Jā, Republikāņi Must Hate Me Too.

Over on Myrmecos Alex Wild tikai vērsta uz manu uzmanību diezgan personisku uzbrukumu no pāris republikas senatoru (Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and John McCain, R-Ariz). Once again I started to comment, but given how close to home this hits, I felt a longer winded diatribe approaching

Acīmredzot, mans darbs ir milzu naudas izšķiešana. Finansējums, ka Kalifornijas Zinātņu akadēmija (mans darba devējs) ir saņēmusi, nāk tiešā uzbrukuma. Labi, my amats nav nekāda sakara ar Antweb un es neesmu atbalstīja valsts līdzekļiem – bet daži no maniem kolēģiem ir. Kolēģi, kas ir tieši tādu pašu darba nosaukumu kā mana, strādāt dažas durvis uz leju, un gadās strādāt pie dažādiem projektiem, kas finansēti no dažādiem avotiem. Ko tas vārīties uz leju, lai ir ne tikai republikas karš par zinātni (iet atrast šo grāmatu), bet republikas karš par intelektuālisma. Ikvienam, kura zvīņaina maz roka ir izstrādāts šis ziņojums ir ne tikai apzināti neziņā, bet tiek tieši negodīgi. Kāda ir viņu unstated galvenais priekšnoteikums šeit? Loģisks maldi iet kaut kur pa līniju…

A) Demokrāti ir izšķērdēt naudu, jo mēs esam nav pie varas.

B) Norādot, kur šī nauda tiek “izšķērdēta” mēs palīdzēsim to saglabāt, un, savukārt ingratiate sevi ar vēlētājiem.

B) Atbalsts zinātne (piem. izšķērdīgs izdevumi) ir iemesls mūsu ekonomiskās problēmas.

Continue reading Yes, Republikāņi Must Hate Me Too.

Bezjēdzīgi ziņas, šoreiz no dabas

Svaigu pie galda ar dabas News ir līdzeklis pondering pasauli bez odiem (vai-kāju). Kā tas ziņas? Varbūt ir dažas jaunas vektora kontrole mums visiem ir nepieciešams, lai dzirdēt par! Labi, izbraukšana rakstu no jaunākajā izdevumā Nature nosaukumu “Pasaule bez Odi“. I originally came across this on PZ Myers blog and started to write a commentwhich started to grow exponentially so I decided to blog about it instead.

Continue reading Pointless news, šoreiz no dabas

Man vajadzētu sākt maksas

Labi, varbūt ne. But I did get a little jealous when I came across this article where I discovered a local San Francisco artist who is charging $60 POP “kukaiņu izplatīšanās nodarbības”. Nez, cik daudz tiešām parādās ikmēneša klasē? Tas tikai, Chris Grinter is offering an insect spreading class for merely $49.99! I’d probably make it all sciency though and no one would show

But while you’re learning the ways of pinning you can pick up your creepy victorian taxidermy character.

(image from Paxton Gate)

Ģēnijs Preses IX

Tikai par laiks citam apjomam Genius Preses. Who will be first to spot the error here? Piešķirti, informāciju sadaļā Kalifornijas vienotas likmes mainīgajā mājas lapā nav tieši avots top notch žurnālistikas…

Šoreiz, ar kode

Šeit ir daži vairāk bildes no mana nesenā ziemeļu ceļu ceļojums, šoreiz no rietumu Aidaho. Tiesības ārpus pilsētas New Meadows bija lauki ziedu biezas ar dzīvi. Tas bija daži no labākajiem dienā vācot es esmu darījusi gados, and fellow road tripper Peter Jump and I discovered this population of Adela mani uzliesmo. This represents a likely state record for Idaho and possibly the eastern most population known for this species. They are supposedly associated with Owl’s Clover (some now reassigned to Castilleja), but I don’t recall ever seeing any at this location. I usually notice this plant whenever I’m in the field because it is the host to a handful of other interesting leps.

One frustrating character of the genus Adela is the homogeneity of the genitalia. For any entomologist out there it is par for the course to use the morphology of genitalia as a plethora of characters most useful in species identification. Microleps are often most easily differentiated through dissection, and a few groups must be dissected to even get to genus! But even strikingly different Adela are almost identical internally. Vietā, a leg will go off to get DNA barcoded. Chances are it’s nothing too interesting, but stranger things have been known to happen. At the very least it will be informative to know what the genetic divergence might be across the range of the species.

