有的困难想象的结构是这样fossilizing. 而令人惊奇, 他们有! 下面的第一图像 (Labandeira等。, 1994) 示出了各种叶采矿Nepticulidae地雷 (和Gracillariidae) 从白垩纪中期 (97 万年前). 关于叶矿山壮观的事情是,你可以坐下来属的水平,有时甚至是种. 研究者们能够在nepticulid属区分 斯蒂格梅拉 子宫外水肿 基于在化石保存的图案; 模式,我们今天仍然使用,以帮助不同的属. 下图是发现了在日本矿井只有约 8 亿岁 (黑子, 1987).

(拉班德里亚, 1994)

(黑子, 1987)


黑子, ħ. (1987). 化石叶矿Nepticulidae的 (鳞翅类) 来自日本. 公告菅平山地RES. 岑。, 8号, 119-121.

洗衣女工, Ç. (1994). 九十七个百万年被子植物,昆虫协会: 古生物学洞察协同进化中的意义 国家科学科学院院刊, 91 (25), 12278-12282 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.91.25.12278

中风, R。, 磁盘, 一个。, 罗宾逊, G。, & 荣誉, 摹. (2002). 新热带Nepticulidae的审查和清单 (鳞翅类) 自然历史博物馆的公告. 昆虫系列, 71 (01) DOI: 10.1017/S0968045402000032

鲍威尔, J.A., 奥普勒, PA. (2010). 北美西部飞蛾 – 地被J. 一. 鲍威尔和P. 一. 奥普勒 系统昆虫学, 35 (2), 347-347 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2010.00525.x


研究博客网站 早寒武纪海洋 (542-488 万年前) 有过多的 奇怪而奇异的生物 即使是最好的科幻梦想家也几乎无法想象. 作为前体的节肢动物可能的一个 (还 甲癣缓步动物), 在lobopodian系代表群怪 “蠕虫与腿” 曾经在古老的海床中漫游. 它们与真正的节肢动物到底有多接近还有待商榷 (下面的树), 但是这个新发现的属和种, 仙人掌 (行走的仙人掌), 代表迄今为止已知的任何已知的最良好的硬化和节肢动物.

这个巨大的两英寸半怪物帮助我们了解从软体蠕虫类生物到硬壳节肢动物的转变; 它还可以更好地了解这些叶状肢附属物的多样性. 这是一个有趣的问题,因为联合的优势, 硬化的, 四肢是我们今天所知道的生物中爆炸和多样化的一种. 这究竟是如何发生的还没有更接近解决, 但看起来这只动物的腿在身体之前就已经硬化了 (节肢动物化与. 关节化). 一个小化石的发现和对进化史的另一个小见解.



刘, J。, 施泰纳, 米。, 邓禄普, J。, 买, H。, Shu, D., 要么, 问。, 他们有, J。, 张, 和。, & 张, X. (2011). 一种来自中国的装甲寒武纪叶足动物,具有类似节肢动物的附肢 大自然, 470 (7335), 526-530 DOI: 10.1038/自然09704

进一步阅读: 匈牙利语中关于 lobopodian 的同事博客.


哎呀, 貌似我错过了我的第一个'blogoversary“! 周一21是一年期的转折点我的博客; 而且我非常高兴能在过去的一年与大家分享一些我的随笔. 我已经有点记不清有多少次点击,因为我搬到一切交给南煎科学网我有轨道, 但它比我曾经也有过十二个月前的想像作为一个新手的博客. 当我看到在过去一年中几个帖子浮现在脑海中我最喜欢:

阿黛拉trigrapha (蛾品尝纳帕)

Continue reading A Year in Review


令人震惊, 令人震惊, 令人惊讶; 在 monarchs are back (但并非共同地盯着朱丽安·摩尔). 行, 这是不是很神奇; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started 在 1993). 其实,我相信我说的 “我将赌注押在了人群做任何事情,在多年的恢复来…”. 所以, how about anything = beer, and who’s buying?

Perhaps I am celebrating a bit early. Maybe the news isn’t so good that I can run a victory lap quite yet, but preliminary surveys look like the overwintering populations have doubled this year. That’s a pretty good start, but we still haven’t hit the 18 year average (not an impressive statistic). But don’t misread my intentionsI’m not claiming this one year somehow has proven the decline insignificant. It may or may not be, all we can really say is that it’s just another data point. The fact is that our dataset is very weak and there are factors such as local weather that create massive margins of error. It’s also nearly impossible to extrapolate from what little data we do have. So is the monarch a very goodcanary in the coal mine”?

I would say poor at best. How is one insect species that roosts in massive singular colonies a good indicator of our ecosystem? 是, they migrate from all reaches of North America, but their recent high mortality rates have nothing to do with the lives they lived outside of Mexico. Perhaps if millions of butterflies died of some strange toxin we could heed the warning, but such was not the case. Those poor monarchs are at the mercy of winter storms that are likely to become more frequent with a warming climate. So can we say that climate change is negatively impacting these animals? Turns out we can’t, at least not yet. If this were to be so then our data is telling us that the 1996-1997 season was a really healthy one where clouds of pollution parted and nature rejoiced. Did the 2010 season then become a post apocalyptic blade-runner-esque world where acid rain melted the orange off of butterfly wings? Clearly not. Neither climate nor pollution were drastically different in those years. The monarchs just had a really good year followed by some really bad ones. Maybe we should just find a better canary if we’re trying to blow the whistle on global warming or deforestation.

