Da, Republikanci Must Hate Me Too.

Over on Myrmecos Alex Wild just brought to my attention a rather personal attack from a pair of republican senators (Tom Coburn, R-okla., in John McCain, R-Ariz). Spet sem začel komentar, vendar glede kako blizu doma, to zadene, Počutil sem se več daha DiATRiBE približuje…

Očitno, my job is a giant waste of money. Funding that the California Academy of Sciences (my employer) has received, is coming under direct attack. v redu, my position has nothing to do with Antweb and I am not supported by public fundsbut some of my colleagues are. Colleagues that have the exact same job title as my own, work a few doors down, and happen to work on different projects funded from different sources. What this boils down to is not only a republican war on science (go find that book), but a republican war on intellectualism. Everyone whose scaly little hand has crafted this report is not only willfully ignorant but is being outright dishonest. What is their unstated major premise here? The logical fallacy runs somewhere along the line of

A) Democrats are wasting money because we are not in power.

B) By pointing out where this money is beingwastedwe will help save it and in turn ingratiate ourselves to the voters.

B) Supporting science (npr. wasteful spending) is the cause of our economic problems.

Continue reading Yes, Republikanci Must Hate Me Too.

Nesmiselno novice, tokrat iz narave

Sveže off mizi v Nature News je funkcija razmišljal svet brez komarji (ali prsti). Kako je ta novica? Morda je nekaj novega vektorska regulacija vsi moramo slišati o! Dobro, oglejte članek iz zadnje izdaje narave z naslovom “World Without komarji“. Prvotno sem naletel na to Blog PZ Myers in začel pisati komentar… ki je začel eksponentno rasti, zato sem se namesto tega odločil za blog.

Continue reading Pointless news, tokrat iz narave

Moral bi začeti polniti

v redu, maybe not. But I did get a little jealous when I came across Ta članek where I discovered a local San Francisco artist who is charging $60 a pop forinsect spreading classes”. I wonder how many really show up to the monthly class? This just in, Chris Grinter is offering an insect spreading class for merely $49.99! I’d probably make it all sciency though and no one would show

But while you’re learning the ways of pinning you can pick up your creepy victorian taxidermy character.

(image from Paxton Gate)

Genius of the Press IX

Just about time for another volume of Genius of the Press. Who will be first to spot the error here? Ki, the information section of the california flat rate moving website is not exactly a source of top notch journalism

Tokrat, z molj

Here are a few more images from my recent northern road trip, this time from western Idaho. Right outside the town of New Meadows were fields of flowers thick with life. It was some of the best day collecting I’ve done in years, and fellow road tripper Peter Jump and I discovered this population of Adela flammeusella. This represents a likely state record for Idaho and possibly the eastern most population known for this species. They are supposedly associated with Owl’s Clover (some now reassigned to Castilleja), but I don’t recall ever seeing any at this location. I usually notice this plant whenever I’m in the field because it is the host to a handful of other interesting leps.

Ena neprijetno značaj rodu Adela je homogenost genitalij. Za vsako entomolog tam je par za tečaj za uporabo morfologije genitalij kot obilice znakov najbolj uporabnih pri ugotavljanju vrst. Microleps so pogosto najbolj enostavno razlikujejo po disekciji, in nekaj skupin je treba razkosanih celo priti do rodu! Ampak tudi presenetljivo drugačen Adela so skoraj identični notranje. Namesto, noga bo ugasnila, da se DNA barcoded. Verjetno se ni nič preveč zanimiva, vendar so bili Stranger stvari znano, da se zgodi. Vsaj bo informativen, da vedo, kaj lahko genetska divergenca biti po območju vrste.

Adela flammeusella

Chlosyne žogo blackmorei – Severna Checkerspot

Lycaena Editha Edith’s Copper

Samo bar v mestu

V vzhodni Lassen občine, na prostrane visoke brinovimi hribih meji California, Nevada, obstajajo črede “wild” konji, ovce in govedo. Par za tečaj, le cvetoče rastline okoli bil lahkotnico (Marrubium vulgare). Kljub tujerodnih rastlinskih in (semi)mega-favna, žuželke so bile še vedno doma. Ker je edini vir nektarja, majhne kepe invazivne so pakirani z žejni Lycaenidae. V vsem sem pobotajo 6 različnih vrst in imam nekaj spodobnih posnetkov 3. Zdi se, kot da sem se veliko metuljev fotografij za zavijača zbiralca…vendar je težko da bi šli gor tak karizmatično skupino.