Adela mani uzliesmo

Chlosyne palla blackmorei Northern Checkerspot

Lycaena editha Edith’s Copper

Tikai bārs pilsētā

Austrumu Lassen apgabals, par milzīgo augstu kadiķu pauguri no Kalifornijas Nevada robežas, ir ganāmpulki “mežonīgs” zirgi, aitas un liellopus. Par par kursu, tikai ziedošs augs apkārt bija horehound (Marrubium vulgare). Neskatoties uz ne-vietējo floru un (semi)mega-fauna, kukaiņi vēl bija mājās. Ir vienīgais nektāra avots, the small clumps of invasives were packed with thirsty Lycaenidae. In all I netted 6 different species and got some decent shots of 3. It seems like I take a lot of butterfly photos for a moth collectorbut it’s hard to pass up such a charismatic group.

But thinking of those horses (ah OK, “mustangs”) has given me a great idea. Jā, horses were once part of the prehistoric American fauna up until about 12,000 gadiem. While the horse family may have evolved on the American plains, they have been long absent. Reintroduction of horses by the Spaniards planted the seeds that would become a staple of American culture. That is why today millions of dollars and tens of thousands of feral horses run wild in CA, NV and Utah. Even less popular are the somewhat clandestine annual culls that must be strictly enforced to keep these large herds healthy. My solution: reintroduce lions. America was once home to the North American lion (Panthera leo atrox), which stood a whopping 25% larger than the African lion and was the largest cat to have ever lived. These must have feasted on horse-tacos and in turn kept the populations stable. And since our feral horses are of Arabian dissent, we may as well introduce the extremely endangered Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica), that will be well suited to feast on its Persian brethren. If we are conserving “mežonīgs” zirgi, we might as well do it right (vairāk, I’d be much more interested in seeing horses if I could see lions too).

Grinter Satyrium californica cygnusSatyrium californica cygnus

Satyrium behrii

Callophyrus gryneus nelsoni

Kurnēšana kurnēšana…

Es neesmu pārāk pārliecināts, vai es esmu pārdevis par šo tēmu. Es esmu iepirkšanās aptuveni par jaunu izskatu, un dodu “divdesmit desmit” mēģināt. Ļaujiet man zināt jūsu viedokli – vai jūs domājat, ka tas ir labāk nekā iepriekšējā izkārtojumu “miglains”, vai ja ir cits dizains jums patīk. Jābūt īpaši kritiska (especially since I had zero to do with these pre-fab designs).

Labi – didn’t like the new theme all that much, went back to the tried and true misty. I can always hope for a future one that fits this page a bit better though.

Thanks for the input (especially for some received off-blog).

Rietumu Arizona

Pirms dažiem mēnešiem es biju no vākšanas rietumu Arizona un nav sekot, izmantojot ar attēliem vai atjauninājumus par šo braucienu. Labi, tā bija veiksmīga, un labi vērts km tur nokļūt! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks to the Kofa staff for quickly approving my permits). While I’m still sorting through moths from that trip, the timing couldn’t have been better weather wise. It was mild out (mid 90’s is almost cool for that region!) and still wet. As you can see below, there were plenty of moths that night. Here are a few images from the tripnow to catch up with my latest photos!

This is as close to the Big Horn Sheep as I could get

Continue reading Western Arizona

(Grinter) Ghost House

Es esmu atpakaļ no ceļa ar tūkstošiem paraugiem, mazliet noguris un gatavs sēdēt vēl mazliet. Kopumā tas bija brīnišķīgs ceļojums – bet man ir daudz un daudz apstrādi darīt. Kamēr es spēlēt catch-up, baudīt šo klipu. Cik es zinu, nav tiešas saiknes. But the Grinter pool is a small one and it seems like he should be somewhere on my tree. All I can say is that I hope after I am gone there are ghosts of my creepy employees haunting my home, breathing heavily behind visitors (patiešām? that’s the latest ghost trick?). I also fully expect a documentary with a guy trying patiešām hard to sound creepyit should be in my last will and testament.

Uz ceļa atkal

Over the next week and a half I’ll be driving up to Washington state for the annual Lepidopterists’ Sabiedrība sanāksme. Tā atrodas tūristu lamatas pilsētas Leavenworth, , kas ir “Bavārijas tēmu” diorāma par pastkaršu un nosprostot veikalos. While I can never quite understand the appeal of themed towns, it is something Americans just love. Velns, I lived in Solvang for two years (zemāk), so Leavenworth will be a nostalgic remembrance.

Now of course I’ll be camping and collecting along the way, so my posting will dip below the already slow norm. I’ll try to post some updates form the road, especially when incredible things happen*. Sekojiet līdzi, and enjoy the other spectacular bloggers from my blogroll.

* Which they undoubtedly will. Protams, I know I promised this from my last road trip to Arizona and have yet to deliver. I’m working on it!