Chris Grinter, on September 8th, 2010 While I work on a more substantial post, you can name this butterfly – and the plant should be pretty easy too. Extra bonus if you can guess the county (state won’t be too impressive) in which I took this photo. This was pre-DSLR, but my old beat up canon point-and-shoot did manage to get some good ones.
Chris Grinter, 7. septembril, 2010
Kurb lugu jõudis just Belize’ist üles – the Ameerika krokodillihariduse varjupaik on maani maha põlenud. Esmapilgul oli see lihtsalt kahetsusväärne teade traagilises tulekahjus hukkunud uurimis- ja konserveerimisrajatise kohta. See, siiski, pole kogu lugu. Selgub, et põlisrahvaste maiade jõuk lendas raevu ja süütas rajatise. Miks? Sest selgeltnägija ütles neile omanikele olid mõrvanud lapsi ja toitnud neid oma krokodillidele!
See oli nagu midagi Frankensteini filmist,” Cherie Rose ütles teisipäeval. “Kui oleksime kodus olnud, nad oleksid meid tapnud. Nad ütlesid, et tükeldavad meid ja söödavad krokodillidele.”
Riiklik politsei kinnitab, et maiade põlisrahvaste külaelanikud tegutsesid selgeltnägija nõuande järgi, kes ütles, et roosidel on augustikuuga midagi pistmist. 7 9-aastase Benjamin Rashi ja tema 11-aastase õe Onelia kadumine.
Küsimus kerkib sageli esile – “mis kahju see tegelikult on?” – mis puudutab sedalaadi antiteaduslikku woo. Enamus ajast, tegelikult pole kahju tehtud, välja arvatud taskuraamatusse. Kuid, mõne aja tagant, juhtub midagi traagilist ja seda kõike oleks olnud kerge vältida isegi väikseima ratsionaalse mõtlemise või diskreetsusega. Linna selgeltnägija oli neid gringosid süüdistades kaugeltki hoolimatu – ja ta peaks kandma oma tegude tagajärgi. Ta süüdistas kohalike laste surmas teadlikult kahte süütut inimest, mis tõi kiiresti kaasa isikliku vara ränga kaotuse. Õnneks, Cherie ja Vince Rose olid mõlemad sel ajal krokodilli päästmas – võib-olla poleks nad kodus olnud vihase rahvahulga eest pääsenud. Sellised näited teevad mind alati kurvaks, aga sütitage mu kirg nende varaste ja kurjategijate paljastamise vastu.
Soovitan külastada ACESi veebisaiti ja ajaveebi ja kas annetage või kirjutage toetusmärk. Kui ma ise poleks murdunud teadlane, Ma pakuksin rohkem abi nende ülesehitamiseks. Nüüd – kes aitab neid külaelanikke harida, enne kui see uuesti juhtub?!
Chris Grinter, on September 6th, 2010 For regular readers of my blog you might already know my stance on the monarch, kuid catch up here if you’d like to. Yesterday I came across see artikkel in the LA times – regarding the overwintering colonies of monarchs in Pacific Grove, CA. Out here, west of the continental divide, there are quite a few monarchs that migrate to coastal California and Baja del Norte instead of traveling into central Mexico. Not all monarchs from California stay in the state, but there are dozens hundreds of known roosting sites (.pdf) up and down our pacific coast.
Pacific Grove has one of the best known localities and has built the local economy around their seasonal migrants (yet no one is deporting these Mexicans). Lühidalt, the town government hired an arborist to cut back dangerous eucalyptus growth. Why was that necessary? Back in 2004 a limb from a diseased native-pine had fallen and killed an 85-year-old woman while on a walk with her grandchildren. In wake of the million dollar settlement paid to the family of the deceased the town decided to preemptively cut back old tree growth. But now everyone is running around screaming foul, the trees were trimmed ka much. Jah, the precious homes of the monarchs were disturbed and it has riled the townspeople into a fury. What if the monarch’s don’t return?
Don’t worry, local filmmaker Bob Pacelli has a solution. Let’s just scatter as many eucalyptus trees as we can find into the grove to attract more butterflies.
In desperation, Pacelli came up with a plan: Find boxed trees — preferably blue gum eucalyptus — around 20 feet high and place them at strategic spots to help shelter the incoming monarchs. But the city has been slow to respond, Pacelli said. One official, Pacelli said, wrongly accused him of stepping on a butterfly, a violation of city code. No charges were filed.
For those paying attention, jah, the city council of Pacific Grove has a law on the books that imposes a fine of $1,000 on anyone who molests a butterfly. Good things monarchs don’t roost in catholic churches.