As a last thought here is a video from the above story. Just as you’d expect, it’s over dramatized and a bit hilarious.



垒球这个共和党挑战. 此图片来自维多利亚提倡的护理 (德克萨斯纸) – 有 关于蝴蝶写得不好的文章. 此图片翻牌是很容易的, 但对于加分谁可以告诉我什么是不正确的文本?



我已经上传了一个新的头,你可以看到 – 它是如何看? 我玩弄的设置, 但请让我知道如果右侧的飞蛾被笨拙裁剪, 和你的屏幕分辨率是,如果是这样的话.



(信用: 大卫Cappaert, Insectimages.org)


如果你碰巧住在YOLO, 索拉诺和萨克拉门托县,你应该把头伸出用网. 博士. 沙普里奥(Art Shaprio)为他的第40年画画 白菜白蝴蝶比赛. 如果你是赶上白菜白的第一人 (白菜菜青虫 – 侵入性的) 在博士之前. 夏皮罗(Shapiro)他会给你买一罐啤酒! 你必须送出标本 向进化与生态学系的接待员确认身份 (我想证明你不仅救了去年死去的蝴蝶和骗子).

在过去 30 多年以来,蝴蝶早已出现 – 现在平均两个星期. 你最好快点, 第一白菜 2010 于1月27日收集.


我做了, 这听起来像它是由萨拉·佩林. 其实, 我碰到过这样的Meta分析 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. 它的壮观 – 但我会在这里运行了几个点:

从这些 22,000 八字来了一个图表中最常见的词 (底部), 90% of which happen to be exactly the same regardless of your sign. David McCandless also generated a meta prediction using these most common words. It goes something like this.

Ready? 确定? Whatever the situation or secret moment enjoy everything a lot. Feel able to absolutely care. Expect nothing else. Keep making love. Family and friends matter. The world is life, fun and energy. Maybe hard. Or easy. Taking exactly enough is best. Help and talk to others. Change your mind and a better mood comes along

Everyone, 希望, should know that horoscopes and astrology have always been steaming piles. Seeing the data like this just makes it that much easier to laugh in the face of wackiness. I also love McCandless’s interpretation of star traits. I’m agemini” (or at least was), and the most common words for me areparty, stay, issues and listen certainly”. Interpreted asemotionally disturbed party animal who never says no”. Love it.

You might have also heard recently about the scandalous story of wrong star assignments. As it turns out our earth wobbles slightly in orbit; meaning the stars are not exactly where they are in the night sky tonight as they were a few millennia ago when the zodiac was first derived. So if the stars mold who you are at birth then they do so based on where they are now and not 2,000 几年前. Surprisemany people should now be assigned to a new sign! Ooooh scandal! The science of astrology didn’t even come close to predicting this (it greatly pained me to even mockingly call astrology science). But that’s OK it won’t perturb them, they are well adapt at dodging hard science and spinning BS, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. 早在 1781 astronomers threw a wrench at the heads of astrologers with the discovery of Uranusand a generation later Neptune appeared on the scene. Oh don’t worry! Astrologers fudged their own numbers, whined about differentcharts and systemsand snuck in two extra star signs to agree with the world as science understood it. 哦, and never mind the rest of the billion, billion stars and planets

Yet, I can still hear a faint cry down the street here in Berkeleysomeone slaps hand to head and exclaimsoh now it makes sense, I was a Taurus 所有 along!”

You should go explore his blog and take a closer look at the analysis. 更妙的是, if you have a friend who loves their astrology, you should forward this in their direction.




食虫: 飞蛾吃饭

这篇文章被选为 ResearchBlogging.org 的编辑精选 我一直都知道,在世界的许多地方,, 尤其是人迹罕至, 蝴蝶和飞蛾的毛毛虫的菜单上. 从 非洲澳大利亚 有几十种可能的味道不够好,合理食用,甚至美味. 但是在这里,在美国的昆虫很少,如果让我们上表 (至少不会到我们的知识) – 但偶尔到我们的瓶. 我敢肯定,你们中许多人已经看到蠕虫的龙舌兰酒酒瓶的底部: 这实际上是Cossid蛾毛虫 龙舌兰. 我甚至听到报道说,农民的墨西哥工人挖了他们的午休原生植物小吃在相关蛾的大的粉红色的幼虫; 大概在属 喜剧. 尽管我以前的知识, 我是一个有点最近的一篇文章讨论鳞翅目昆虫的大量多样性惊讶作为主食来源遍及墨西哥.


Continue reading Entomophagy: 飞蛾吃饭


对于这一问题的天才的新闻, 谁可以告诉我什么是错的 本文? 这是很微妙, 但一个明显的错误, 特别是对生活科学.