

家庭Nepticulidae的舉行一些已知最小的飛蛾, 從3毫米不等翼尖到翼尖. 對於一個比較中,我已經成像了兩個以上的飛蛾: 已知的最大 – Coscinocera大力士 這提示鱗近 9 英寸, 和其中一個最小的 (下面是大力士蛾的小小的斑點) – Ectoedemia rubifoliella, 下面還成像. 該Nepticulidae有著驚人的不同, 有超過 800 描述物種可能只是代表 10% 實際的分集 (鮑威爾, 2009). 在美國,我們只有 80 種, 其中 25 從西方被稱為. 當您在多樣性比較的 100 種左右來自英國著名, 很顯然,美國的知識是遠遠不足. 其實, 過 80% 所有nepticulid多樣性與歐洲知名單. 當你考慮一個奇怪的倒置的熱帶地區是世界上最多樣化的生態系統卻只有 74 眾所周知Nepticulidae種! (Puplesis, 2000). 為什麼會這樣?

Ectoedemia rubifoliella 3.3毫米

斯蒂格·梅拉ostryaefoliella 3.1毫米

歐洲的多樣性可以很容易地被解釋,由於高濃度的無聊鱗翅目的. 全北區的動物都不是最多樣化的,因此它已經成為這個星球上最好的理解, 更何況他們有紳士昆蟲學家的悠久歷史可以追溯到幾百年前. 但對Nepticulidae多樣性其餘仍是一個謎,因為他們是真正的, 小, 難普及, 而難以確定為成年人! 其實我也沒有什麼實踐或成功,安裝Nepticulidae, 與上述標本應記入醫生. 戴夫·瓦格納. 我有沒有在我的收藏中很少被簡單固定和未蔓延; 甚至牽制證明夠硬的時候手一滑泯整個標本. 顯然,用於安裝的最好方法是敲下來的冷凍和引腳他們,而他們還活著. 沒有最人性化, 但只有這樣,才能保持蛾從你眼前乾燥,並成為不可能操縱. 硬如大人是管理, 幼蟲是大多數,而特色是葉礦工 – 它們以物質 之間 葉epidermises. 因之,以共同的名義 “葉斑病礦工” 因為你可以看到半透明的斑塊飛蛾有'雷區’ 出從葉內. 不僅是每一個物種,而特定於主機的, 但他們往往會形成葉片內非常有特點礦模式. 所以,如果你發現葉雷,你知道植物的種類, 機會是你可以在那裡找到了Nepticulid的種類 (然而,並非所有的葉子地雷nepticulids, 還有很多其他的昆蟲也這麼做). 飼養這些飛蛾也相當簡單, 所有您需要做的是流行的葉子在一個袋子裡,等待蛾完成送料. 一個毛毛蟲只需要一片葉子 (或葉的微小部分) – 但小心,必須採取以保持葉片綠色,而毛毛蟲飼料. 若葉片死亡, 所以將毛毛蟲. 由於這種矛盾的能力,以識別地雷和未成人的有生態研究對他們做了數量驚人, 特別是因為一些會對經濟作物的威脅. 下面清楚地第一個圖像顯示了葉內的毛毛蟲餵食 – 和蟲糞的足跡已經留下.

斯蒂格·梅拉aceris (鏈接到圖片的信用)

Stigmella悖論 (鏈接到圖片的信用)

如果你看看地雷上面的圖像是不是所有的困難想像的結構是這樣fossilizing. 而令人驚訝, 他們有! 下面的第一圖像 (Labandeira等。, 1994) 顯示各種葉採Nepticulidae地雷 (並Gracillariidae) 從白堊紀中期 (97 萬年前的). 關於葉雷壯觀的事情是,你可以坐下來屬水平,有時甚至是物種. 研究者們能夠在nepticulid屬區分 斯蒂格梅利亞 Ectoedemia 基於該化石保存的圖案; 模式,我們今天仍然使用,以幫助不同的屬. 下圖是從已發現的日本礦是只有約 8 萬年 (黑子, 1987).

(labanderia, 1994)

(黑子, 1987)


黑子, ħ. (1987). 化石葉雷Nepticulidae的 (鱗翅類) 來自日本. 公告菅平山地RES. 岑。, 8號, 119-121.

