هالوين سعيدة!

قد يكون اليوم في وقت متأخر, ولكن لا يزال يستحق المحاولة. بوو!

Aphonopelma species from Western Texas.

مرة أخرى في الميدان

غدا تبدأ المرحلة 1 العمل الميداني / القيادة المجنونة ووقت العطلة. أنا سوف تركز على جمع لهذه المرحلة من الرحلة, hitting southern Texas just in time for the tail end of fall flying moths in the genus Schinia. ولكن microleps هي اهتمامي الرئيسي, and I’m sure I’ll come back with hundreds of stunning specimens. I’ll be taking as many photos as I can, and I hope to post an update as I hit Chicago just in time for Halloween. Of course if I do see something too incredible, I’ll have to try and post from my cell right away. As for stage II, it will be a visit with my family and friends back in Chicago, and stage III will be a quick drive back to San Francisco across I-80 with fingers crossed to avoid the snow. If anyone is en-route and wants to join me in the field, send me an e-mail!

Stay tuned and wish me luck.

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عبقرية XIII الصحافة

هذا الأسبوع (كما لو كنت مواكبة هذه الأسبوعية) وقد أرسلت لي من قبل الحزب الجمهوري المعلق “مهدوم“. شكرا لك على المساهمة! يجعل مثل الاسهل, وأشجع بقوة التقارير المقبلة من القراء الآخرين.

بالنسبة لأولئك جديدة لبلدي بلوق – the Genius of the Press series is a contest to see who can identify the blatant errors of the press. So what’s wrong with the article below?

From the pages of Science News:

We get this gem.

الرأس في الغيوم

المدينة أعمل في يحدث أن تكون واحدة من أعظم المدن في العالم – لذلك اسمحوا لي فرك في فترة وجيزة. هنا هو شريط فيديو مذهلة من خليج سان فرانسيسكو التي استولت عليها فنان محلي. تأكد لمشاهدة في HD, انها مذهلة.

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen في فيميو.

دعوة لي متشككا…

جئت عبر this interesting device and had an instant gut reaction.. “بالطبع لمبة المياه غبي لا صد الذباب, هذا هو عملية احتيال!”…

التنفس العميق…

موافق وهذا هو الشك الرهيب. في الواقع, انها ساخرة وانها مجرد ما المشككين الكراهية التي تسمى. كما انها شيء يحدث كثيرا جدا بسهولة – I’m pretty convinced that ghosts don’t exist, there has been no compelling evidence, ever. But every time I hear a story of a haunting it is far too tempting to just think of a few plausible explanations and dismiss the case without a closer look. And when we do this we give fodder to the credulous investigator who will throw it back in our faces faster than a spirit-orb zipping across a room. Discovering a real ghost for the first time ever is pretty nearly impossible; yet the answer isn’t always the most obvious hypothesis and you can stumble upon a zebra every once in a while. The point is that investigation is the only real way to remain skeptical.

Continue reading Call me skeptical

انها فقط لن تتركني وحدي

على بلدي ينتقلون يوميا إلى بيركلي, لقد رصدت هذه (اعتذارات للصورة كريه). في الواقع, رأيت حفنة من هذه يطفو على السطح في جميع أنحاء سان فرانسيسكو ويجعلني تريد أن تمزق شعري في كل مرة. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين جديدة لبلدي بلوق, هذا يعود إلى بلدي عبقرية الصحافة X. كما أنني لست الوحيد الذي لديه لاحظت هذا المكسيكي الفراشة لوحة التصنيف تفشل.

قد طار الوقت

نجاح باهر انها كانت بضعة أسابيع منذ آخر مشاركة لي, وأنا أشعر بالحرج قليلا بعد أن ندعه يذهب وقتا طويلا. ما لي كانت تصل إلى? ليس كله لا. لا رحلات جمع مؤثرة, لا أنواع جديدة أو اكتشافات. في الواقع لقد كان يجلس في المجهر تشريح الأعضاء التناسلية أو داتاباسينغ الذباب الطفيلي. I’ll have to do a followup post to delve into those a bit more

But for now, here is a picture form last August. I was standing on an open stretch of Chihuahuan desert right outside of Douglas Arizona; a whopping one mile from the Mexican border. I arrived that evening with my collecting colleague, microlepidopterist Peter Jump, and we had just set up camp as the roll of thunder grew close. Aside from the extinct cinder-cones surrounding us and an occasional illegal immigrant, we were the only (and highest) thing around for miles. But the lightening was too hard to resist, I need a picture! But I didn’t have a cable release, nor a tripod, or even a good camera. So what to doI chose the genius option of standing outside for 40 minutes with my Canon point-and-shoot. I missed 99% of every shot I took, while with every passing minute the lightening grew closer. أخيرا, I stumbled upon this decent image. The storm ended up being brief, we huddle in the car (that you can just make out in the picture) while the lightening approached and it drizzled on us for an hour then moved on. Collecting that night was impressive. There were so many moths in the trap that everything had gotten beaten to bits. I managed to rescue a handful of good specimens, but lesson learned for next time.

عبقرية الصحافة XII

Another not all that difficult GOP challenge, found here from the Scottish TV website. What’s wrong with the story below?

قليلا من هومو البريطانية(ش)ص

مقطع قصير من العرض الرائع, مثيرة للاهتمام الى حد بعيد. بداية المناقشة في ما يتعلق البق القرمزي – على الرغم من أنهم يشيرون إليها بالخنافس! (نرى buggirl)

العنكبوت Sierran

A weekend without moths can lead a lepidopterist to do crazy things. Crazy enough to photograph a spider. Over the weekend I was accompanied to the eastern Sierra by fellow insect blogger, coworker and arachnologist, تاماس Szuts. I was on the quest for more specimens of a new Hepialidae of which you may be familiar with from an earlier post. I heard reports from others that at elevations of 11,000’ there was still a significant snowpack even by the end of July. I figured the moth may be flying late this year, if at all. I was hoping to catch the end of summer and the moth both in perfect synchronization. Such was not my luck. I awoke on Saturday morning, sat upright, and brushed the frost off of my sleeping bag while desperately willing myself to brave the morning chill. Temps must have been pushing 25 degrees, a sign that autumn had return to the mountains. Two traps, a black light sheet and running around at dusk yielded zero Hepialidae and only ten moths in total (four species).

And so I was encouraged by Tamas to actually photograph a non-lep, something that I should do more often. He had joined me eager to not only see the Sierra for the first time, but to find the beautiful SalticidaeHabronattus americanus. This little jumper can be found in the western states in rocky areas above 7,000′. After an hour or two of searching, Tamas finally captured a stunning pair. I must agree that this is a beautiful little spider. Visit his blog (in Hungarian) to see some of his stunning images as well.

Continue reading A Sierran Spider