주중 미스터리

While I work on a more substantial post, you can name this butterflyand the plant should be pretty easy too. Extra bonus if you can guess the county (state won’t be too impressive) in which I took this photo. This was pre-DSLR, but my old beat up canon point-and-shoot did manage to get some good ones.

초능력 다시 공격!

슬픈 이야기는 벨리즈에서 그것의 방법을 만들어 단지있다 – the 미국 악어 교육 성역전소. 언뜻보기에이 비극적 인 화재에 잃어 버렸던 연구 및 보존 시설에 대한 불행한 보고서에 불과했다. 그, 그러나, 전체 이야기하지 않습니다. 그것은 토착 마야인의 군중이 분노로 날아와 시설을 지른 것으로 밝혀. 이유? 심령은 그들에게 소유자에게 있기 때문에 그들의 악어에게 아이를 살해하고 공급했다!

그것은 프랑켄슈타인 영화에서 무엇인가이었다,” 쉐리 로즈 밝혔다. “우리는 집에 있었​​다면, 그들은 우리를 죽일 것입니다. 그들은 우리를 잘라와 악어 우리를 공급하는 거라고 말했다.”

국립 경찰은 원주민 마야 마을 장미 당당한 함께 할 수있는 뭔가가 있다고 심령의 조언에 작용하고 있는지 확인 7 9 세의 벤자민 발진과 그의 11 살짜리 여동생 Onelia의 실종.

문제는 자주 온다 – “어떤 해는 정말?” – 안티 scientifc 이런 종류의에 관해서 우. 대부분의 시간, 정말 수행 손상이없는, 수첩에 제외. 그러나, 가끔씩, 비극적 인 일이 발생하고 모두가 쉽게 합리적인 생각이나 판단 심지어 가장 작은 비트 피할 수 있었다. 도시의 심령은 멀리 넘어 무모한이 외국인을 비난하여이었다 – 그녀는 결과를 그녀의 행동에 대한 고통을한다. 그녀는 의도적으로 지역 아동의 죽음에 대해 두 개의 무고한 사람들을 비난, 이는 신속하게 개인 재산의 심각한 손실의 결과. 고맙게도, 쉐리 빈스 로즈는 악어를 구출 한 번에 모두 떨어져 있었다 – 그들은 성난 폭도들이 집에 있었​​다 탈출하지 않은 수. 이것의 예로는 항상 나를 슬프게, 하지만이 도둑과 범죄자를 정체를 폭로에 대한 내 열정을 재 점화.

나는 ACES 웹 사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다 블로그 및 기부 또는 지원의 노트를 작성 중. 나는 나 자신 파산 과학자 아니었다면, 그들의 노력이 재건을 위해 나는 더 많은 지원을 제공 할 것. 지금 – 이런 일이 다시 생기기 전에 그 마을 사람들을 교육 도움이 될 것입니다 누가?!

모나크 광기

For regular readers of my blog you might already know my stance on the monarch, 하지만 catch up here if you’d like to. Yesterday I came across 이 문서 in the LA timesregarding the overwintering colonies of monarchs in Pacific Grove, 그. Out here, west of the continental divide, there are quite a few monarchs that migrate to coastal California and Baja del Norte instead of traveling into central Mexico. Not all monarchs from California stay in the state, but there are dozens hundreds of known roosting sites (.PDF) up and down our pacific coast.

Pacific Grove has one of the best known localities and has built the local economy around their seasonal migrants (yet no one is deporting these Mexicans). 요컨대, the town government hired an arborist to cut back dangerous eucalyptus growth. Why was that necessary? 다시 2004 a limb from a diseased native-pine had fallen and killed an 85-year-old woman while on a walk with her grandchildren. In wake of the million dollar settlement paid to the family of the deceased the town decided to preemptively cut back old tree growth. But now everyone is running around screaming foul, the trees were trimmed 너무 much. 예, the precious homes of the monarchs were disturbed and it has riled the townspeople into a fury. What if the monarch’s don’t return?

Don’t worry, local filmmaker Bob Pacelli has a solution. Let’s just scatter as many eucalyptus trees as we can find into the grove to attract more butterflies.

