Laat dit aan die Mythbusters


Nie te lank gelede het ek op die hoogte van die toestel bo – 'n koel soek glas bol wat vermoedelik gebruik lig om weg te jaag vlug. Dit eis getref my skepties senuwee, and I discussed it in my previous post. Die afgelope weke het ek redelike metodes ondersoek om hierdie bewering te toets – and like much of my researchI procrastinate and end up watching TV. But every once in a while it pays off; and to my amazement I stumbled upon the Mythbusters and their Bug Special (Season 8, episode 26). One of their mini-myths was exactly thisthat bags of water can scare away flies! The test was designed pretty well, however the concept as to why it would have worked is flawed. As I discussed in my previous post, flies would and should be able to handle refracted and reflected light. Die “invisible walltheory did not hold up as you can imagine and the bag of water did zero to repel fliesand it might have actually attracted a few who were looking for a droplet or two of moisture around the edges. I am still left wondering if the motion of scattered light would have any effect on fly behavior (however unlikely). Looks like I missed my opportunity for a Mythbusters consult!


N paar baie cool kantel-verskuiwing

Alex Wild posted a few days ago about thefreelensingphotography technique. You can get some really cool results, especially with creating the illusion of miniaturesbut so far I haven’t been brave enough to give it a shot (no pun intended). I came across this impressive compilation of Haitian images on NPR today that is both tilt-shifted and stop-motion!



*Update*If you were previously subscribed to any posts, it looks like you will have to re-subscribe. I have decided though to skip on the entire-blog subscription and just stick to individual posts.

It’s always something. I updated my theme the other day and a glitch in the software caused a crash. Everything was put back together by the Southern Fried Scientist, but now I need to pick up the pieces and find a new theme to host my page. Bly ingeskakel, I need to rebuild, and it will probably take me a day or two to get everything back to working order!

'N Spook word gebore

Welcome to the new year, en byna 'n volle jaar van blog! Dit is ongelooflik hoe vinnig die tyd gevlieg deur, Maar weereens dit altyd doen. As jy waarskynlik opgemerk Desember uitgedraai na my swakste plaas maand met 'n yslike wees 2 poste. Resolusie: meer boodskap!

Nou ek het nog nie begin blog oor musiek (for those who get the Wilco reference), but I am taking us back to the ghost moth of previous posts.

Continue reading A ghost is born

Is jy 'n voorgraadse?

Hoe gaan $2,000? Of miskien weet jy 'n voorgraadse wat dit moet? BioQuip bied 'n jaarlikse beurs aan “moedig [voorgraadse] student belangstelling in entomologie”, maar raai hoeveel mense verlede jaar aansoek gedoen? 3. En ongelukkig is dit eintlik 'n hoë, Ek is redelik seker dat die toekenning onopgeëiste gegaan in die afgelope jare. Chris Fall of BioQuip made this announcement a few days ago at the Entomological Collections Network meeting in San Diego (which was wonderful, more to follow on that and the EntSoc meetings!) ((OK, OK, I know my posting has been sparse lately))

The word needs to get out, so I will do my part. It would be great to see more professors, grad students and enthusiastic undergrads asking BioQuip about their stash of free money! Go hier en hier to see how you can apply. Spread the word.

"Dis die seisoen vir gee

Ek weet wat ek hoop vir van Santa vanjaar!

Wel, nie regtig. In werklikheid Ek skoenlappers versamel nie, en veral nie hierdie reuse birdwings. Hulle is pragtige diere, maar Behalwe dat groot, hulle is ook duur (die gemiddelde monsters gaan vir sowat 'n honderd dollar). Die nuuswaardige deel van hierdie storie is hoeveel dit op 'n veiling gekos het. Voor ek jou die prys vertel… dit is 'n seldsame afwyking van 'n seldsame skoenlapper (die voorvlerk is amper 'n soliede groen blos, wat freakish is). Maar…dit is steeds net 'n skoenlapper.

Continue reading ‘Tis the season for giving

Genius van die Press XIV

Hier is 'n paar voorbeelde van een van my gunsteling podcasts, Die Moth! Vir diegene wat nie bewus is van dit, jy moet check dit uit – en word verbaas dat dit nie eintlik entomologie. Ware stories vertel live op die verhoog wat wissel van skreeusnaakse te hartverskeurende. MAAR, hulle het 'n verskyning op my GOP – wie kan vir my sê hoekom?

Cal Akademie Butterflies

Terwyl ek gereed maak vir meer poste van stof, geniet hierdie kort video van die California Akademie van Wetenskappe vlinder versameling. Dr. Norm Penny doen 'n wonderlike werk van die deel van 'n paar van ons juwele, dit is net jammer dat die video is nie meer (of oor motte!).

Maandag waansin

Bwahahahahahahaha. Dit is ongelooflik hoe baie crazyness hierdie vrou crams in hierdie onderhoud. Dit was so erg dit eintlik het hard te lag…

Ek werk op redigering my foto's van my road trip, so bly ingeskakel!

Brand Hemel

Check hierdie sleepwa vir die film “Brand Hemel” – “Die Sky is Burning”. 'N dokumentêre program oor die rehabilitasie van die Guancaste reënwoude in Noord-Wes Costa Rica. Dit lyk soos 'n pragtige film…Nou het ek net 'n afskrif te vind.