Labandeira, Ç. (1994). 九十七億年被子植物,昆蟲協會: 古生物學洞察協同進化中的意義 的美國國家科學院論文集, 91 (25), 12278-12282 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.91.25.12278

PUPLESIS, R。, 盤, 答:, 羅賓遜, G。, & 企業榮譽, ğ. (2002). 新熱帶Nepticulidae的審查和核對表 (鱗翅類) 自然歷史博物館的公告. 昆蟲系列, 71 (01) DOI: 10.1017/S0968045402000032

鮑威爾, J.A。, 奧普勒, P.A。. (2010). 北美西部的飛蛾 – 的J. 一. 鮑威爾和P. 一. 奧普勒 系統化昆蟲學, 35 (2), 347-347 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2010.00525.x


ResearchBlogging.org 該早期的寒武紀海洋 (542-488 萬年前的) had a plethora of strange and bizarre creatures almost unimaginable to even the best sci-fi dreamer. 為可能的前體的中的一個,以的節肢動物門 (還 OnychophoraTardigrada), lobopodian譜系代表一個群怪 “蠕蟲,帶腿” that once roamed the ancient sea beds. Exactly how close they are to the true arthropods is up for debate (tree below), but this newly discovered genus and species, Diania cactiformis (walking cactus), represents the most well sclerotized and arthropod-like of any known to date.

This whopping two and a half inch monster helps us understand the transition from a soft bodied worm like creature into a hard-shelled arthropod; it also gives a better impression of how diverse these lobopodian appendages may have been. It’s a fascinating question because the advantage of jointed, sclerotized, limbs was one that exploded and diversified amongst the creatures we know today. Exactly how this happened is not any closer to being resolved, but it appears as if the legs of this animal were sclerotized before the body (arthropodization vs. arthrodization). One small fossil discovered and yet another small insight into evolutionary history.



Liu, J., Steiner, M., Dunlop, J., Keupp, H., Shu, D., Ou, Q., Han, J., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, 點¯x. (2011). An armoured Cambrian lobopodian from China with arthropod-like appendages Nature, 470 (7335), 526-530 DOI: 10.1038/nature09704

Further reading: A colleagues blog on the lobopodian in Hungarian.


唉呀, 看起來像我錯過了我的的的第一個'blogoversary'! 21日(星期一)是一個轉折點,我的博客; 和我敢令人難以置信的快樂的,,以已今年度過了最後一個的一年分享我的的一些漫記與你們中的的所有的的. I’ve somewhat lost track of how many hits I’ve had since I moved everything over to The Southern Fried Science Network, but it’s more than I ever could have ever imagined as a newbie blogger twelve months ago. When I look over the last year a few posts come to mind as my favorite:

阿黛拉trigrapha (蛾品嚐納帕)

Continue reading A Year in Review


令人震驚的是, 令人震驚, 令人驚訝; 在 monarchs are back (但沒有共同盯著朱麗安·摩爾). 行, 這並不是說驚人; I pretty much predicted this would be the case last March when everyone was running around terrified because the butterflies hit an all time low (since counting started 在 1993). 其實,我相信我說 “我敢打賭未來幾年人口會復蘇…”. 所以, how about anything = beer, and who’s buying?

Perhaps I am celebrating a bit early. Maybe the news isn’t so good that I can run a victory lap quite yet, but preliminary surveys look like the overwintering populations have doubled this year. That’s a pretty good start, but we still haven’t hit the 18 year average (not an impressive statistic). But don’t misread my intentionsI’m not claiming this one year somehow has proven the decline insignificant. It may or may not be, all we can really say is that it’s just another data point. The fact is that our dataset is very weak and there are factors such as local weather that create massive margins of error. It’s also nearly impossible to extrapolate from what little data we do have. So is the monarch a very goodcanary in the coal mine”?

I would say poor at best. How is one insect species that roosts in massive singular colonies a good indicator of our ecosystem? 是, they migrate from all reaches of North America, but their recent high mortality rates have nothing to do with the lives they lived outside of Mexico. Perhaps if millions of butterflies died of some strange toxin we could heed the warning, but such was not the case. Those poor monarchs are at the mercy of winter storms that are likely to become more frequent with a warming climate. So can we say that climate change is negatively impacting these animals? Turns out we can’t, at least not yet. If this were to be so then our data is telling us that the 1996-1997 season was a really healthy one where clouds of pollution parted and nature rejoiced. Did the 2010 season then become a post apocalyptic blade-runner-esque world where acid rain melted the orange off of butterfly wings? Clearly not. Neither climate nor pollution were drastically different in those years. The monarchs just had a really good year followed by some really bad ones. Maybe we should just find a better canary if we’re trying to blow the whistle on global warming or deforestation.

As a last thought here is a video from the above story. Just as you’d expect, it’s over dramatized and a bit hilarious.