Ampak razmišljam o teh konjih (OK, “Mustangs”) mi je dal odlično idejo. Da, Konji so bili nekoč del predzgodovinskih ameriških živalskih do približno 12,000 Pred leti. Medtem ko so družinski konj lahko razvili na ameriški ravnicah, so že dolgo odsoten. Ponovna uvedba konj s Španci posajena semena, da bi postali rezanih ameriške kulture. To je razlog, zakaj je danes na milijone dolarjev in več deset tisoč divjih konjev teči divje v CA, NV in Utah. Še manj priljubljene so nekoliko skrivne letna culls, da je treba strogo uveljavljati, da te velike črede zdrava. Moja rešitev: ponovno levov. Amerika je bila nekoč dom severnoameriškem lev (Panthera atrox), ki je stala nekaj velikega 25% večji od afriškega leva in je največja mačka, da so kdaj živeli. To je moral biti feasted na divjega tacos in v zameno hranijo populacije stabilne. In ker so naši divji konji arabskega nesoglasja, bomo lahko tudi uvede izredno ogroženega azijski lev (Azijski lev), da bo primerna za praznik na svoje perzijske bratov. Če smo se ohranja “wild” konji, bomo lahko tudi to pravico (bolj, Želel je veliko bolj zanima, konje, če sem lahko videl levov preveč).

Grinter Satyrium californica cygnusSatyrium californica Cygnus

Satyrium behrii

Callophyrus gryneus nelsoni

Bastard Bastard…

I’m not too sure if I’m sold on this theme. I’ve been shopping around for a new look, and am givingtwenty tena try. Let me know your opinionwhether or not you think it is better than the previous layoutmisty”, or if there is another design you love. Be extra critical (especially since I had zero to do with these pre-fab designs).

Dobro – didn’t like the new theme all that much, went back to the tried and true misty. I can always hope for a future one that fits this page a bit better though.

Thanks for the input (especially for some received off-blog).

Western Arizona

A few months ago I was out collecting in western Arizona and failed to follow through with any images or updates on that trip. Dobro, it was a success and well worth the miles to get there! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks to the Kofa staff for quickly approving my permits). While I’m still sorting through moths from that trip, the timing couldn’t have been better weather wise. It was mild out (mid 90’s is almost cool for that region!) and still wet. As you can see below, there were plenty of moths that night. Here are a few images from the tripnow to catch up with my latest photos!

This is as close to the Big Horn Sheep as I could get

Continue reading Western Arizona

(Grinter) Ghost House

Jaz sem nazaj od ceste z več tisoč primerkov, malo utrujeni in pripravljeni, da še vedno sedel za malo. Glede na vse to je čudovit izlet – ampak imam veliko in veliko obdelave storiti. Medtem ko sem igral dohitevanje, uživajte ta posnetek. Kolikor jaz vem,, ne obstaja neposredna povezava. But the Grinter pool is a small one and it seems like he should be somewhere on my tree. All I can say is that I hope after I am gone there are ghosts of my creepy employees haunting my home, breathing heavily behind visitors (res? that’s the latest ghost trick?). I also fully expect a documentary with a guy trying res hard to sound creepyit should be in my last will and testament.

On the road again

Over the next week and a half I’ll be driving up to Washington state for the annual Lepidopterists’ Society meeting. It is located in the tourist-trap town of Leavenworth, which is aBavarian themeddiorama of postcard and clog shops. While I can never quite understand the appeal of themed towns, it is something Americans just love. Heck, I lived in Solvang for two years (Spodaj), so Leavenworth will be a nostalgic remembrance.

Now of course I’ll be camping and collecting along the way, so my posting will dip below the already slow norm. I’ll try to post some updates form the road, especially when incredible things happen*. Stay tuned, and enjoy the other spectacular bloggers from my blogroll.

* Which they undoubtedly will. Of course, I know I promised this from my last road trip to Arizona and have yet to deliver. I’m working on it!