Continue reading Monarch Madness
Chris Grinter, 27. augustil, 2010 See geenius ajakirjanduses on eriline, ei oma raskustes, kuid selle koondamine. Leidsin sama lugu läbi kahe eraldi allikad, erinevaid pilte – ja nii võrdselt vale! Ma kujutan ette, et see ei võta kaua aega, et keegi meelde täpselt, mis valesti need lood (vihje, on 2 things).
Here is the first from the “Giant rare moth found in Devon”.
And the second from the Daily Mail online ” Rare Luna moth found on Devon…”
Chris Grinter, aasta 24. august, 2010 Ja kuigi ma jõuda saab vaadata mõned jube Isabella Rossellini uuesti kehtestada paaritumise strateegiad lutikas. Samuti peaksite lugema, kui sa ei ole püütud juba, the excellent bedbug article written by the distinguished (ja minu endine professor) Mai Berenbaum.
Chris Grinter, on August 14th, 2010 Tonight, if you’re in San Francisco, you should make your way to Showdogs bar (near the SoMa) for skeptics in the pub with the honorable James Randi! I’ll be in attendance, along with a few fellow entomologist friends. Try this facebook link – but if that fails, the event starts at 9pm.
If you’re not in SF, enjoy some Randi videos instead!
Chris Grinter, 10. augustil, 2010
Pildil on must-sooneline valge (Apooria crataegi ssp), and it is currently being returned to the Korean Institute of Biological Resources. Laenud saada tagasi, nagu nad peaksid olema, iga päev – ja võib isegi mitmeid tuhandeid isendite. I myself have a few hundred moths out on loan from a handful of museums that are pending research. As soon as I finish my work (or request an extension), the specimens are promptly returned accompanying my paper. Unfortunately it is not a rare occurrence where loans have gone out, and remained out without permission, for decades. At least in one case to my knowledge (names and institutions redacted) the loaned specimens were out so long they created a small international incident. Foreign ambassadors had to formally request the specimens, which had to be presented in person by our ambassador to their country.
This butterfly, siiski, I don’t believe was part of a loan. So why is it going back to Korea?
Continue reading A Disturbing New Trend?
Chris Grinter, 9. augustil, 2010 This one is just ka easy. Stend on I-35 lõuna Burleson, Texas.
Ma ei tea tegeliku lähtekoha seda pilti, kuid see tuli minu tee Omar Bocanegra kaudu Mike Quinn Texas Lepidoptera teenuste loetelu.
Chris Grinter, 8. augustil, 2010
komistasin otsa (mitte komistamisel) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. Eriti meeldib mulle see pilt Calliphoridae vastsest (Protophormia sp.) see tundub rohkem C-reitinguga ulmefilmist kui loodusest pärit. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same time. The abrupt departure from standard mammalian body architecture makes insects prime candidates for other-worldly aliens. Insects must have been used as a guide for movies like District 9, Starship Troopers, Alien, Galaxy Quest… just to name a few recent ones. I am sure that other, more well-accredited, sci-fi geeks out there can think of even better examples. Along the same lines I recall these images I snapped of a Cerambycidae beetle below – Moneilema gigas. This was in the earliest days of my new camera so I can’t look back on them as perfect shots.
Continue reading Muppet Monsters
Chris Grinter, 6. august, 2010
Siin on mäe-destillatsiooniseadmetest mees Papilio zeliacon, või aniisi pääsusaba. See liblikas on levinud Lääne-Vaikse ookeani piirkonna riikide ja on tõenäoliselt palju rohkem ühist kui ta kunagi oli. Pärast kehtestamine apteegitilli (Foeniculum vulgare), ja järgnevate põgeneda aiandus, aniisi pääsusaba haaras ühise California liblikas. Võib-olla enne seda taime tabas meie teeäärte zelicaon võib olla piiratud Sierra jalamile, Nüüd võite leida selle üle aedade kõigis California. Kuigi, asjad tunduvad tagurdab end Lõuna-CA, kus see liblikas on kadumas linnadel. Viimased kasutuselevõtt mustlane ööliblikas Ventura / LA piirkondades on algatanud insektitsiid pihustamiseks režiimide – rääkimata välimuse invasiivse parasiitide Tachinidae et armastab suurem Leps. Out idarannikul see parasiitide lennata ja raske pritsimine on kõrvaldatakse täielikult Imperial ööliblikas (Eacles imperialistlike) alates palju see tema valik, jättes ohustatud enamik New England.
Continue reading Butterfly Porn