Ndiyo, Republican Lazima Hate Me sana.

Inaendelea Myrmecos Alex Wild hivi punde ameniletea shambulio la kibinafsi kutoka kwa jozi ya maseneta wa Republican (Tom Coburn, R-Okla., na John McCain, R-Ariz). Kwa mara nyingine tena mimi kuanza kutoa maoni, lakini kutokana na jinsi ya karibu na nyumba hii hits, Nilihisi tena winded diatribe inakaribia…

Inavyoonekana, kazi yangu ni a upotevu mkubwa wa pesa. Ufadhili wa Chuo cha Sayansi cha California (mwajiri wangu) imepokea, inakuja kushambuliwa moja kwa moja. sawa, yangu msimamo hauhusiani na Antweb na siungwi mkono na fedha za umma – lakini baadhi ya wenzangu wapo. Wenzangu ambao wana jina la kazi sawa na yangu, kazi milango michache chini, na kutokea kufanya kazi katika miradi tofauti inayofadhiliwa kutoka vyanzo tofauti. Nini hii inajitokeza sio tu vita vya jamhuri juu ya sayansi (nenda utafute hicho kitabu), lakini vita vya jamhuri dhidi ya usomi. Kila mtu ambaye mkono wake mdogo wenye magamba umetengeneza ripoti hii sio tu kwamba ni mjinga kimakusudi bali ni mdanganyifu kabisa.. Ni nini msingi wao mkuu ambao haujaelezewa hapa? Uongo wa kimantiki huendesha mahali fulani kwenye mstari wa…

A) Wanademokrasia wanafuja pesa kwa sababu hatuko madarakani.

B) Kwa kuashiria pesa hizi ziko wapi “kupita” tutasaidia kuokoa na kwa upande wetu kujipendekeza kwa wapiga kura.

B) Kusaidia sayansi (k.m.. matumizi ya ubadhirifu) ndio chanzo cha matatizo yetu ya kiuchumi.

Continue reading Yes, Republican Lazima Hate Me sana.

Habari zisizo na maana, wakati huu kutoka kwa Nature

Safi nje ya dawati la Habari za Asili ni kipengele kinachotafakari kuhusu ulimwengu usio na mbu (au - vidole). Habari hii? Labda kuna udhibiti mpya wa vekta ambao sote tunahitaji kusikia kuuhusu! Vizuri, angalia makala kutoka toleo la hivi punde la Nature yenye jina “Ulimwengu Usio na Mbu“. I originally came across this on PZ Myers blog and started to write a commentwhich started to grow exponentially so I decided to blog about it instead.

Continue reading Pointless news, wakati huu kutoka kwa Nature

Mimi lazima kuanza kumshutumu

sawa, labda si. But I did get a little jealous when I came across makala hii where I discovered a local San Francisco artist who is charging $60 pop kwa “wadudu kueneza madarasa”. Nashangaa jinsi wengi kweli kuonyesha hadi darasa mwezi? Hii tu katika, Chris Grinter is offering an insect spreading class for merely $49.99! I’d probably make it all sciency though and no one would show

But while you’re learning the ways of pinning you can pick up your creepy victorian taxidermy character.

(image from Paxton Gate)

Fikra ya Press IX

Tu kuhusu muda kwa ajili ya mwingine kiasi cha Genius ya Press. Who will be first to spot the error here? Nafasi, sehemu ya habari ya california kiwango cha gorofa ya kusonga tovuti si hasa chanzo cha uandishi wa habari top notch…

Wakati huu, na nondo

Here are a few more images from my recent northern road trip, this time from western Idaho. Right outside the town of New Meadows were fields of flowers thick with life. It was some of the best day collecting I’ve done in years, and fellow road tripper Peter Jump and I discovered this population of Adela ananichoma moto. This represents a likely state record for Idaho and possibly the eastern most population known for this species. They are supposedly associated with Owl’s Clover (some now reassigned to Castilleja), but I don’t recall ever seeing any at this location. I usually notice this plant whenever I’m in the field because it is the host to a handful of other interesting leps.

One frustrating character of the genus Adela is the homogeneity of the genitalia. For any entomologist out there it is par for the course to use the morphology of genitalia as a plethora of characters most useful in species identification. Microleps are often most easily differentiated through dissection, and a few groups must be dissected to even get to genus! But even strikingly different Adela are almost identical internally. Badala yake, a leg will go off to get DNA barcoded. Chances are it’s nothing too interesting, but stranger things have been known to happen. At the very least it will be informative to know what the genetic divergence might be across the range of the species.