In desperation, Pacelli came up with a plan: Find boxed trees — preferably blue gum eucalyptus — around 20 feet high and place them at strategic spots to help shelter the incoming monarchs. But the city has been slow to respond, Pacelli said. One official, Pacelli said, wrongly accused him of stepping on a butterfly, a violation of city code. No charges were filed.

For those paying attention, 예, the city council of Pacific Grove has a law on the books that imposes a fine of $1,000 on anyone who molests a butterfly. Good things monarchs don’t roost in catholic churches.

Continue reading Monarch Madness

Genius of the Press XI

This genius of the press is extra special, not for its difficulty, but for its redundancy. I found the same story carried on two separate sources, with different imagesand both equally incorrect! I can imagine that it won’t take long for someone to point out exactly what’s wrong with these stories (hint, 있다 2 things).

Here is the first from the Mirror.co.ukGiant rare moth found in Devon”.

And the second from the Daily Mail onlineRare Luna moth found on Devon…”

I’ve been a little behind

And while I catch up you can watch some creepy Isabella Rossellini re-enact the mating strategies of a bedbug. You should also read, if you haven’t caught it already, the excellent bedbug article written by the distinguished (and my former professor) May Berenbaum.


Skeptics in the Pup

Tonight, if you’re in San Francisco, you should make your way to Showdogs bar (near the SoMa) for skeptics in the pub with the honorable James Randi! I’ll be in attendance, along with a few fellow entomologist friends. Try this facebook linkbut if that fails, the event starts at 9pm.

If you’re not in SF, enjoy some Randi videos instead!


불안한 새로운 트렌드?

Pictured is a black-veined white (Aporia crataegi ssp), and it is currently being returned to the Korean Institute of Biological Resources. Loans get returned, as they should be, every dayand can even number in the thousands of specimens. I myself have a few hundred moths out on loan from a handful of museums that are pending research. As soon as I finish my work (or request an extension), the specimens are promptly returned accompanying my paper. Unfortunately it is not a rare occurrence where loans have gone out, and remained out without permission, for decades. At least in one case to my knowledge (names and institutions redacted) the loaned specimens were out so long they created a small international incident. Foreign ambassadors had to formally request the specimens, which had to be presented in person by our ambassador to their country.

This butterfly, 그러나, I don’t believe was part of a loan. So why is it going back to Korea?

Continue reading A Disturbing New Trend?

언론의 천재 X

이건 그냥 너무 쉬운. 빌보드는 Burleson 남쪽 I-35에 있습니다., 텍사스.

이 이미지의 정확한 출처를 모르겠습니다, 그러나 Texas Lepidoptera list-serv의 Mike Quinn을 통해 Omar Bocanegra에서 내 방식으로 왔습니다..

머펫 몬스터

I stumbled upon (not on stumbleupon) these colored SEM images on the Telegraph webpage today. I especially love this image of a Calliphoridae larva (Protophormia sp.) that seems more out of a C-rated science fiction movie than nature. It reminds me of both a freakish Star Wars character and a Muppet at the same time. The abrupt departure from standard mammalian body architecture makes insects prime candidates for other-worldly aliens. Insects must have been used as a guide for movies like District 9, Starship Troopers, Alien, Galaxy Questjust to name a few recent ones. I am sure that other, more well-accredited, sci-fi geeks out there can think of even better examples. Along the same lines I recall these images I snapped of a Cerambycidae beetle belowMoneilema gigas. This was in the earliest days of my new camera so I can’t look back on them as perfect shots.

Continue reading Muppet Monsters

Butterfly Porn

Here is a hill-topping male Papilio zeliacon, or Anise swallowtail. This butterfly is widespread in the western Pacific states and is probably much more common than it once was. After the introduction of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and subsequent escape from horticulture, the anise swallowtail took hold as a common California butterfly. Perhaps before this plant overtook our roadsides the zelicaon may have been restricted to the Sierra foothills, now you can find it across gardens in all of California. 이기는 하지만, things seem to be reversing themselves in southern CA where this butterfly is disappearing from urban areas. Recent introduction of the gypsy moth to the Ventura/LA areas has initiated insecticide spraying regimesnot to mention the appearance of an invasive parasitic Tachinidae that loves larger leps. Out on the east coast this parasitic fly and heavy spraying has extirpated the Imperial moth (Eacles imperialis) from much of it’s range, leaving it endangered in most of New England.

Continue reading Butterfly Porn