壘球這個GOP的挑戰. 此圖片來自維多利亞倡導的護理 (TX紙) – 有 關於蝴蝶寫得不好的文章. 此圖片翻牌是很容易, 但對於加分誰可以告訴我什麼是不​​正確的文本?



I’ve uploaded a new header as you can seehow does it look? I’m playing around with the settings, but please let me know if the moth on the right gets cropped awkwardly, and what your screen resolution is if that is the case.



(信用: 大衛Cappaert的, 昆蟲圖像.org)


如果你碰巧住在旅遊Yolo, 索拉諾或薩克拉門托縣,你應該把頭伸出的淨. 博士. Art Shaprio has offered for the 40th year his cabbage white butterfly competition. 如果你是第一人趕上白菜白 (菜粉蝶 invasive) before Dr. Shapiro he will buy you a pitcher of beer! You have to deliver the specimen alive to the receptionist in the Department of Evolution and Ecology to confirm the identification (I assume to prove you didn’t just save last year’s dead butterfly and cheat).

Over the last 30 years the butterflies have been emerging earliertwo weeks on average now. You better hurry, the first cabbage white of 2010 was collected on January 27th.


我做了, 這聽起來像它是由佩林. 其實, 我碰到這個薈萃分析過 22,000 horoscopes over on Information is Beautiful. 它的壯觀 – 但我會跑下來幾點:

從這些 22,000 八字來的圖表最常見的詞語 (底部), 90% of which happen to be exactly the same regardless of your sign. David McCandless also generated a meta prediction using these most common words. It goes something like this.

Ready? 肯定? Whatever the situation or secret moment enjoy everything a lot. Feel able to absolutely care. Expect nothing else. Keep making love. Family and friends matter. The world is life, fun and energy. Maybe hard. Or easy. Taking exactly enough is best. Help and talk to others. Change your mind and a better mood comes along

Everyone, 希望, should know that horoscopes and astrology have always been steaming piles. Seeing the data like this just makes it that much easier to laugh in the face of wackiness. I also love McCandless’s interpretation of star traits. I’m agemini” (or at least was), and the most common words for me areparty, stay, issues and listen certainly”. Interpreted asemotionally disturbed party animal who never says no”. Love it.

You might have also heard recently about the scandalous story of wrong star assignments. As it turns out our earth wobbles slightly in orbit; meaning the stars are not exactly where they are in the night sky tonight as they were a few millennia ago when the zodiac was first derived. So if the stars mold who you are at birth then they do so based on where they are now and not 2,000 years ago. Surprisemany people should now be assigned to a new sign! Ooooh scandal! The science of astrology didn’t even come close to predicting this (it greatly pained me to even mockingly call astrology science). But that’s OK it won’t perturb them, they are well adapt at dodging hard science and spinning BS, and have been doing so for hundreds of years. 早在 1781 astronomers threw a wrench at the heads of astrologers with the discovery of Uranusand a generation later Neptune appeared on the scene. Oh don’t worry! Astrologers fudged their own numbers, whined about differentcharts and systemsand snuck in two extra star signs to agree with the world as science understood it. 哦, and never mind the rest of the billion, billion stars and planets

Yet, I can still hear a faint cry down the street here in Berkeleysomeone slaps hand to head and exclaimsoh now it makes sense, I was a Taurus 所有 along!”

You should go explore his blog and take a closer look at the analysis. 更妙的是, if you have a friend who loves their astrology, you should forward this in their direction.




食蟲: 飛蛾吃飯

This post was chosen as an Editor's Selection for ResearchBlogging.org 我一直都知道,在世界許多地方, 特別是人跡罕至的地方, 飛蛾和蝴蝶的毛毛蟲是菜單上. From Africa澳大利亞 there are dozens of species that might taste good enough to be reasonably edible or even delicious. But here in the US insects rarely if ever make it onto our tables (at least not to our knowledge) – but occasionally into our bottles. I’m sure that many of you have seen the worm at the bottom of the tequila bottle: which is actually the caterpillar of the Cossid moth Hypotpa agavis. I have even heard reports that migrant Mexican workers dig up native plants on their lunch break to snack on the large pink larvae of a related moth; probably in the genus Comadia. Despite my previous knowledge, I was a bit surprised by a recent article discussing the massive diversity of Lepidoptera used as staple food sources throughout Mexico.


Continue reading Entomophagy: 飛蛾吃飯


對於這一問題的天才的新聞, 誰可以告訴我什麼是錯的 本文? 這是很微妙, 但一個明顯的錯誤, 特別是對生活科學.