Adela ananichoma moto

Chlosyne palla blackmorei Northern Checkerspot

Lycaena editha Edith’s Copper

Baa pekee mjini

Katika kaunti ya Lassen mashariki, kwenye vilima virefu vya mreteni kwenye mpaka wa California-Nevada, kuna mifugo “mwitu” farasi, kondoo na ng'ombe. Par kwa kozi, mmea pekee wa maua karibu ulikuwa horehound (Marrubium vulgaris). Licha ya flora isiyo ya asili na (nusu)mega-fauna, wadudu walikuwa bado nyumbani. Kuwa chanzo pekee cha nekta, makundi madogo ya wavamizi yalikuwa yamejaa Lycaenidae yenye kiu. Katika yote nilifunga 6 aina mbalimbali na got baadhi ya shots heshima ya 3. Inaonekana kama ninapiga picha nyingi za kipepeo kwa mkusanyaji wa nondo…lakini ni vigumu kuachana na kikundi cha haiba kama hicho.

Lakini kufikiria farasi hao (Ah sawa, “haradali”) imenipa wazo kubwa. Ndiyo, farasi walikuwa sehemu ya fauna prehistoric Marekani hadi karibu 12,000 miaka iliyopita. Ingawa familia ya farasi inaweza kuwa imeibuka kwenye tambarare za Amerika, wamekuwa hawapo kwa muda mrefu. Kuanzishwa tena kwa farasi na Wahispania kulipanda mbegu ambazo zingekuwa kikuu cha utamaduni wa Marekani. Ndiyo maana leo mamilioni ya dola na makumi ya maelfu ya farasi mwitu wanakimbia sana katika CA, NV na Utah. Hata maarufu sana ni ulafi wa kila mwaka ambao ni lazima utekelezwe kikamilifu ili kuweka mifugo hii mikubwa yenye afya.. Suluhisho langu: kuanzisha tena simba. Amerika mara moja ilikuwa nyumbani kwa simba wa Amerika Kaskazini (Panthera leo atrox), ambayo ilisimama kidete 25% mkubwa kuliko simba wa Kiafrika na ndiye paka mkubwa zaidi kuwahi kuishi. Hawa lazima walikula taco za farasi na kwa upande wao waliweka idadi ya watu kuwa sawa. Na kwa vile farasi wetu wa kimwitu ni wa upinzani wa Kiarabu, tunaweza pia kutambulisha simba wa Asia aliye hatarini sana kutoweka (Panthera leo persica), ambayo itafaa kuwafanyia karamu ndugu zake Waajemi. Ikiwa tunahifadhi “mwitu” farasi, tunaweza pia kuifanya sawa (pamoja, Ningependezwa zaidi kuona farasi ikiwa ningeona simba pia).

Grinter Satyrium californica cygnusSatyrium californica cygnus

Satyrium behrii

Callophyrus gryneus nelsoni


I’m not too sure if I’m sold on this theme. I’ve been shopping around for a new look, and am givingtwenty tena try. Let me know your opinionwhether or not you think it is better than the previous layoutmisty”, or if there is another design you love. Be extra critical (especially since I had zero to do with these pre-fab designs).

Vizuri – didn’t like the new theme all that much, went back to the tried and true misty. I can always hope for a future one that fits this page a bit better though.

Thanks for the input (especially for some received off-blog).

Western Arizona

A few months ago I was out collecting in western Arizona and failed to follow through with any images or updates on that trip. Vizuri, it was a success and well worth the miles to get there! I was searching for a Crambid moth in the mountains of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge (special thanks to the Kofa staff for quickly approving my permits). While I’m still sorting through moths from that trip, the timing couldn’t have been better weather wise. It was mild out (mid 90’s is almost cool for that region!) and still wet. As you can see below, there were plenty of moths that night. Here are a few images from the tripnow to catch up with my latest photos!

This is as close to the Big Horn Sheep as I could get

Continue reading Western Arizona

(Mchomaji) Nyumba ya Roho

Nimerudi kutoka barabarani na maelfu ya vielelezo, uchovu kidogo na tayari kukaa kimya kidogo. Kwa yote ilikuwa ni safari ya ajabu – lakini nina mengi na mengi ya usindikaji wa kufanya. Wakati mimi kucheza catch-up, furahia video hii. Nijuavyo mimi, hakuna uhusiano wa moja kwa moja. But the Grinter pool is a small one and it seems like he should be somewhere on my tree. All I can say is that I hope after I am gone there are ghosts of my creepy employees haunting my home, breathing heavily behind visitors (kweli? that’s the latest ghost trick?). I also fully expect a documentary with a guy trying kweli hard to sound creepyit should be in my last will and testament.

On the road again

Over the next week and a half I’ll be driving up to Washington state for the annual Lepidopterists’ Mkutano wa jamii. It is located in the tourist-trap town of Leavenworth, which is aBavarian themeddiorama of postcard and clog shops. While I can never quite understand the appeal of themed towns, it is something Americans just love. Heck, I lived in Solvang for two years (chini), so Leavenworth will be a nostalgic remembrance.

Now of course I’ll be camping and collecting along the way, so my posting will dip below the already slow norm. I’ll try to post some updates form the road, especially when incredible things happen*. Endelea kufuatilia, and enjoy the other spectacular bloggers from my blogroll.

* Which they undoubtedly will. Bila shaka, I know I promised this from my last road trip to Arizona and have yet to deliver. I’m working on it!