

不久前,我张贴有关该设备的上方 – 一个很酷的看着玻璃球理应利用光来吓跑航班. 这种说法击中了我的怀疑神经, and I discussed it in my previous post. Over the past weeks I’ve been researching reasonable methods to test this claimand like much of my researchI procrastinate and end up watching TV. But every once in a while it pays off; and to my amazement I stumbled upon the Mythbusters and their Bug Special (Season 8, episode 26). One of their mini-myths was exactly thisthat bags of water can scare away flies! The test was designed pretty well, however the concept as to why it would have worked is flawed. As I discussed in my previous post, flies would and should be able to handle refracted and reflected light. 该 “invisible walltheory did not hold up as you can imagine and the bag of water did zero to repel fliesand it might have actually attracted a few who were looking for a droplet or two of moisture around the edges. I am still left wondering if the motion of scattered light would have any effect on fly behavior (however unlikely). Looks like I missed my opportunity for a Mythbusters consult!



亚历克斯野 posted a few days ago about the “自由镜头” 摄影技术. 你可以得到一些很酷的结果, 特别是与创建微缩模型的错觉 – 但到目前为止,我还没有足够的勇气去给它一个镜头 (没有双关语意). I came across this impressive compilation of Haitian images on NPR today that is both tilt-shifted and stop-motion!



**更新如果您以前订阅了任何职位, 它看起来像你将不得不重新订阅. 我决定,虽然跳过对整个-博客订阅,只是坚守岗位个人.

它总是东西. 我更新了我的主题,有一天,在软件故障导致崩溃. Everything was put back together by the Southern Fried Scientist, but now I need to pick up the pieces and find a new theme to host my page. 敬请关注, I need to rebuild, and it will probably take me a day or two to get everything back to working order!


欢迎新的一年, 和几乎全年博客! 这是惊人的速度有多快飞过, 但它总是. 正如你可能已经注意到十二月竟然是我最弱的发布一个月高达 2 帖子. 分辨率: 更多发布!

现在我还没有开始写博客的音乐 (for those who get the Wilco reference), but I am taking us back to the ghost moth of previous posts.

Continue reading A ghost is born


怎么样 $2,000? 或者,也许你知道谁需要的本科? BioQuip提供每年奖学金 “鼓励 [本科] 学生的兴趣,在昆虫学”, 但你猜有多少人去年申请? 3. 而可悲的是,实际上高, 我敢肯定,该奖项已经在过去的几年无人认领. 克里斯秋季BioQuip发表本公布前几天在昆虫集合网络会议在圣地亚哥 (这是美妙的, 更多的后续和的EntSoc会议!) ((行, 行, 我知道我一直最近稀疏))

这个词需要摆脱, 所以我会尽我的一部分. 这将是很高兴地看到更多的教授, 研究生和热情的本科生,要求对他们的藏匿处自由兑换货币BioQuip! 去 这里这里 就看你怎么可以申请. 流传着一句话.



好, 并不是的. 实际上我不收集蝴蝶, 尤其是没有这些巨型裳凤蝶. 他们是惊人的动物, 但除了是巨大的, 他们也很昂贵 (平均样本去约一百块钱). 这个故事有新闻价值的部分是多少,那是为了拍卖. 在我告诉你价格… 这是一种罕见的蝴蝶罕见的差 (前翅几乎是一个纯绿色的腮红, 这是畸形的). 但…它仍然只是一只蝴蝶.

Continue reading ‘Tis the season for giving


下面是一些截图,从我最喜欢的播客之一, ! 对于那些谁不知道它, 你应该检查出来 – 并感到惊讶的是,它实际上并不是昆虫学相关. 真实的故事告诉在舞台上现场,从热闹到令人心碎. 但, 他们提出了一个外观上我的GOP – who can tell me why?


虽然我装备自己的物质的更多帖子, 享受科学蝴蝶收集的加州科学院这个简短的视频. 博士. 范竹做的分享我们的一些宝石了出色的工作, 实在是太糟糕了视频不下去了 (或约飞蛾!).


Bwahahahahahahaha. 这是惊人的这个女人只是多少crazyness的CRAMS这次采访. 它是如此糟糕,它实际上变得难以笑…

我从我的客场之旅,我的图片编辑工作, 敬请关注!


看看这个电影预告片 “燃烧的天堂” – “天空在燃烧”. 关于Guancaste雨林的北西哥斯达黎加康复的纪录片. 它看起来像一个美丽的电影…现在我只需要找到一个副本.