

不久前,我貼的設備, – 尋找一個涼爽的玻璃燈泡,據說是用光線嚇跑航班. 這種說法擊中了我的懷疑的神經, and I discussed it in my previous post. 在過去幾個星期我一直在研究合理的方法來測試這種說法 – and like much of my researchI procrastinate and end up watching TV. But every once in a while it pays off; and to my amazement I stumbled upon the Mythbusters and their Bug Special (Season 8, episode 26). One of their mini-myths was exactly thisthat bags of water can scare away flies! The test was designed pretty well, however the concept as to why it would have worked is flawed. As I discussed in my previous post, flies would and should be able to handle refracted and reflected light. 該 “invisible walltheory did not hold up as you can imagine and the bag of water did zero to repel fliesand it might have actually attracted a few who were looking for a droplet or two of moisture around the edges. I am still left wondering if the motion of scattered light would have any effect on fly behavior (however unlikely). Looks like I missed my opportunity for a Mythbusters consult!


Some really cool tilt-shift

亞歷克斯野 posted a few days ago about thefreelensingphotography technique. You can get some really cool results, especially with creating the illusion of miniaturesbut so far I haven’t been brave enough to give it a shot (無雙關語). I came across this impressive compilation of Haitian images on NPR today that is both tilt-shifted and stop-motion!



*Update*If you were previously subscribed to any posts, it looks like you will have to re-subscribe. I have decided though to skip on the entire-blog subscription and just stick to individual posts.

It’s always something. I updated my theme the other day and a glitch in the software caused a crash. Everything was put back together by the Southern Fried Scientist, but now I need to pick up the pieces and find a new theme to host my page. Stay tuned, I need to rebuild, and it will probably take me a day or two to get everything back to working order!


歡迎新的一年, 和近一個完整的的一年的博客! 這是驚人的速度有多快飛過, 但它再次總是確實. 十二月正如你可能已經注意到的橫空出世,以是取決於我的最薄弱的的的張貼個月的了令人咋舌的 2 帖子. 決議: 更張貼的!

關於音樂的的現在我已經沒有開始寫博客, (for those who get the Wilco reference), but I am taking us back to the ghost moth of previous posts.

Continue reading A ghost is born


怎麼樣 $2,000? 或者,也許你知道誰需要這樣的一個本科生? BioQuip提供每年獎學金 “鼓勵 [本科] 在昆蟲學學生的興趣”, 但你猜有多少人報名,去年? 3. 而可悲的是這實際上高, 我敢肯定,該獎項已經無人認領在過去的幾年. BioQuip 的 Chris Fall 幾天前在聖地亞哥昆蟲學收藏網絡會議上宣布了這一消息 (太棒了, 有關該會議和 EntSoc 會議的更多後續內容!) ((行, 行, 我知道最近我的貼文很少))

這個詞需要出去, 所以我會盡自己的一份力量. 很高興能見到更多的教授, 研究生和熱情的本科生向 BioQuip 詢問他們的免費資金! 去 這裡這裡 看如何申請. 傳播這個詞.



良好, 不是真的. 實際上我不收集蝴蝶, 特別是這些巨大的birdwings. 他們是驚人的動物, 但除了巨大的, 他們也很昂貴 (一百塊錢的平均標本). 這個故事有新聞價值的部分是多少,那是為了拍賣. 在我告訴你價格… 這是一種罕見的蝴蝶罕見的差 (前翅幾乎是一個純綠色的腮紅, 這是畸形的). 但…它仍然只是一隻蝴蝶.

Continue reading ‘Tis the season for giving


下面是一些截圖,從我最喜歡的播客之一, ! 對於那些誰不知道它, 你應該檢查出來 – 會感到驚訝,它實際上並不是昆蟲學相關. 真實的故事告訴在舞台上現場,從熱鬧到令人心碎. 但, 他們提出了一個對我的共和黨外觀 – 誰可以告訴我為什麼?


雖然我裝備自己的物質的更多帖子, 享受科學蝴蝶收集的加州科學院這個簡短的視頻. 博士. 範竹做的分享我們的一些寶石了出色的工作, 實在是太糟糕了視頻不下去了 (或約飛蛾!).


哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈. 這是驚人的這個女人只是多少crazyness的CRAMS這次採訪. 它是如此糟糕,它實際上變得難以笑…

我從我的客場之旅,我的圖片編輯工作, 敬請關注!


看看這個電影預告片 “燃燒的天堂” – “天空在燃燒”. 關於Guancaste雨林的北西哥斯達黎加康復的紀錄片. 它看起來像一個美麗的電影…現在我只需要找到一個副本.